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Explore concepts like normalization, biased assessments, poverty impact, lead poisoning risks, developmental disabilities, Brown v. Board of Education, special education programs, gifted children, labeling issues, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Chapter 5 images By Kimberly Kane
Normalization • oregondairycouncil.org This is a concept of attempting to make every day things possible for people with handicaps or disabilities. It comes from trying to make life normal for everyone. It is not restricted to just leaving institutions, it is also referring to living in the community.
Biased Assessment • localaccess.com This is an assessment that favors a group or person. Typically they are in favor of white middle class children. Children of color are typically at a disadvantage. This can cause an overrepresentation of these students.
Poverty • blog.lib.umn.edu A large number of students in classes who come from a background of poverty. This is a contributing factor of children being in special education. Children from a poverty background are more likely to be in special education.
Lead Poisoning • ioe.ucla.edu Children exposed to lead can have problems in areas of reading, speech, language disabilities, lowered IQ, neurological deficits, anemia, hearing loss, behavior problems, mental retardation, heart disease, kidney disease, seizures, coma, and even death.
Developmental Disability • dhs.sd.gov These are categorized as mental or physical impairments during birth. An example of this could be a child with Downs Syndrome.
Brown v Board of Education • talkingbooks.nypl.org One of the most important court decisions in regards to education. This court case hinges on the 14th Amendment. Linda Brown was the subject of this proceeding. The case determined education was a right due to everyone, no matter what race or gender.
Special Education • top-colleges.com Classroom or private instruction involving techniques, exercises, and subject matter designed for students whose learning needs cannot be met by a standard school curriculum.
Gifted • specialkidstoday.com This term refers to a child of high intelligence. The child is thought to have a gift of intelligence, hence the term. These children may attend special programs to help them reach their full potential.
Labeling • hss.state.ak.us This is a controversial process of labeling and characterizing children with disabilities. There are derogatory labels such as moron, idiot, and retard.
IDEA • thearcoftexas.org This stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It is public law passed by Congress. There have been multiple amendments to the original legislation outlining the treatment of disabled students.