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Victoria Bokusheva Svetlana Kruglova Irina Lazutkina Julia Lunkina Anna Postnikova Elena Scherbinina Moscow 7 - 8 February 201 2. CO ACHES BASICS. Day 1. Introductions. My Name What’s on my mind now ? ;) One most important thing for you IN BEING A COACH
Victoria Bokusheva Svetlana Kruglova Irina Lazutkina Julia Lunkina Anna Postnikova Elena Scherbinina Moscow 7-8 February 2012 COACHES BASICS
Introductions • My Name • What’s on my mind now ? ;) • One most important thing for you IN BEING A COACH • What I want from this training !!!!!!
Objectives By the end of this workshop you will: • e able to start using coaching more extensively and prepare yourself to next education stages • get some big picture context for coaching on the basis of PWC and ICF research • get some briefinfo about different models in coaching • develop and broaden your core coaching skills: listening, asking powerful and discovery questions, using coaching language, messaging,sharing observation and appreciation and many other techniques useful in coaching. • get to know and different combinations of coaching styles • me as a Coach
Content and Methodology • Day 1 • 10.00 Welcome and Introductions • Group Contract • Defining Coaching and ICF & PwC research • Models used in coaching and ICF Standards • 11.15 – 11.30 Break • Buildingcoachingenvironment and being present • More on GROW ( some useful techniques) • Practice in pairs • 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch • Listening (Saboteurs) • 15.15 – 15.30 Break • Powerful Questions • Sand box or multiple head coach - exercise • 17.00 Closing of the day 1
Content and Methodology • Day 2 • 10.00 Introduction to day 2 • Appreciation and sharing observation • Messaging • 11.15 – 11.30 Break • Coaching in trios with the observer • 12.30- 13.30 Lunch • Your personal coaching style • Me as a coach - my vision and mission • 15.15 – 15.30 Break • Recommended readings and next steps • 17.00 Wrap up and closing of day 2
Contract • Think of the behaviours you want to encourage/ discourage during this event • Share with the whole group , check understanding and agree the final list
Coaching Definition inPwC • Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to Maximise their own performance and consequently make best impact on the organisation.
coaching journey - application of coaching skills in PwC Attraction & recruitment Teaming TBL Related Induction in PwC experience Being a Manager /Coach Coaching in the workplace/Performance Coachingskills And lunch & learns Being a Senior Manger/Director/Partner / Coach Master Class group mentoring Being internal Executive Coach Coaches Basics AEoC Accreditaion mentoring supervision Onboarding PC& D related (being a Coachee-coaching bites Being a PC&D Coach- PC&D training With Clients
The Coach, the Client&coaching in the understanding of ICF • Coach – asks questions, which are to unlock client’s potential so that he/she can discover possibilities to realize his/her goal • Supports the client in designing actions , identifying and overcoming barriers • Is not advising, yet can share experience when having client’s permission • Extracting from the client what is most important for him ( although, sometimes he may not even be aware of that is) and what is the real source of his motivation…. His values! • It is important for the coach to believe in his client even much more than the client believes in himself. Client – this is a client who has the full rage of resources and possibilities and only he know what is best for him. Coaching – helping people in getting of what they desire without telling them what they should do and giving ready made solutions.
The Coach & the Client in the understanding of EMCC • Mostly same as ICF yet the major difference • Is allowing the coach to use mentoring and mingling it with coaching which ICF is not recognizing as pure coaching.
Being a good executive coach means… • Getting accredited coaching education min 60-70 h of ICF, EMCC accredited training for professional education • Getting professional qualification by passing exam for accredited ICF, EMCC Coach • Having business experience ( being in other roles within business organizations) . • Going through own transformation. • Having at least base psychology education/awarness about one psychoterpapy approach ( Gestalt, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, other with the focus from now onwards , not psychoanalytical etc.).
Coaches core competencies • Establishing the Coaching Agreement – ability to understand what is required in the specific coaching interaction and to come to agreement with the prospective client about the coaching process and relationship • Establishing trust and intimacy- ability to create a safe , supportive environment that produces ongoing mutual respect and trust • Coaching presence – ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous relationship with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible and confident. • Active listening - ability to focus completely on what the client is saying and not saying, to understand the meaning of what is said in the context of the client’s desires, and to support client self-expression
Coaches core competencies • Powerful questioning - ability to ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship and the client • Direct communication – ability to communicate effectively during coaching sessions, and to use language that ha ve the greatest positive impact on the client • Creating awareness- ability to integrate and accurately evaluate multiple sources of information, and to make interpretations that help the client to gain awareness and thereby achieve agreed-upon results. • Designing actions- ability to create with the client opportunities for ongoing learning, during coaching and work/life situations, and for taking new actions that will most effectively lead to agreed –upon coaching results • Planning and goal setting – ability to develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with the client. • Managing progress and accountability – ability to hold attention on what is important for the client, and to leave responsibility with the client to take action.
ICF Global Coaching ClientStudy June 2009 Prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Method and geography • Method: • Quality research: 14 interviews with coaches, • Quality research : 5 focus groups with 41clients, • Quantity research: 2165 respondents ( clients): 20-min on linesurvey • Respondents: • 2165 clients, • 4 continents, • 64 countries,
Coaching effectiveness validation • Was it a valuable experience?
Coaching effectiveness validation – areas of influence • Major influence on self confidence and relationship building ( clients).
GROW Model What is happening? Invite self-assessment Offer specific examples of feedback Check assumptions What do you want to achieve? Agree specific objective of session Set long term aim if appropriate Goal Goal Reality Reality Topic Options Will • What canyou do? Cover all options Offer suggestions carefully Invite to make choices What will you do? 1. Define your action plan 2. Identify possible obstacles 3. Agree support 4. Declare commitment –what ? when?
Coaching environment – critical factors • Trust • Relation • Intention • Language
Coaching Presence • Being here and now with the cochee • We have no influence upon what happened as it is already the past • Actually we have influence upon what we are doing now and in this way we create the conditions for what will be happening in the future • mantra „ I am here, I am not rushing anywhere and what I am doing now is most important to me”
GROW Model What is happening? Invite self-assessment Offer specific examples of feedback Check assumptions What do you wantto achieve? Agree specific objective of session Set long term aim if appropriate Session goal Goal Reality Reality Contracting for the session ! What is the issue? Agree thegoal Meta goal Options Will • What canyou do? Cover all options Offer suggestions carefully Invite to make choices What will you do? Define your action plan Identify possible obstacles Agree support Declare commitment
The GROW Model:GOAL Reality • Set long term aim if appropriate • Agree topic for discussion • Agree specific objective of session • Useful Questions • What would you like to achieve? • What is it you would like to discuss? • What would you like to be different when you leave this session? • What would you like to happen that is not happening now, or what would you like not to happen that is happening now? • What outcome would you like from this session/ discussion/ interaction? • Is that realistic? Can we do that in the time available? • Will that be of real value to you? Goal Reality Topic Will Options Will
Meta goal and the goal for the session meta goalvs. a goal for the very coaching session. What is your vision? Whom are you becoming? What is your goal for today? What do you expect from today's session? What would you like to achieve today?
Goal setting technique Topic: What do you want to discuss? Final goal definition and journey goals identification: If everything in this topic was just as you wanted it to be, what would be happening? Focus on the key journey goal: In which of those areas is it most important to you to make progress? Identify the goal for discussion: What would be a good outcome for you in that area from this discussion? Yes NO
Great goals are Specific and measurable: What exactly do you want to achieve? How do you know that when you achieve it? How would you measure the result? Positive: I hear that you don’t want this to happen again. What do you want to happen? Time limited: When do you want to achieve your goal? Within your control: To what extent you can influence the situation? Challenging and Realistic: Is it realistic? What need to happen to achieve this goal?Is it challenging enough for you? What do you feel about this goal? Personal and ecological: What is it for you in achieving this goal? What will happen when you achieve your goal? What will happen if you do not achieve it? Yes NO
The GROW Model: REALITY Goal • Invite self-assessment • Offer specific examples of feedback • Check assumptions • Discard irrelevant history • Useful Questions • What is happening at the moment? • How do you know that this is accurate? • How often does this happen? Be precise if possible. • What effect does this have? • How have you verified, or would you verify, that that is so? • What other factors are relevant? • What is other people’s perception of the situation? • What have you tried so far? Goal Reality Will Options Will
Reality exploration: How far have you gone, how far have you still to go Possible areas to explore reality Facts, Feelings, Skills, Thinking, Obstacles, Successes, Generalizations, Behaviors, Fears, Limiting Beliefs, Recourses, People Involved, Environment. Linking reality and options questions: So what has this discussion told you about yourself?/ about your situation?/ your strengths?/your challenges you still have to overcome? Yes NO
The GROW Model: OPTIONS Goal Reality • Cover all options • Invite suggestions from the coachee • Offer suggestions carefully • Invite to make choices • Useful Questions • What could you do to change the situation? • What alternatives are there to that approach? • What approach/actions have you seen used, or used yourself in similar situations? • Who might be able to help? • Which options do you like the most? • What are the benefits and pitfalls of these options? • Rate from 1 - 10 your interest level in the practicality of each of these options. Goal Reality Will Options Will
How to reinforce creative thinking ? Working with different techniques ; • Being in other’s shoes eg. How this problem would look like from the perspective of a 5th years old child? - Change of geographies - different microworlds - „ Future Self” • „Miracle” • Working on clients resources – „ frame”
Before going to action plan - priotritising • Which of these option you find best for you? • What are you choosing? • Which one you would like to start with? • What will be your fist step?
The GROW Model:WILL- Plan, Barriers, Commitment • Make steps specific and define timing • Identify possible obstacles • Agree support • Commit to action • Questions • What are the next steps? • Precisely when will you take them? • What might get in the way and how are you going to cope with it? • What support do you need? • What have you achieved through this conversation? • In what way this conversation was helpful to you? Goal Reality Goal Reality Options Will
Barriers & Sum up/Commitment • Is asking for barriers important? • Who is doing sum up and why?
Exercise in pairs Get into pairs and have a coaching conversation using grow model For coaching conversation bring your real challenge 15 minutes and change roles Debrief in the whole group
3-Level Listening – Empathy and EmotionalIntelligence Facts / Informationto understandrational Head Heart Emotionsto understandnon-rational Gut Assumptions/Values- Motivation/ Drivers to understandbehind and betweenwords
Listening for saboteurs/ gremlins /internal critics • Or… Internal voice… • As for our fear becomes much greater than our desire for change • A change for better life wakes up the saboteur like an alarm clock. • „You are not working hard enough”! • „ You should be much higher in the hierarchy than you are”! • „ you are not attractive enough, intelligent enough, educated enough, you do not have …..enough…..something to deserve…..somebody /something?”
Types of Saboteurs -Rick Carson classification • General – makes sure if you follow the rules, procedures, regulations, obligations, commands, zero tolerance for any disobeying of the above! • Artist – your work is never perfect enough! • Giant – do not dare to be assertive or express your unhappiness! • Big Fish! – „ You are nobody kid”! • ToughTrainer – „Be the best”!, „ Faster !, more !, hit stronger !”! „No time for rest go on”! • Father reverend – „You shouldn’t , it’s impropriate, immodest”! • Guru – „ look more for higher wisdom, quit your current life, give up on trying to have better life on earth , it’s not what is important!„ • Gloomy Mower – „ suffering is not only natural but also noble.Suffering will lead you to higher value in the future life!” • Miss Sowhat? – So what that you are on a diet, one piece of cake will not make a big difference….you did it again! You will never change! You’re hopeless!
How to cope with a saboteur? • Just notice! • Do not engage into the internal dialogue! • Stick to facts not interpretations and fantasies. • Explore your options • You still have a choice so stop for a while and decide again for what is Your choice! ( NOT THE GREMLIN’S)
listening - practice • Stage 1: One person shares for 3 min with others their own bolddesire to achieve. • Others listen carefully for - each on a different one • Heart – fears /gremlins ( what kind?) • Gut – Values to be honored and which are blocked by gremlins Stage 2: After about 3 minutes each listener reflects back what they have heard /noticed at each level • Heart – when I listened I felt.., I have noticed you may feel being blocked by your fear/gremlin…. • Gut – my gut feeling is that your value ….. Is not being honored Stage 3: The speaker summaries by sharing their reaction (what did they notice in themselves as they heard the responses) • Exercise in groups of 3 • Time: 15 minutes in total (5 min per stage)
Why we came up with different things? • Our knowledge, experience and beliefs • are filtering what we see or hear and influence our communication…. • so what can we do with them?