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ANKA Synchrotron Light Source Overview

Explore the characteristics and experimental capabilities of the ANKA synchrotron light source, operational since 2002. Learn about the injector, storage ring, insertion devices, beamlines, and design of the accelerators.

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ANKA Synchrotron Light Source Overview

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  1. Специализированный источник синхротронного излучения AnkaХарактеристики и экспериментальные возможности

  2. The synchrotron light source ANKA is fullyoperational since the beginning of 2002, is composed of a 500 MeV injector and a 2.5 GeV storage ring. It is operated 4000 hours annually for users with a maximum current of 200 mA at anemittance of 50 nmrad. Three straight sections are equipped with insertion devices, a wiggler W74 (27 periods, 74 mm period length), an undulator U10 (20 periods, 100 mm period length) and a superconducting undulator SCU14 (100 periods, 14 mm period length). Nine (9) beamlines at ANKA with eleven (11) experimental stations are operational. Three of them are devoted to lithography and are installed in a clean room area. The beamlines for analytical services cover techniques from spectroscopy to diffraction and are taking advantage of the large spectral range from IR to hard X-rays emitted by the bending magnets.

  3. Design of the Accelerators

  4. The Injector Electrons are generated from a diode gun at 70 keV and are injected into a racetrack microtron. The acceleration unit of the microtron is a 5.2 MeV linac through which the electrons pass 10 times to pick up the final energy of 52 MeV. The linac has a radiofrequency of 3 GHz and is powered by a 5 MW klystron. The main dipoles of the microtron have a field of 1.2 T. The microtron is shown in Figure 2-2.

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