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Correlation Matrix Memory

Correlation Matrix Memory. CS/CMPE 333 – Neural Networks. Memory – Biological and Physical. What are the characteristics of biological and physical memory systems?

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Correlation Matrix Memory

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  1. Correlation Matrix Memory CS/CMPE 333 – Neural Networks

  2. Memory – Biological and Physical • What are the characteristics of biological and physical memory systems? • In the neurobiological context, memory refers to the relatively enduring neural alterations induced by the interactions of the organism with its environment • Store and recall capabilities • Our memory is physically distributed and operates by association (rather than addressing) • Content-addressable memory • What about memory in a computer? CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  3. Associative Memory (1) • Associative memory – content-addressable memory: memory that operates by association, mapping of an output to an input (stimulus to output) • Example: face recognition • Characteristics of associative memory • Distributed • Both key (stimulus) and output (stored pattern) are data vectors (as opposed to address and data) • Storage pattern different from key and is spatially distributed • Stimulus is address as well as stored pattern (with imperfections) • Tolerant to noise and damage • Same elements share in storage of different patterns CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  4. Associative Memory (2) • Auto-associative memory – a key vector is associated with itself in memory • Dimension of input and output are same • Hetero-associative memory – a key vector is associated (paired) with another memorized vector • Dimension of input and output may or may not be the same • Linear associative memory – linear mapping from input (stimulus) to output b = Ma • Nonlinear associative memory – nonlinear mapping from input to output b = g(M, a)a CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  5. Distributed Memory Mapping (1) • Distributed memory – simultaneous or near simultaneous activities of many different neurons that contain information about the external stimuli (keys) • Distributed memory mapping – transform an activity pattern in the input space to an activity pattern in the output space CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  6. Distributed Memory Mapping (2) CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  7. Distributed Memory Mapping (3) ak = [ak1…akp]T = input activity pattern bk = [bk1…bkp]T = output activity pattern • How do we learn from activity patterns ak and bk ? • Associations mapping ak -> bk k = 1…q • ak is thus a key pattern and bk the memorized pattern • Number of patterns stored by network = q which, in practice, is less than p CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  8. Distributed Memory Mapping (4) • For linear memories bk = W(k)ak k = 1…q CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  9. Distributed Memory Mapping (5) • Considering a single output neuron i and pattern k bki = Σj=1p wij(k)akj i = 1…p Or in vector notation bki = wi(k)Tak • Considering the entire stored pattern bk (i.e. bki where i = 1…p) bk = W(k)ak CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  10. Distributed Memory Mapping (6) • W(k) is the memory matrix for a single pattern k. The memory matrix for the entire set of pattern q is defined as the summation M = Σk=1qW(k) • M contains a piece of every input-output pattern presented to the memory. Recursive updating: Mk = Mk-1 + W(k) k = 1…q CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  11. Correlation Matrix Memory (1) • Define M’ as an estimate of the memory matrix M M’ = Σk=1qbkakT • Outer product bkakT is an estimate of the weight matrix W(k) • Key points of this equation • Outer product rule • Generalized Hebbian learning at the local level • M’ is the correlation memory matrix • This associative memory is called correlation matrix memory CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  12. Correlation Matrix Memory (2) • Correlation matrix memory M’ can be written as M’ = BAT A = [a1, a2,…,aq] = key matrix B = [b1, b2,…,bq] = memorized matrix • And, in recursive form M’k = M’k-1 + bkakT k = 1,…,q • bkakT is an estimate of weight matrix W(k) CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  13. Recall (1) • Talking about memory, how is it addressed and how is specific information recalled? What is its capacity? • Consider correlation memory matrix M’ present random key aj as stimulus, response is b = M’aj = Σk=1qbkakTaj = Σk=1qbk (akTaj) rewriting b = Σk=1;k ≠ jqbk (akTaj) + bj (ajTaj) CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  14. Recall (2) • Assuming akTak = 1 for all k (i.e. key vectors are normalized to ‘energy’ 1), then b = Σk=1;k ≠ jqbk (akTaj) + bj = vj + bj • bj = desired response or vector; vj = noise vector • Noise vector results from the crosstalk of aj with all other key vectors • This crosstalk limits the capacity of the memory in reliably storing and recalling information CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  15. Recall (3) • Assume the key vectors ai are orthonormal, i.e. ajTak = 1 if j = k and ajTak = 0 if j ≠ k • Then, what is the storage capacity? • It is equal to p • What if the key vectors are not orthonormal? • It is equal to the rank of the memory matrix M’ (in general) • Since M’ has the dimensions p x p, its rank cannot be greater than p • Thus, correlation matrix memory can reliably store a maximum of p patterns, where p is the input dimension CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  16. Correlation Matrix Memory in Practice • Real-world patterns are not orthonormal. Hence, storage capacity is less than p (key vector dimension) • If key vectors (patterns) are linearly independent, then they can be preprocessed to form an orthonormal set (using Gram-Schmidt procedure) • Preprocessing to enhance key vector ‘separation’ (i.e. feature enhancement) helps improve storage capacity and recall performance • Correlation matrix memory may recall patterns that it has never seen before (i.e. it can make errors if the key patterns are not orthonormal and/or greater than p) CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  17. Error-Correction in CMM (1) • Correlation matrix memory has no mechanism for feedback since it is based on Hebbian learning • The consequence is there are errors in recall • How do we continually update the memory to reduce the error? • Impose error-correction learning and updating of the memory • Remember, memory matrix M’ is made up of the weights of the neural network CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

  18. Error-Correction in CMM (2) • At iteration n, when presented with pattern k, memory error is ek(n) = bk – M’(n)ak • Correction at iteration n (delta rule) ΔM’(n) = ηe(n)akT • Updated memory matrix M’(n+1) =M’(n) + ΔM’(n) CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS

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