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I. Old Testament Excellence. NT regularly uses OT characters to teach moral & spiritual lessons. Above reproach; free of disreputable habits. Pr.22:1. Dn.6 Excellence in marriage. Jg.14-16; 1 K.11; 21. Ruth Stewardship, Gn.24. Gn.39 Unselfishness, Mt.7:12. Lv.19:…18
I. Old Testament Excellence NT regularly uses OT characters to teach moral & spiritual lessons
Above reproach; free of disreputable habits. Pr.22:1. Dn.6 Excellence in marriage. Jg.14-16; 1 K.11; 21. Ruth Stewardship, Gn.24. Gn.39 Unselfishness, Mt.7:12. Lv.19:…18 Bridled temper. Gn.16. Ec.7:9. Gn.4:5. Est.1 Sobriety, Pr.23. Gn.9
Above reproach / Excellence in Marriage / Stewardship / Unselfishness / Bridled temper / Sobriety 7. Not violent, Pr.26:21 8. Not greedy. 2 K.5. Pr.30:7-9 9. Gentle, Pr.25:15 10. Child training, Dt.6. Je.35. Proverbs 11. Hospitality, Gn.18, 19 12. Love what is good, Am.5:15
Above reproach / Excellence in Marriage / Stewardship / Unselfishness / Bridled temper / Sobriety / Not violent / Not greedy / Gentle / Child training / Hospitality / Love good 13. Sensible; curb worldly desires, Gn.39 14. Righteous, Job 1:1, 8 15. Holy, devout, pious, Lv.19:2 16. Self-controlled, Dn.1:8 17. Dependent on Word, Ps.119 18. Able to teach Word, Ezr.7; Neh.8. 2 Chr.17:7-9
I. Old Testament Excellence II. New Testament Application The list (1 – 18) = qualifications for elders(1 Tim.3; Tit.1)
Some elders must have been Jews Devout: reverent, God-fearing Acts 2:5, faithful Jews Acts 8:2, faithful Christians Trained all their lives in OT
Pious Jews . . . O. T. N. T. Shifted from OT to NT quickly: Expect Messiah Jesus Messiah 2 Tim.3:15 Ac.9
Paul’s method (Acts 13-14) Crispus, chief ruler of synagogue Would bring qualifications and experiences w. him 1 Th.5:12? Begin in synagogue, go to Greeks (Ro.1:16) Elders of synagogues closely resem-bled elders of church Ac.18:1-8, Corinth
Thessalonica – Acts 17 Spir. gifts could not supply moral, social, and family qualities; only information necessary for teaching and serving • Synagogue, 1 • Customary practice, 2-3 • Some were persuaded, 4 • Not novices (OT training) • Spiritual gifts: NT teaching (1 Th.5:20)
Proselytes:Ac.10, Cornelius Devout: reverent, God-fearing Acts 2:5, faithful Jews Acts 10:2, faithful Gentiles Acts 8:2, faithful Christians Trained in same OT passages as Jews
God-fearers and Proselytes God-fearers “In the Acts, ‘proselytes of the gate’ are called [‘men that worship God’]. . . and simply [A.V. the devout persons] [R.V. devout proselytes] – Th., 572 Ac.13:16, Israelites AND God-fearers; 26. Ac.13:42-43, Jews AND devout proselytes
God-fearers: “term applied to former polytheists who accepted the ethical monotheism of Israel and attended the synagogue, but who did not obligate themselves to keep the whole Mosaic law” (particularly circumcision) –BDAG Acts 16:14, Lydia. Acts 18:7, Justin. 17:4, Thess.: devout Greeks
So what? 1. “NT is false; no one could meet these qualifications in short time” • True if starting from scratch • False if devout student of OT for yrs. Ac.6 2. “No one individual could meet every qualification; they apply to group” 3. “May be true but I can’t do it” • You have OT and NT!