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Learn about county lines drug supply networks and gang exploitation. Understand the signs of gang involvement and how to protect vulnerable youth at risk. Get involved in safeguarding efforts in your community today.
County Lines • County Lines supply class A drugs (primarily crack cocaine and heroin) from an urban hub into rural towns or county locations. This is facilitated by a group who may not necessarily be affiliated as a gang, but who have developed networks across geographical boundaries to access and exploit existing drugs markets in these areas. (County Lines, Violence, Exploitation and Drug Supply, National Crime Agency, 2017). • County Lines operate as drug dealing businesses and are motivated by profit. • Referred to as ‘going country’ ‘going cunch’ or ‘going OT’ Version 1 – July 2018
Urban Street Gangs A relatively durable, predominantly street-based group of young people who: (1) see themselves (and are seen by others) as a discernible group; (2) engage in a range of criminal activity and violence; (3) identify with or lay claim over territory; (4) have some form of identifying structural feature, and (5) are in conflict with other, similar, gangs. (Dying to Belong, 2009)
The Suffolk Picture The picture in Suffolk, as elsewhere, evolves rapidly. Practitioners should be alert to the fact that this is the case, as the gangs and county line networks will adjust their tactics to avoid specific law enforcement or to gain greater market share.
Social Media • Tool for promoting brand • Music videos • ‘Drill’ • Quick time exchange of information • Enhances status and reputation • ‘Snapchat’ – immediate post which disappears
Why are we concerned? Impact A child or young person who is affected by gang activity or serious youth violence can be at risk of significant harm. • Exploitation to commit crimes such as selling drugs, stealing phones etc. • Retaliatory violence. • Psychological harm due to the trauma gang members experience and witness. • Physical harm suffered – whilst committing a crime or due to drug debts. • Violence to assert authority in the local area. • Sexual violence and sexual exploitation.
Spotting the Signs: How do we know when a young person is being exploited by a gang? • Who may notice? • What might they see?
Girls and Gangs • Used to hold or transport drugs or weapons • More likely to be asked to move drugs as thought to be less likely to be stopped • Usually in a relationship with or linked via family to a male associated with gangs / organised crime networks • Risk of CSE is increased • In some areas there is evidence that sex is exchanged for status within a gang • Sex has been used by some gangs ( no evidence in Suffolk) as part of the initiation process as a way to control, humiliate and demonstrate group loyalty • May be used to actively recruit new members locally • https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/may/12/the-county-lines-drug-dealer-once-get-in-hard-to-get-out The Guardian, (12.05.18)
What are the signs • Presenting with physical injuries and or refusal to seek/receive medical treatment. • Associating with peers who are involved/suspected to be involved in gang related activity. • Refuses/scared to enter certain areas. • Expressing aggressive or intimidating views towards other groups of young people (some of whom may have been friends in the past). • Multiple mobile phones/frequent change of phone number. • Frequently missing or missing for significant periods of time. • Travelling around a lot – seen in taxi’s regularly/being seen in cars (often hire cars), possibly with unknown adults, on a regular basis. • In possession of large amounts of unexplained money. • New clothes/trainers. • Drug related or violent offending involving weapons. • Sibling involvement.
What to do if you suspect a child or young person is at risk of gang involvement or is involved with a gang? Making a Referral to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). The Signs of Gang Involvement Screening Toolkit will assist in enabling practitioners to reach a reasonable working conclusion as to levels of risk. Based on this assessment it may be necessary to make a referral to the MASH. Professionals with concerns about a child or young person or vulnerable adult should follow the safeguarding referral protocols and procedures. Suffolk Youth Offending Service Consultancy and Advice is available from the Suffolk Youth Offending Service. The Youth Offending Service also has access to specific resources to use with children and young people at risk of gang involvement and expertise in this area of work.
Who do I contact? Talk to your Designated Safeguarding lead Complete a Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF) and email to: Customer.First@suffolk.gcsx.gov.uk (If you do not have a secure email, the form should be password protected) The MARF is available on the LSCB website www.suffolkscb.org.uk If you have an urgent safeguarding concern you should contact Customer First: 0345 606 6167 (Professional Referral line) OR 0808 800 4005 (Members of the Public Referral line). In an emergency you should call 999 and ask for the Police.
Useful Contacts MASH Professional Consultation Line Tel: 03456 061 499 LSCB Website www.suffolkscb.org.uk Suffolk Police https://www.suffolk.police.uk/contact-us Tel: 101 or 999 in an emergency Make A Change (MAC) MAC@suffolk.gcsx.gov.uk Tel: 01473 263 507 Suffolk Youth Offending Service (YOS) http://www.suffolkyos.co.uk Diversion Referral Information: http://www.suffolkyos.co.uk/diversion/ Ipswich - 01473 260 110 Bury St Edmunds - 01284 758230 Lowestoft - 01502 674880
Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHKccU2NYDQ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/bbcthree_britains_teenage_drug_runners http://www.suffolkscb.org.uk/assets/Safeguarding-Topics/Gangs/2016-05-10-Safeguarding-Children-and-Young-People-at-Risk-of-Gang-Involvement.doc.pdf http://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/publications/832-county-lines-violence-exploitation-and-drug-supply-2017/file http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33889406 http://www.eif.org.uk/publication/preventing-gang-and-youth-violence/ https://www.uos.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Final%20Amended%20Report%20-FINAL%20VERSION%20PDF.pdf https://www.knifefree.co.uk/know-the-risks/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/2XTX1hsNKg72mryHyMZXqFk/music-not-gang-culture-how-drill-can-help-young-people