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New 2nd INEEE Conference: ENERGY, ENVIRONMMENT, DEVICES, SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS Venice, Italy, March 8-9-10 2011 EEDSCC Session: Environment Development I SMART APPLY OF ICT AND DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM FOR FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY BASED ON ECOINNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Motto : As a conclusion, the conference offers to the engineers and scientists a unique forum for establishing new collaborations within present or upcoming research projects, exchanging useful ideas, presenting recent researchresults, participating indiscussions and establishing new academic collaborations, linking university with the industry. New First presentation was held at the 6th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE’11) February 23-25 2011Cambridge, UK Initiative group: PhD EngineerIoan Surdu AcademicianAlexandru T. Bogdan EngineerAlexandru Marinescu MathematicianAdrian Esanu
S.C. SIAT S.A. • Expertise • IT support for biodiversity and agro-zootechny research; • Digital Business Eco-System for Management and • Marketing to optimize receipt for farm animal. • Automation system design; • Process control systems; • Process software; • IT system and databases; • Multimedia and GIS; • Communication and networks; • Computer Aided Design; • Consulting and technology transfer. Professional activity • Co-author in projects: • New research topic “Innovative Scientific Solutions for Integrated Application triad entitled Generosity-Solidarity-Creativity, in the smart mega-project “Strategic priorities for saving human food into a multipolar global system”, based on information and communication technology with Digital Business Ecosystems” • Research looking calorimetric rooms for feed energy/exergy ratio estimation • Complex research on cattle behavior in optimal and thermal stress condition MONITORING SYSTEM FOR VEGETABLE PRODUCTION BASED BY REAL-TIME MEASUREMENTS OF AGRO-METEO PARAMETERS EXPERIMENTAL STAND FOR CELL CULTURE BIOMET-01 WATER QUALITY MONITORING IN CATTLE FARMS EXPERIMENTAL STAND FOR CELL CULTURE BIOMET-01 TAURUS SOFTWARE FOR OPTIMISATION OF FEEDIG FOR CATTLE INNOVATIVE METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR POULTRY GROWING, USING ANOLITES AND CATHOLITES, TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY PRODUCTS AND FOR ENSURE VETERINARY HEALTH PROTECTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CATTLE HERDSAND THE NUTRITION OF DIARY COWS “LACTA-01” • RECEIPES COMPOUND FEED FORMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION AND VITAMINMINERAL • PROTEIN CONCENTRATES FOR SWINE. • RECEIPES COMPOUND FEED FORMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION AND VITAMINMINERAL • PROTEIN CONCENTRATES FOR POULTRY. • RATION FORMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION AND VITAMIN MINERAL PROTEIN • CONCENTRATES FOR YOUNG CATTLE AND MILCH COW
Producer`s protection Food-safety integration of humankind Environment protection Processor`s protection SMART APPLY OF ICT AND DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM FOR FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY BASED ON ECOINNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Soil protection Consumer`s protection Agrifood independence and sovereignty O b j e c t i v e s 1. The concept of food security in relation to new world food depression 1.1 Research forbio-productive potential evaluation of natural and anthropic eco-systems -Innovative solutions, ICT models and techniques for collecting, structuring and integrating information -Assessment models of bio-productive potential on food and feed in natural and anthropic eco-systems based on soilenergy sustainability principles -Evaluation models of exergetic and emergetic potential of natural and anthropic eco systems 1.2. Research for estimation of bio-resource need on food and feed - Innovative solutions, ICT prediction models and techniques of bio-resource need expressed in caloric units and exergy 1.3. Research and developing the redeployment models of primary resources based on productive potential optimization principles - Modeling, simulation, prediction, productive potential redeployment in order to obtain optimal in ecological balance Strategic Management Human Resources Management Risk and Crisis management Technical Management Quality management SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGRIFOOD SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT O b j e c t i v e s 2. Food safety in relation to the new world food depression 2.1 Legislative normative concerning the quality of food and feed at global, European and national level 2.2Research and eco-innovative solutions and technologies for food production to keep balance in eco-system, biodiversity and environmental conservation 2.3. Research and developingmonitoring modelsof food quality on soil-plant-animal-human trophic chain, including also marketing distribution networks. 2.4. Research and developing ICT global monitoring applications of energy flow in the trophic chain, at geographical area level
SMART APPLY OF ICT AND DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM FOR FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY BASED ON ECOINNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS -Research and development of models and ICT techniques for collecting, structuring and integrating information -Research and development of evaluation prediction models of bio-productive potential based on soilenergy sustainability principles -Research and development of redeployment models of primary resources based on exergetic potential optimization principles -Impact analysis studies and development of global, regional and local official regulations regarding the quality of food and feed -Study on eco-innovative solutions for food production to keep balance in eco-system, biodiversity and natural environmental conservation -Research and development the monitoring modelsof food quality on soil-plant-animal-human trophic chain, including also marketing distribution networks (Digital Business Ecosystems) -Development of Smart ICT, global monitoring applications on energetic networks in trophic chains from rural and urban agro-eco-systems (urban agriculture) A c t i v i t i e s ICT for Crop System Management -Soil -Plants -Environment -Vegetal production ICT for Livestock System Management -Breeding -Optimized nutrition -Environment -Animal production ICT for Scientific research Multidisciplinary approach on the chain Soil-plant-animal-human consumer Digital Ecosystem for Crop-Livestock Sustainable Agro-eco-system ICT for Eco-economic System -Cost -Benefit -Business ICT for Human Resources -Education -Culture -Customs DE for crop-livestock sustainable agro-eco-system- Schematic diagram T a r g e t G r o u p s -Analysis and prediction global structures of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) -National and international governmental bodies with responsibilities for security and safety of food and feed -European and national non- governmental bodies focused on monitoring activities (associative authorities, farmers, traders, processors) -Major producers of food and feed in a multi-polar changing world -Traders of vegetable and animal food products, which are industrially processed or traditionally manufactured -Public health system and authorities involved in prevention and control of zoonoses and achievement ecosanogenesis
SMART APPLY OF ICT AND DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM FOR FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY BASED ON ECOINNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS • - Partnerships among research institutes, public companies and privately owned companies with productive and applied research activities, public and privately universities, at national and trans-national level • - Partnership with academic research in direction of professional competencies improving • - Privately owned companies (IT, food and feed production, marketing, processing) Partnerships Scientific Research System Multidisciplinary approach Educational System based on regional need Macroeconomic System -Smart development -Companies -Market -Capital Digital Business Ecosystem for Regional Area EXPERIMENTAL STAND FOR CELL CULTURE BIOMET-01 Socio-Cultural System E-government -Culture -Customs History Knowledge Dissemination System -Information network -Portals DBE for regional area - Schematic diagram EXPERIMENTAL STAND FOR CELL CULTURE BIOMET-01 • - Food security for next period like 2030-2050-2100 • - Resource and risk factors management • - Avoidance the peak depression of system • - Conservation of bio-productive potential of anthropized systems • - Biodiversity and environment conservation Impact • - National and transnational public funds coordinated by World Bank, BERD, FAO,USAID • - National and transnational public research funds (National R&D and Innovation Plan, • - European Research Plan FP7-FP8, Environment, Energy, ICT etc) • - Government funds for investment and development • National and international private funds from foundations, NGOs, private entrepreneurs and funding. Financial sources
SMART APPLY OF ICT AND DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM FOR FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY BASED ON ECOINNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Innovative scientific solutions for the integrated apply of the Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity triad in the smart mega-project entitled “Strategic priorities in order to save the word food into a multipolar global system”, based on ICT with Digital Business Ecosystems SMART Mega Research Project “Agrifood Green Power in World Food Crisis” S.C. SIAT S.A. Specific references ID 63258 Strategic project number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/63258 "Postdoctoral school for livestock biodiversity and food biotehnology based on the ecoeconomy and the bioeconomy required by ecosangenesys" co-financed from the European Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013. EXPERIMENTAL STAND FOR CELL CULTURE BIOMET-01 POSDRU ID 77082 Strategic project number POSDRU/107/1.5/S/77082 “PhD scholarships study in ecoeconomic and bioeconomic complex training for food and feed safety and security from anthropic systems" co-financed from the European Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 POSDRU CONTACT: General Manager: Alexandru MARINESCU E-mail: mary@siat.ro Scientific Director: Adrian ESANU E-mail: aesanu@siat.ro Project Manager: Ioan SURDU E-mail: isurdu@yahoo.fr Tel/fax: +40-21.316.27.97/+40-21.316.29.29