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WJLLWG 09-2 JLLIS CRB New Submissions (as of 24 Aug 09). James Barr JLLIS Configuration Manager JS J7, Joint Lessons Learned Branch. CRB Item Proposals for WJLLWG 09-2. 15 - Binder Icon Availability When Using IDOL (6867). Type: Enhancement
WJLLWG 09-2JLLIS CRBNew Submissions(as of 24 Aug 09) James Barr JLLIS Configuration Manager JS J7, Joint Lessons Learned Branch
15 - Binder Icon Availability When Using IDOL(6867) • Type: Enhancement • Definition: Binder Icon not available for IDOL search results without first selecting default Binder. • Purpose: Currently a JLLIS user is required to select a default binder prior to searching using IDOL. • Desired results/long range goal: The user should be able to search using IDOL and select the appropriate Binder to save documents. • Agency Submitting item: JPRA • POC, Contact information: Jack Snyder, 703-704-1782, jack.snyder.ctr@jpra.jfcom.mil
15 - Binder Icon Availability When Using IDOL(6867) Current View
15 - Binder Icon Availability When Using IDOL(6867) Requested View Binder available without selecting default binder prior to search
15 - Binder Icon Availability When Using IDOL(6867) Current View Default binder selected.
15 - Binder Icon Availability When Using IDOL(6867) Requested view This view shows the “SELECT A BINDER” when the Binder Icon was selected on an O&R page. NOTE: No “Default Binder” is selected or displayed.
16 - Auto Date/Time Stamp All JLLIS Document Entries (6869) • Type: Enhancement • Definition: Auto Date/Time Stamp all documents entered into the JLLIS. • Purpose: Allows users to see when the document was created and entered into the JLLIS. • Desired results/long range goal: The user should be able to search for the document using when the document was originally created or when the document was entered into the JLLIS. • Agency Submitting item: JPRA • POC, Contact information: Jack Snyder, 703-704-1782, jack.snyder.ctr@jpra.jfcom.mil
17 - Change Link Color When Using Joint Search (6870) • Type: Enhancement • Definition: When clicking on the Joint Search results link the link does not change colors. • Purpose: On the “Joint Search” results page the links do not change color as they would using a Google search. The link should change colors (similar to Google) so that when the user returns to the search results page the user knows which documents have been opened. • Desired results/long range goal: Supports the user by simplifying search, if the link changes color after clicking, it allows the user to know which links they have looked at when multiple results are shown. • Agency Submitting item: JPRA • POC, Contact information: Jack Snyder, 703-704-1782 jack.snyder.ctr@jpra.jfcom.mil
17 - Change Link Color When Using Joint Search (6870) Does not change color after link clicked
17 - Change Link Color When Using Joint Search (6870) After clicking and returning to the original search page the link has changed color.
18 - Refine “Joint Search” Criteria(6872) • Type: Enhancement • Definition: • Ability to refine “Joint Search” search criteria using date range of the original document i.e. search all documents related to the “JPRC” in CENTCOM from 1 Dec 08 to 1 Dec 09. • Narrow search criteria by DOTMLPF and Functional Areas unique to each JLLIS JSCC instance. • Purpose: Allow users to further refine “Joint Search” search criteria. • Desired results/long range goal: Users require additional options to refine “Joint Search” criteria. • Agency Submitting item: JPRA • POC, Contact information: Jack Snyder, 703-704-1782, jack.snyder.ctr@jpra.jfcom.mil
18 - Refine “Joint Search” Criteria(6872) Refine Joint Search criteria using DOTMLPF Refine search using Functional Area. These Functional areas are unique to the PRJLLIS.
18 - Refine “Joint Search” Criteria(6872) Add search criteria: “DOTMLPF” “Functional Area”
19 - JLLIS SharePoint Document Library (6701) • Definition: Convert AFdocument library to SharePoint • Purpose/Concept: • Separate Tier libraries • Document upload/search from one page • Statistical updates for “most view” and recent document uploads • Two-click process for navigation within the document library. • Users only see library items in the Tier-1 or 2 site • User access to the complete AF document library through L2 Home • Desired results/long range goal – Greater emphasis and use of the document library by increasing user flexibility in search, view and storage of documents in the AF JLLIS master site. • Agency Submitting item: AF/A9L • POC, Contact information: Mr. John Georgiou, (703) 696-2008, DSN 426, john.georgiou@pentagon.af.mil
19 - JLLIS SharePoint Document Library (6701) Browse & upload links as well as a “Quick Search” block for ease of finding documents SharePoint Document Library Home Page Most Viewed & Recently Added results
19 - JLLIS SharePoint Document Library (6701) Advanced Search screen with search refinement blocks
19 - JLLIS SharePoint Document Library (6701) Advanced Search results
20 - Allow Documents Obtained via Joint Search to be Added to and Displayed in Binders (modified) (3065) Definition: Allow documents in Autonomy Idol (AI) to be added to a binder from any AI screen without the need to select a default binder. Purpose: 1) The ability to link a document from AI was previously fixed. However, to do so one must first select a default binder in order for the binder icon to appear in the AI screen. The binder icon should always be displayed based on an “enabled/disabled” selection similar to that currently in the binder screen. 2) Binder icons are displayed in the Similar Documents screen of AI based on selecting a default binder; however, selecting the binder icon does not add the selection to a binder. Need to provide the capability to add documents from the Similar Documents screen in AI, or delete the binder icon. Mission essential but not required to operate JLLIS. Desired results/long range goal: The ability to link a document in AI without designating a binder as default, and the ability to link a document from the Similar Documents screen in AI to a binder. Community benefit.
Autonomy Idol searches require Default Binder to be selected; Tier 1 searches do not require default binder to be selected Same Pop-up window used for both searches for adding O&R to Binder Binder Icon displayed, but inoperative for Similar Documents of Autonomy Idol search
This toggle should allow the binder icon in Autonomy Idol to display
21 - Display of Binder in COP (6587) Definition: A binder added to a Communities of Practice (COP) needs to be viewable by all users via the COP homepage. Purpose: When adding a new COP via the Team Tools link, the capability exists to add a binder to the COP. After adding the binder, the binder shows alongside the Associated Binders section; however, the binder does not show when either viewing the COP or from the Communities of Practice link. There is another way to add a binder via the Add a new COP Block link, but this is not intuitively obvious. Not mission essential or required to operate JLLIS. Desired results/long range goal: When adding a binder to a COP, the binder will show when clicking the View COP or the Communities of Practice links. Community benefit.
User can select “Add a Binder”, and Binder title is indicated with “Associated Binder”, but does not appear on COP site. User has to Add COP Block to display items, but Binders is not an option for COP Block While Team Members could go to the COP Team Tool and access the Binder via the Edit function, a CLM or Authorized User, accessing the COP via the COP homepage, will not be able to access Binder
22 - COP Managers (6611/5765) Definition: Drop down menu for COP manages is populated with all registered users with role “greater than” Authorized User, to include CLMs. However, only Team Members have access to Team Tools, which includes COP Purpose: Linked to CMT #5765. To add or edit a COP, one needs to be a Team Member and designated a COP manager. CLMs may use this tool as a collaboration and validation mechanism within their respective Tier 2. However, CLMs do not have access to Team Tools, nor can they be “dual-designated” as Team Members and CLMs (despite JLLIS currently populating the COP Manager list with all users above the role level of “Authorized.”) As currently configured, JLLIS does not allow a COP Manager to edit a COP unless they can access Team Tools, which a CLM does not have access to. Commands need a way to designate JLLIS users with specific role functions as determined by that organization administrator. Mission essential & required to operate JLLIS. Desired results/long range goal: Allow administrators to either cascade role levels or to select specific role level functions for key individuals. Community benefit.
System allows selection of CLMs as COP Managers, but CLMs do not have access to Team Tools, which provides the edit capability for COPs
What is the purpose of this? It has no apparent impact on the COP Manager drop down menu when editing a COP CLM Team Roles should either be “cascading”, where authorities of “junior” roles are assumed by more “senior” roles, or be able to select multiple roles
23 - JTIMS/JLLIS Integration (6678) Definition: Allows a JTIMS Training Audience Lead (TAL) to automatically link an observation made in JTIMS to JLLIS for joint lessons learned and/or issue resolution, and allows O&Rs linked to a particular Joint Mission Essential Task List (JMETL) to be loaded as Task Performance Observations (TPOs) , providing more information for a TAL to make Training Proficiency Evaluations (TPE). Purpose: Currently, TPOs and Task Field Observations (TFO) are entered against Training Objectives and JMETs in JTIMS. Many TPOs/TFOs have joint lesson applicability, requiring that observation to be manually created and entered into JLLIS. Similarly, many O&Rs may provide necessary information for a TAL to form TPEs. An automated linkage between these two systems would facilitate the flow of necessary information in both directions. Mission essential but not required to operate JLLIS. Desired results/long range goal: An automatic link that allows a user to transfer data efficiently between JTIMS and JLLIS. Community benefit.
DRRS updates JMETL in JTIMS. DRRS could also be used to update JMETL in JLLIS JMET ST 6.2
When JTIMS user completes TPO, should be able to select an automatic link that would send data to JLLIS if that TPO is a lesson learned
24 - Discussion Group (6680) Definition: Selecting the Discussion Groups link under Team Tools takes the Administrator to the JFCOM Discussion page. Purpose: There only appears to be one discussion page – that under JFCOM. There is no way to create a discussion page for NORAD and USNORTHCOM (N-NC) so when a Team Member selects the Discussion Groups link, that Member is taken to the JFCOM Discussion page. Not msn essential nor required to operate JLLIS. Desired results/long range goal: Selecting the Discussion Groups link will take a NORAD and USNORTHCOM (N-NC) Team Member to a N-NC Discussion site. Additionally, as stated in separate CMT item, Team Tools should be a Tier 2 function to allow better use of Discussion Groups within that Tier 2. One agency benefit only.
Discussion Group should be linked to Tier 2 or Tier 1, depending on what level is displayed prior to selecting Discussion Group; these discussion groups are in a different Tier 1 Works the same way if Discussion Groups are selected from COP
25 - Access to Restricted COP (6682) Definition: Restricted COPs accessed through the Communities of Practice link can be viewed by any User. Purpose: Creating a Restricted COP and placing it under the Communities of Practice link nullifies the restricted access setting to that COP. The restricted status remains when a Team Member accesses a Restricted COP through the COP Sites link under Team Tools. The end result is that only Team Members can be selected for access to restricted COPs. Authorized users and CLMs will never have access to restricted COPs unless made a Team Member. Mission essential & required to operate JLLIS. Desired results/long range goal: Prevent access by any JLLIS User to a Restricted COP through the Communities of Practice link. Allow registered users and CLMs to have access to restricted COPs when selected by COP creator. Community benefit.
When a Restricted COP is displayed on the COP homepage, any registered user can access, regardless of whether they were granted access through COP edit; however, the only way a CLM could get to the COP is via the COP homepage, since it requires Team Member status. Therefore, CLMs, or other authorized users, can never participate in a “true” Restricted COP.
26 - Transfer of NIPR O&Rs to SIPR JLLIS (6744) Definition: A capability to transfer O&Rs from NIPR JLLIS to SIPR JLLIS. Purpose: JTIMS automatically transfers any information from NIPR to SIPR. Once on SIPR, the JTIMS info is viewable via a NIPR tab, but cannot be edited through the SIPR side. To edit any NIPR data displayed in SIPR, the source document in NIPR JTIMS is updated. JLLIS needs a similar capability. This capability provides for such things as: Collating reports Conducting trend analysis Reducing the observation searching through multiple “class” systems Allowing storage of exercises and operations on one server NIPR O&Rs on SIPR would retain the same properties as SIPR O&Rs WRT binders, AARs, etc. but would not be editable. Mission essential but not required to operate JLLIS. Desired results/long range goal: A capability that allows the transfer of an unclassified observation on NIPR JLLIS to SIPR JLLIS. Community benefit.
Possible way to do this is to have all NIPR O&Rs automatically transferred to SIPR. Then, provide an “on-off” toggle on the SIPR search screen that allows the user the option to see all NIPR O&Rs when the SIPR O&Rs are displayed. Display NIPR O&Rs On the SIPR side
CRB Review • Rules of Engagement • Discuss the usability and functionality of each CRB proposal • Not a collaborative vote or group consensus • Shape the JLLIS for present and future • All COCOMs, CSAs, and Services are stakeholders and have one vote per CRB item • Voting Tool • Voting allows the JS to prioritization of resources • Prioritize votes from #1 to #26 • Vote “No” if the item is not in-line with the JLLP COP strategic direction
CRB Review • CRB Results • Compilation of votes from the JLLP Community of Stakeholders • JS will rank order based on JLLP vote • JS will prioritize requirements and publish • Task Tracking • Validated requirements will be posted to the community and CMT • Requirement sponsors/OPRs and JS will track task progress • Sponsors can provide additional clarification of task scope • Re-scoping a task after JLLP community of stakeholder vote will require JS approval; re-vote may be necessary
CRB Review • Government Review / Requirement Completion • JSCC Tier 1 and above Administrators provide the government review for each task • Each JSCC Tier 1 and above Administrator will determine if the implemented solution meets the intent of the approved requirement • Each JSCC Tier 1 and above Administrator should enter comments in the CMT • Final “Completed” status will be determined by the JS