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Welcome Back to School!! Mrs. Bethany Kell Business Education

Welcome Back to School!! Mrs. Bethany Kell Business Education. Parent Letter Please have this signed and returned by August 7 th ! . Vancleave High School 12424 Highway 57 Vancleave, MS 39565 Mrs. Bethany Kell Telephone (228) 826-4701/E-mail: bkell@jcsd.k12.ms.us

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Welcome Back to School!! Mrs. Bethany Kell Business Education

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  1. Welcome Back to School!! Mrs. Bethany Kell Business Education

  2. Parent LetterPlease have this signed and returned by August 7th!  • Vancleave High School • 12424 Highway 57 • Vancleave, MS 39565 Mrs. Bethany Kell • Telephone (228) 826-4701/E-mail: bkell@jcsd.k12.ms.us • AUGUST 5, 2009 • Dear VHS Parent(s): • First, let me say that I am very excited about being your child’s Business Education teacher this year. In order to guarantee your child and all the students in my classroom the excellent educational climate they deserve, I have developed four classroom rules! • Keys to Earning an A+ in Business Education! Unlock Your Potential! • Follow Directions the first time they are given! • Be Courteous and Respectful! • Use your time wisely! • Put forth your best effort! • Our rules are on display in the classroom, and I have been very specific about my expectations of each and every student in our classroom. Please read and discuss the documents listed below with your child. Thank you in advance for your support, and please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me if I can be of further assistance. • Sincerely, • Mrs. Bethany Kell M.Ed. • Business Education Teacher • Business Education • I have read and discussed the following documents with my child. • (1)Classroom Rules and Procedures; (2) Parent Survey; and (3) Course Syllabus • / / • Parent/Guardian’s Signature Student’s Signature Date

  3. Key to your Future!Business Education

  4. Classroom RulesA positive experience in Mrs. Kell's classroom is based on having a positive attitude. Rules: Follow directions the first time they are given. Be courteous and respectful to the teacher and other students. Use your time wisely by staying on task the entire class period. Put forth your best effort. Come to class with required materials everyday. Consequences: The first offense will be a warning with your name on the board. The second offense will be a 500 word written essay. The third offense will be a parent contact and one day break detention with teacher. The fourth offense will be a parent contact and two days break detention with teacher. The Fifth offense will be an immediate referral to the office. Rewards: Verbal Praise. Parent Contact with great things to say. Satisfactory conduct grades.

  5. Required Supplies and Materials

  6. You are in class as soon as you come into the room. You must be seated; read the Bell Assignment from the board, and immediately get into a serious attitude and begin work. You must remain quiet for all announcements. You must bring your text, workbook, folder, Bell Activity spiral notebook, calculator (if needed), and pencil/pen, to class every day. Classroom Procedures

  7. You will stay in your assigned seat until I dismiss class. Standing at the door toward the end of the period is not permitted. Please be sure to clean up around your desk and push your chair under the desk before you leave. If you must leave the classroom, complete the info on your planner hallway pass and give it to me to sign before leaving the classroom. You will be given 4 bathroom passes for each nine week course. Any unused passes can be used for bonus points on your nine week exam. Classroom Procedures

  8. Make-up WorkIt’s YOUR Responsibility!!! • Make-up tests are usually given after school. • Make an appointment for make-up tests on the first day you return to school. • Check the make-up work folder for handouts that were given while you were absent. • Remember make-up work is your responsibility. • You have two days to make up work for excused absences.

  9. Turning in Papers • Staple papers in the upper left hand corner, with your name visible and place in the tray designated for your class period. • In order for you to receive credit, work must be turned in on time. • In the event that I am taking papers up in the class, please pass papers to your left and I will pick them up from the last student.

  10. School Calendar September 7, 2009 Labor Day Holiday September 9, 20091st Term Progress Reports September 21-25, 2009Monday-Friday SATP/English I Retest October 7-8, 2009Wednesday-Thursday 1st Term Tests October 12, 2009 8:00 A.M. (No Students) Monday Teacher Workday October 15, 2009Thursday 1st Term Report Cards October 15, 2009Thursday English II Writing November 2-9, 2009Monday-Monday MS-CPAS 2 Testing November 11, 2009 8:00 A.M. (No Students) Wednesday Teacher Workday November 13, 2009Friday 2nd Term Progress Reports November 23-27, 2009 NO SCHOOL Monday-Friday Thanksgiving December 1-7, 2009Tuesday-Monday SATP/English II Retest December 17, 2009 8:00 AM-3:00 P.M. Thursday 2nd Term Tests December 18, 2009 8:00 AM-1:00 P.M Friday 2nd Term Tests December 21, 2009 - January 4, 2010 NO SCHOOLChristmas Holidays

  11. EntrepreneurshipBusiness Education • Entrepreneurship is designed to equip students with introductory skills, which help prepare them to organize and run a business. Business terminology, basic entrepreneurship concepts, and fundamental operating principles are emphasized. Through this course, students are involved with activities such as developing market plans and applying global economic concepts. They will analyze supply and demand and understand how it affects price and profit. They will also learn to calculate operational expenses in determining profit. Finally, they will be exposed to ethical problems related to the workplace and discuss solutions for some of these problems. This course is a .5 credit course. Grades 9-12.

  12. Entrepreneurship SyllubusNine Week Course Week 1 Course Overview • Class Rules and Procedures • Classroom Orientation • Chapter 1 • Week 2 Chapter 2 • Week 3 Chapter 3 • Week 4 Chapter 4 • Week 5 Chapter 5 • Business Plan is Due. • Week 6 Chapter 6 • Week 7 Chapter 7 • Week 8 Project Report Due • Week 9 Course Review-Nine Week Exam • Exams

  13. Business LawBusiness Education • Business Law provides the basic foundations of law as it relates to business. The origin of the law, ethics, the structure of the court systems, procedural and employment law, and legislation that applies real and personal property are all studied within this course. Business Law will equip the student with a working knowledge of the law as it is applied to various legal situations that are encountered in personal and business situations.

  14. Business Law SyllubusNine Week Course • Week 1 Chapters 1-2 • Week 2 Chapters 2-3 • Week 3 Chapter 4 • Week 4 Chapter 5 • Week 5 Chapter 6 • Week 6 Chapters 19-20 • Week 7 Chapters 21-22 • Week 8 Chapter 27 • Week 9 Chapter 29

  15. AccountingBusiness Education • Accounting I will allow students to learn accounting terminology, principles, and procedures as they relate to a single proprietorship and a corporation. The study of accounting will prepare students for accounting careers and for personal use, as well as provide opportunities for further study. This is a one-credit course.

  16. Accounting SyllubusSemester Course • Week 1 Course Overview • Class Rules and Procedures Classroom Orientation • Chapters 1-2 • Week 2 Chapter 3 • Week 3 Chapter 4 • Week 4 Chapter 5 • Week 5 Chapter 6 • Week 6 Chapter 7 • Week 7 Chapter 8 • Week 8 Reinforcement Activity Chapters 1-8 • Week 9 Course Review • Nine Week Exams • Week 10 Chapter 9 • Week 11 Chapter 10 • Week 12 Chapter 11 • Week 13 Chapter 12 • Week 14-15 Chapters 13-14 • Week 16 Chapter 14-15 • Week 17 Chapter 15-16 • Week 18 Chapter 16 • Reinforcement Activity Chapters 9-16 Final Exams

  17. Bell Activities • Directions for Bell Activities: • Take your assigned seat and begin the bell activity as soon as you enter the room. • Check the board for the bell activity. • Write in complete sentences. Bell Activities should be completed within the first 8-10 minutes of class only! You may not copy or receive bell activities from another student. If you are absent from a class, simply write the date and absent in your one subject spiral notebook. • Please take Bell Activities very serious. The information given in Bell Activities may be on tests or on graded daily materials. These activities will be graded on unannounced dates.

  18. Grading Procedures • Bell Activities: These will be graded at random for two daily assignments. • Daily Assignments: Counts as 25% of your grade. • Major Tests: Tests will be given when announced. You will always be given at least two days notice of a test. Major Grades will count as 40% of your grade. • Projects/Reports: Counts as 15% of your grade. • Final Exam: Counts as 20% of your grade.

  19. New Grading Scale • 90-100 A • 80-89 B • 70-79 C • 60-69 D • Below 60 F

  20. Looking forward to a great year!! We are going to have fun while we are learning.  Mrs. Kell Go Bulldogs!!!!!!!

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