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Strengthening Planning and Monitoring Capacity of NPC (SPMC-NPC/UNDP) Project. Gyanendra Shrestha National Project Manager August 12, 2011. Outline of Presentation. Project description Project components Implementation/Management arrangements Major achievements Challenges
Strengthening Planning and Monitoring Capacity of NPC (SPMC-NPC/UNDP) Project Gyanendra Shrestha National Project Manager August 12, 2011
Outline of Presentation • Project description • Project components • Implementation/Management arrangements • Major achievements • Challenges • Upcoming activities
1. Project Description • This project support the NPC to make its planning and monitoring system inclusive as well as to strategize to meet the MDGs. • It aims to produce this result by • Making the current planning and monitoring processes, tools and system inclusive and inline with MDGs; • Making the process of national level data collection and analysis gender and social inclusion responsive; and • Developing institutional capacity of the NPC, CBS and select ministries with a focus on strengthening planning and monitoring systems, institutionalization of inclusive processes and formats, and training of relevant personnel.
… Project Description Year-wise Estimated Budget: Total Budget for the Period: US$ 10,54,000. • 2009 = 104,526 • 2010 = 274,759 • 2011 = 370,000 • 2012 = 65,244 NPM in Different Period • Oct 2009 – June 2010 (Rabi ShankerSainju) • July – Dec, 2010 (Dr. HariPradhan) • Jan – March, 2011 (Rabi ShankerSainju) • April 2011 – date (GyanendraShrestha)
2. Project Components In Gender and Social Inclusive Perspective
... Project Components 3. Linkages with Other Initiatives Poverty and Environment Initiative
3. Implementation/Management Arrangements National Implementation: • Project Coordination Committee: Chaired by Hon’ble Member of NPC and members consisting of NPC concerned Divisions, UNDP, relevant donors and sectoral Ministries - to provide strategic guidance, coordinate with other projects at NPC and sectoral ministries and other stakeholders. The meeting was organized at the beginning of the project. The next meeting will be organized to update 2011 progress at the end of December 2011. • Project Board: Chaired by NPC (NPD, at present Joint – Secretary/Chief of Macro Economic Division) and consisting members from NPC, UNDP, relevant donors, CBS and relevant ministries – for executive management decisions and guidance as required by the NPM • Project Management Committee: Chaired by NPD, UNDP focal persons and NPM and other staff. • Project Management Unit: NPM and all staff.
… Implementation/Management Arrangements • Project activities are largely confined with the project document, 2009 • AWP and management of implementation are governed by approved work plan with detailed quarterly schedule. The approved annual work plan is the main instrument of authorization for the Project Management Unit. Upon NPC’s request, UNDP Country Office provides the following services: • Identification and recruitment of project personnel • Identification and procurement of high value goods and services • Direct payment For these services from UNDP Country Office, a separate Letter of Agreement (LOA) is entered between UNDP and NPC. The project follows standard UNDP procedures for review, reporting, monitoring and evaluation The project should follow requirements of both NPC and UNDP – as mentioned in the NEX guidelines.
Activity Result 1, Action 1 - Finalize and publish 3rd MDG Progress Report
Activity Result 1, Action 2 - Finalize and publish MDG Needs Assessment Report
Activity Result 1, Action 5 – Provide technical support to Periodic plan Provide technical support to planning process of 3 year plan Supported 44 consultants in preparing TYP 2067/68 – 2069/70 including making TYP MDGs and GESI sensitive.
Activity Result 1, Action 3 - Develop & finalize MDG consistent Macro-economic Framework Report • A national consultant is working for the upgrading of MDG consistent macro-economic model and updating of required data to institutionalize the model applicable and acceptable to NPC. Prepare & publish MDG consistent Macroeconomic Framework
Activity Result 2, Action 1 : Provide support to CBS for Census 2011 Finalization of the Census Training Materials The SPMC NPC project support CBS to prepare two types of training materials for the effective conduction of different tiers of training. Two national consultants were hired to prepared two types of training materials. • Type 1: Training materials for Enumerators manual and Form I (Based on Form I, Training materials with instructions manuals and Enumerators Manual- 2 sets) • Type 2: Training materials for Listing forms and Form II (Based on Form II, two training materials with instruction manual and Supervisors Manual - 2 sets).
Manual for Form 1 Manual for Form 2
Finalization of the Census Training Materials (Contd….) • The project hired a GESI expert to review the manuals from gender and inclusion perspective. The training material is finalized and are currently used in the training process. The primary areas of the support is to ensure that the forms and manuals for the enumerators for data collection are gender and inclusive sensitive and that the enumerators and supervisors are sensitized through adequate training.
Printing of the Census leaflet for the School children SPMC NPC project supported CBS in printing of 1 million copies leaflet targeting mainly to secondary students for the publicity of National population census 2001. Gender and social inclusion sensitive Census Publicity and Media Campaign • Census publicity on Radio • National transmission • Local FMs
Activity 2, Action 2 - Provide support to strengthen NPC's monitoring system • Total of six training programs have been successful conducted in 5 development regions covering 75 districts and over 150 participants have been trained to use DPMAS software in DDC. • DPMAS has been improved, tested and implemented in 75 districts. Provide technical support for the establishment of DPMAS, PMAS and PPIS support District Poverty Monitoring and Analysis System (DPMAS)
Print English version of the Result based M + E Guideline • NPC with support from SPMC NPC project translated Result based Management guideline from Nepali to English language. Document is already printed and distributed by NPC. RESULT BASED MONITORINGAND EVELUATION GUIDELINES 2010 (2067) Hardware support including networking of PMAS, DMAS and PPIS at NPC and line ministry - in process
Action Result 4.1: Support provided to NPC to prepare an inclusive PEI focused MDG based national development plan Develop national level steering/ advisory mechanism
Activity Result 4.2, Action1 : Conduct Training Programme Conduct training programme on environment prioritization criteria and climate screening to NPC Officials and selected Ministries at staff college Inception report from Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) has been received. Final report yet to be received. However, this activity will be postponed until final report comes and it has been also noticed that similar study from the Ministry of Environment has also been awarded to NASC in larger scale. Thus, we need to wait until both reports comes in a final shape.
5. Challenges • Internalizing the main thrusts of the project by all within NPC and key ministries • Identifying key interventions for developing capacity of NPC and key ministries in planning and monitoring in MDGs and GESI perspective, and managing resources for coming years • Making the administrative process shorter – NPC and UNDP, and PEI component
6. Upcoming Activities • Finalization, dissemination and internalization of MDGs consistent macro-economic framework • Finalization, internalization and operationalization of PMAS, DPMAS and PPIS • Capacity development activities on strategic planning and monitoring for NPC and key Ministry level staff • Prepare Standard Operating Procedure for budget preparation • Dissemination of MDGs progress report and Needs Assessment report at Regional Level • Support CBS to analyse CENSUS data in GESI perspective • Strengthening Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation strengths at NPC • …………………