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Language Family and Branches. I N DO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. The most studied language family in the word. English. Languages spoken in many countries as official or co-official . German. Spanish. Russian. French. Reasons.
LanguageFamily and Branches
I NDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES The most studied language family in the word. English Languagesspoken in manycountriesas officialorco-official. German Spanish Russian French Reasons Over 50% of theworld’spopulationspeakone o more of theselanguage, Greek Great classicallanguages of religion, culture, and phylosophybelongtothisfamily Latin Persian Originated in Theforests North of the Black Sea DuringTheNeoloithicperiod (about 7000 BC) West toEurope Spreadedto South totheMediterranean North toScandinavia East to India CelticBranch HellenicBranch IndicBranch GermanicBranch IllyricBranch TokharianBranch 12 Branches Divided in LatinBranch AnatolianBranch SlavicBranch ThracianBranch BalticBranch IranianBranch
Anglo SaxonspushedCelticSpeakersinto: CelticBranch(Thesmallestbranch) Oringins: Central Europe Dominated Western Europe (around 400 BC) Third oldest literature in Europe, after Greek and Latin. Wales (Welsh) Ireland (IrishGaelic) Scotland ( Scottish Gaelic) Coast of France (Breton) It’smuchclosertoWelshthanFrench Cumbrian ( Cumbria, Manx Gaulish (France) • ExtintCelticLanguages Cornish (Cornwall in England Pictish (Scotland) Galatian (Anatolia) LatinAlphabetbecause of Christian missionaries
GermanicBranch Scandinavianlanguagesbelongtothisbranch TheselanguagesoriginatefromOldNorse and Saxons. ClosetoOldNorse Yiddish iswrittenusingtheHebrew script • ExtintLanguages • Gothic (Central Europe) • Frankish (France) • Lombardo (Danuberegion) • Visigoth (IberianPeninsula) • Vandal (North Africa) Germaniclanguages use theLatinAlphabet. German has a system of 4 cases and 3 gendersforitsnouns.
LatinBranch( ALSO CALLED Italicor Romance languages ) Extinctlanguages: Latin Dalmatian Oscan Faliscan Sabine Umbrian Latinwasusedby: thescientificestablishemen. Catholicchurch Alphabet derives fromGreekAlphabet Latinhadthreegendersan at leastsix cases ofritsnouns. Romance languageshaveonlytwogenders and no cases. PortuguesedialectwithCelticinfluences, northwest of Spain Galician Moldavian Italian A dialect of Romanianspoken in Moldavia ClosesttoLatin Portuguese Spanish Spoken in Spain and LatinAmerica French Only in spelling Romanian Romansh A minoritylanguage in Switzerland Ladino spokenbySpain’sJewish, 1492 Provincial and Catalan RelatedlanguagesSpoken in south of France and north-eastSpain
SlavicBranch( Eastern Europe ) • Croatian – Serbian (Virtuallythesame) • Bulgarian (TheOldest) • Russian (Themostimportant) • Polish • Kashubian • Sorbian • Czech • Slovak • Slovene • Macedonian • Bosnian • Ukrainian • Byelorussian Balticbranch • JusttwoBalticLanguages • Lithuanian (isone of theolderstodthe Indo-EuropeanFamily) • Latvian Spoken in parts of Polland Lithuaniana has threenumbers: singular, dual and plural Both use latin script and tones • ExtintLanguage: • Prussian Slavicisfamousfortheirconsonantclusters and a largenumber of cases fornouns (over 7)
HellenicBranch llyricBranch • GREEK • Mycenaean (from 1300 BC) • Attic (Athens) • Ionic (Cos) • Aeolic (Lesbos) • Doric (Sparta) Albanian (Shqip) TwoDialects Tosk Geg Spoken in North of Albania Kosovo Southern Albania North westGreece Diaglossic: Katharevoussa Demotic • ExtinctLanguages: • AncientIllyric • Mesapian
AnatolianBranch ThracianBranch • Hittite (Central Anatolia) • Lydian (South of coast of Anatolia) • Lycian (HellenicCulture) • Luwian (Ancient Troy) • Palaic Armenian Sppoken in Armenia Nagorno-Karabkh Nounshave 7 cases, past tense of verbstake “E” prefixlikeGreek. Alllanguages are extinct ExtinctLanguages: Dacian Thracian Phrygian
IranianBranch Farsi Mainlanguage of Iran and much of Afghanistan Closerelation IndicBranch Kurdish SpokeninTurkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq Kurds Spoken in Afghanistan and parts of northwestPakistan Pashto (PushtuorPakhto) Baluchi Spoken in desertregionsbetweenIran, Afghanistan and Pakistan Ossetian Pali (Buddhism) Found in Caucasusmountainsnorth of Georgia Sanskrit 1000 BC Ardhamagadhi (Jainism) Tadzhik Spoken in Tadzhikistan and northernAfghanistan Hindi ExtinctLanguages: AvestanfromZoroastrianreligion. Scythianfrom a peoplewholivednorth of the Black Sea. Urdu Nepali Romany Gypsies
TokharianBranch ExtintLanguages: Turfanian Kuchean Once spoken in northwest China. Theselanguagesdissapearedaroundthe 8th century