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The vMatrix: Server Switching IEEE FTDCS’2004

The vMatrix: Server Switching IEEE FTDCS’2004. Amr A. Awadallah Mendel Rosenblum {aaa,mendel}@cs.stanford.edu. Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004. Static Servers (ala Circuit Switching). FINANCE. SPORTS. Load Balancer. Server Switching (ala Packet Switching).

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The vMatrix: Server Switching IEEE FTDCS’2004

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  1. The vMatrix: Server SwitchingIEEE FTDCS’2004 Amr A. AwadallahMendel Rosenblum{aaa,mendel}@cs.stanford.edu Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  2. Static Servers (ala Circuit Switching) FINANCE SPORTS Load Balancer Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  3. Server Switching (ala Packet Switching) FINANCE & SPORTS vMatrix Oracle Load Balancer Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  4. Server Drop (ala Packet Drop) FINANCE & SPORTS vMatrix Oracle Load Balancer Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  5. Advantages of Switching: • Hardware Savings from multiplexing services over servers. • People Savings from managing less hardware. • Better Scaling in cases of traffic spikes. • Key: Peak of Sums < Sum of Peaks Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  6. What makes Switching hard ? • Software Dependencies • Hardware Dependencies • People Dependencies Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  7. What is The vMatrix? Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  8. MySQL, Apache OS2: Linux Virtual Machine 2:vCPU, vMem, vDisk, vNet Virtual Machine Monitors Oracle, IIS OS1: Windows 2000 Virtual Machine 1:vCPU, vMem, vDisk, vNet Virtual Machine Monitor Real Machine (CPU, Memory, Disks, Network) Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  9. The vMatrix! A network for delivering virtual machines (VMs) between real machines (RMs) running the virtual machine monitor (VMM) software. Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  10. Advantages • Presents developers with same isolation model • Backward Compatibility • Efficient Resource Utilization • On-Demand Spike Absorption • Faster Recovery Disadvantage • VM files are very large (order of gigabytes)! • VM Software is not free  Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  11. VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VMM VMM VMM VMM VMM RM RM RM RM RM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM vMatrix Framework: Production Cluster: Live operational VMs, typically only one VM per RM Loading Chambers: Development and Maintenance Cluster, there could be more than one VM per RM here. The Oracle: This is the main control program Hibernation Nest: VM files are suspended and stored here for later retrieval. Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  12. Lifecycle of a server VM 1. A large number of virtual servers are stored as dormant files on a SAN or Netapps Hibernation Nest 2. A number of virtual servers are activated in a shared RM so that developers & system admins can upgrade, debug, or patch them. Loading Chambers 3. A virtual server is activated on a dedicated RM and exposed to live load. Instantiated Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  13. PHP-Nuke and osCommerce Internet Services PHP (Hyper Text Processor) Apache Web Server MySQL Database Operating System: Red Hat Linux 9 Virtual Machine exposes a PIII-550MHz with 512MB RAM and 5.5GB hard disk. VMware ESX VMM Server (consumes 184MB RAM, 3.5GB hard disk and 5% CPU) Real Machine (PIII-550MHz, 640MB RAM, 9GB hard disk) Yahoo! Autos Search Network API YSS (Yahoo Structured Search) YLIB (Yahoo C/C++ Libraries) Operating System: Yahoo FreeBSD 4.8 Virtual Machine exposes a PIII-550MHz with 1024MB RAM and 5.5GB hard disk. VMware ESX VMM Server (consumes 184MB RAM, 3.5GB hard disk and 5% CPU) Real Machine (PIII-550MHz, 640MB RAM, 9GB hard disk) Experiences: Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  14. Previous and Related Work Common drawback: no backward compatibility. • Application Servers: IBM WebSphere, ATG Dynamo, BEA WebLogic, JBoss. (no strict isolation, interface violations). • Java Virtual Machine. (low performance). • Packagers: Debian APT, Redhat RPM, PRC. (no isolation). • Disk Imaging / Ghosting /Chrooting. (no concurrent VMs). • Light Weight OSes (Denali, Xenoservers). (new OS). • OS Virtualization (Ensim, Ejasent, EXETender). (tied to OS). Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

  15. Conclusion Server Switching solves many problems: (1) Better Resource Utilization(2) Peek Absorption The vMatrix is a practical backward-compatible solution for alleviating the people/software/hardware dependencies of Server Switching. Stanford University – Computer Systems Lab – IEEE FTDCS 2004

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