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Array Addition

Microprocessor Architecture. UOP S.E.Comp (Sem-II). Array Addition. Prof.P.C.Patil Department of Computer Engg Matoshri College of Engg.Nasik pcpatil18@gmail.com. Data Segment. section .data cntmsg db 10, 'Enter Count of the array element (Two Digit)::', 0x0a cntmsg_len equ $-cntmsg

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Array Addition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Microprocessor Architecture UOP S.E.Comp (Sem-II) • Array Addition Prof.P.C.Patil Department of Computer Engg Matoshri College of Engg.Nasik pcpatil18@gmail.com.

  2. Data Segment

  3. section .data cntmsg db 10,'Enter Count of the array element (Two Digit)::',0x0a cntmsg_len equ $-cntmsg nummsgdb 10,'Enter Number(s)(Two Digit) ::',0x0a nummsg_len equ $-nummsg resmsg db 10,'Addition of array elements is ::',0x0a resmsg_len equ $-resmsg newlinedb 10 newline_len equ $-newline

  4. BSS Section

  5. section .bss num_ascii resb 03 cnt resb 01 res_l resb 01 res_h resb 01 num_buff resb 04

  6. Display Macro

  7. %macro dispmsg 2 mov eax,04 mov ebx,01 mov ecx,%1 mov edx,%2 int 80h %endmacro

  8. Accept Macro

  9. %macro accept 2 moveax,03 movebx,0 mov ecx,%1 mov edx,%2 int 80h %endmacro

  10. Text Section

  11. dispmsg cntmsg,cntmsg_len;ENTER COUNT OF NUMBER accept num_ascii,3 ;ACCEPT COUNT FROM USER (IN ASCII FORM) call packnum ;CALL packnum TO CONVERT ASCII INTO NUMBER mov [cnt],bl ;MOVE ACCEPTED COUNT INTO cnt VARIABLE xor rcx,rcx ;INITIALISE RCX TO 0 mov cl,[cnt] ;MOVE COUNT INTO CL

  12. Accept array

  13. ;********** PROCEDURE TO ACCEPT & ADD ARRAY ELEMENT ******* addition: push rcx dispmsgnummsg,nummsg_len;ENTER THE ARRAY ELEMENT accept num_ascii,3 ;ACCEPT ARRAY ELEMENT (IN ASCII FORM) call packnum ;CONVERT ASCII INTO NUMBER add [res_l],bl ;ADD NUMBER INTO RES_L AS LOWER BYTE adc byte [res_h],0 ;ADD WITH CARRY RES_H AS HIGHER BYTE pop rcx ;POP RCX TO DECREMENT COUNT loop addition ;REPEATE ADDITION PROCESS UNTIL CL=0

  14. ;*************** DISPLAY ADDITION *************** dispmsgresmsg,resmsg_len;ADDITION OF ARRAY ELEMENT IS mov bl,[res_l] ;MOV LOWER BYTE INTO BL TO PRINT mov bh,[res_h] ;MOV HIGHER BYTE INTO BH TO PRINT call disp16_proc ;CALL DISPLAY PROCEDURE TO DISPLAY ADDITION dispmsg newline,newline_len ;ENTER THE ARRAY ELEMENT mov eax,01 ;Exit PROGRAM mov ebx,00 int 80h

  15. PackNum

  16. ;********************** packnum ********************** packnum: mov bl,0 ;INITIALISE BL BY 0 mov ecx,02 ;INITIALIZE COUNTER AS 02 mov esi,num_ascii ;POINT ESI TO num_ascii up2: rol bl,04 ;ROTATE BL TO LEFT mov al,[esi] ;MOV NUMBER INTO AL cmp al,39h ;COMPARE AL(NO IN ASCII) WITH 39H jbe skip2 ;JUMP IF LESS THAN 39 sub al,07h ;SUB 07 IF num_ascii>39 skip2: sub al,30h ;SUB 30 IN BOTH CASES add bl,al ;ADD PREVIOUS NO INTO CURRENT inc esi ;INCREMENT ESI loop up2 ;RPEATE LOOP ret

  17. Display Procedure

  18. disp16_proc: ;---------------------mov bx,[num] ;STORE NUMBER IN BX ---------------------- mov esi,num_buff ;POINT ESI TO NUM_BUFFER mov ch,04 ;LOAD NUMBER OF DIGITS TO DISPLAY mov cl,04 ;LOAD COUNT OF ROTATION IN CL up1: rol bx,cl ;ROTATE NUMBER LEFT BY FOUR BITS mov dl,bl ;MOVE LOWER BYTE IN DL and dl,0fh ;MASK UPPER DIGIT OF BYTE IN DL(GET ONLY LSB) add dl,30h ;ADD 30H TO CALCULATE ASCII CODE cmp dl,39h ;COMPARE WITH 39H jbe skip1 ;IF LESS THAN 39H AKIP ADDING 07 MORE add dl,07h ;ELSE ADD 07 skip1: mov [esi],dl ;STORE ASCII CODE IN DNUM_BUFFER inc esi ;POINT TO NEXT BYTE dec ch ;DECREMENT THE COUNT OF DIGITS TO DISPLAY jnz up1 ;IF NOT ZERO JUMP TO REPEAT dispmsg num_buff,8 ;CALL TO MACRO ret

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