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Open Educational Resources in AUCA. How can we use them effectively Sania Battalova AVP for Planning and Assessment. Open Educational Resources (OER) movement.
Open Educational Resources in AUCA How can we use them effectively Sania Battalova AVP for Planning and Assessment
Open Educational Resources (OER) movement • In 2001 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced the release of nearly all its courses on the internet for free access • OER movement is rooted in the idea that equitable access to high-quality education is a global imperative. • OER offer opportunities for systemic change in teaching and learning through accessible content, through embedding participatory processes and effective technologies for engaging with learning.
What are the OER • Teaching, learning and research materials in any medium that reside in the public domain and have been released under an open license that permits access, use, repurposing, reuse and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions (Atkins, Brown & Hammond, 2007) • OER can support open learning/open education but OER is not synonymous with online learning, eLearning or mobile learning. Many OER — while shareable in a digital format — are also printable.
OER can include: • Full courses/programs, course materials, • modules, student guides, • teaching notes, • textbooks, • research articles, • videos, • assessment tools and instruments, • interactive materials such as simulations and role plays, • databases, software, apps (including mobile apps) • any other educationally useful materials.
What is the difference between OER and open access publishing? • Open access publishing is typically referring to research publications of some kind released under an open license. • OER refers to teaching and learning materials released under such a license.
Who will guarantee the quality of OER? • OER do not automatically lead to quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness; it much depends on the procedures put in place.
The transformative potential of OER (UNESCO, 2011) • Improving the quality of learning materials through peer review processes; • Reaping the benefits of contextualisation, personalisation and localisation; • Building capacity for the creation and use of OER as part of the professional development of academic staff; • Serving the needs of particular student populations such as those with special needs;
The transformative potential of OER (UNESCO, 2011) • Optimising the deployment of institutional staff and budgets; • Serving students in local languages; • Involving students in the selection and adaptation of OER in order to engage them more actively in the learning process; and • Using locally developed materials with due acknowledgement. • (Guidelines for Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education, 2011)
AUCA OER Working Group • Galina Gorborukova – Sociology • Kate Sampsell-Willmann – FYS • Sergei Sklyar – Math and Natural Science • Elena Molchanova – Psychology • Steve Lustig – Business Administration • Tony Hetrick – SWE • Jamby Djusubalieva – FYS • Chynara Ryskulova - Writing and Academic Resources Center • Safia Rafikova – AUCA Library Director
AUCA OER Working group goals • To learn about the Open Education Resources concept and how the resources can be used in AUCA for teaching and learning • Overview and analyze different kind of Open Education Resources and to learn how they can be incorporated into the AUCA syllabi (courses). • To build the technological environment to provide easy access to the selected OER sources. • To share with AUCA community about the Open Education Resources ideas: benefits, the ways how it may be used at the AUCA.
Guides on OER • Guidelines for Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education. (2011). UNESCO. - http://www.col.org/resources/publications/Pages/detail.aspx?PID=364 • Glennie, J., Harley , K., Butcher, N., & van Wyk, T. (Eds.). (2012). Open Educational Resources and Change in Higher Education: Reflections from Practice. UNESCO. - http://www.col.org/resources/publications/Pages/detail.aspx?PID=412 • Kanwar , A., & Uvalic´-Trumbic, S. (Eds.). (2011). A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER). UNESCO. - http://www.col.org/resources/publications/Pages/detail.aspx?PID=357
What is next? • AUCA OER • AUCA Open Syllabi • AUCA Open Courses