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TMDE AND FLEET SYSTEM RISK. Dennis Jackson NSWC Corona Division (MS-20) 7 May 2009. Overview. System Specifications System Testing and Risk System Adjustment and Specifications. Prime System Traceability.
TMDE ANDFLEET SYSTEM RISK Dennis Jackson NSWC Corona Division (MS-20) 7 May 2009
Overview • System Specifications • System Testing and Risk • System Adjustment and Specifications
Prime System Traceability • Program / acquisition managers will provide measurement requirements that are in support of prime systems to the TMDE EA via MIL-STD-1839C CMRS data submitted. -- NAVSEAINST 4734.1B • Recommended TMDE shall be capable of measuring or generating to a higher accuracy than the measurement parameters being supported. Unless otherwise specified, a minimum Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR) of 4 to 1 is desired. The actual TUR shall be documented. -- MIL-STD-1839C • Development procedures shall result in MRCs that ensure system or equipment operation is within performance standards and established readiness criteria. -- MIL-P-24534A
Test Accuracy Ratio (TAR) Example: (Expressed as 10:1) • TAR = The ratio of the system specification to the TMDE tolerance • TAR is a key driver for test decision risk and cost
Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR) • TUR = The ratio of the system specification to the TMDE uncertainty • Since the TMDE tolerance is often assumed to be the uncertainty, TAR and TUR are often used as equivalent. • The new ANSI/NCSLI Z540.3 standard defines TUR as the ratio of the TMDE tolerance to the 95% Calibration Process uncertainty. • The Z540.3 provides a less ambiguous definition. • The Z540.3 definition applies to calibration rather than system testing.
Example System Mk 99 Missile Fire Control System • Controls the loading and arming of the selected weapon • Launches the weapon • Provides terminal guidance for AAW (Anti-Air Warfare) missiles • Controls the target illumination for the terminal guidance of SM-2
Specifications • An MRC directs testing with a TMDE to ensure a system parameter is within a specification. • For example: • Ensure voltage measured is 27.0 V (± 2 V) • Ensure voltage measured is 28.0 (26.6 to 29.4) VDC
Specification Choice • What does ± 2.0 V mean? • At 29.0 V, is performance degraded? • At 25.0 V, is performance degraded? • Specifications should not be determined solely on TMDE accuracy
Utility Curve Acceptable performance Degraded performance Loss of Utility
Testing • Navy systems are tested using test equipment (TMDE) Test Equipment Navy System Measures
TMDE Index How do TMDE tolerances relate to testing systems?
TMDE Measurement Error Test Equipment Navy System Measures • All Measurements have some error • TMDE errors need to be small • Large TMDE errors cause bad test decisions • If, for example the test equipment measurement above was off by 1 volt, the system would fail incorrectly • This would cause unnecessary maintenance
Utility Curve Uncertainty for TMDE Measurements tested inside the specification could actually be in the degraded performance region Acceptable performance Degraded performance Loss of Utility
MeasurementRisk Events • False Accept occurs when a parameter is observed through testing by a TMDE to be acceptable, but is actually outside specifications • False Reject occurs when a parameter is rejected through testing by a TMDE , but is actually inside specifications
Risk Consequences • False Accepts directly harm the Fleet • Degradation of mission capability • Failure of mission • Injury • Loss of life • False Rejects indirectly harm the Fleet • Increased maintenance cost • Decreased availability
TMDE Measurement Model TMDE SYSTEM PARAMETER Measures TMDE Measurement = Parameter Value + Test Error • The parameter value is the true output from the system • The TMDE measurement estimates the parameter value • The test error is due to inaccuracy in the TMDE as well as in the test setup
True In Tolerance A parameter is truly in tolerance if: Lower Spec < Parameter Value < Upper Spec Parameter Value Lower Spec (-L) Nominal Upper Spec (L)
Observed In Tolerance (Acceptance) A parameter is observed in tolerance if: Lower Spec < TMDE Measurement < Upper Spec TMDE Measurement Lower Spec (-L) 0 Upper Spec (L)
TMDE Measurement Test Error Parameter Value - L L Nominal False Accepts False Accept (FA): • The TMDE Meas is observed in tolerance [ -L < Meas < L ] • The Par Value is out of tolerance [ Value > L or Value < -L ] • The decision to accept the Parameter is incorrect
TMDE Measurement Test Error Parameter Value - L L Nominal Probability of False Accept Probability of False Accept (PFA): PFA = Pr( [Observed In Tolerance] and [True Out Of Tolerance] ) = Pr( [-L < Meas < L] and [Value > L or Value < -L] ) PFA is the probability of making an incorrect acceptance decision
True Out Of Tolerance A parameter is truly out of tolerance if: Parameter Value < Lower Spec orParameter Value > Upper Spec Parameter Value Lower Spec (-L) Nominal Upper Spec (L)
Observed Out Of Tolerance (Rejection) A parameter is observed out of tolerance if: TMDE Measurement < Lower Spec or TMDE Measurement > Upper Spec TMDE Measurement Lower Spec (-L) Nominal Upper Spec (L)
Parameter Value Test Error TMDE Measurement - L L Nominal False Rejects False Reject (FR): • The Par Value is in tolerance [ -L < Value < L ] • The TMDE Meas is observed out of tolerance [ Meas > L or Meas < -L ] • The decision to reject the Parameter is incorrect
Parameter Value Test Error TMDE Measurement - L L Nominal Probability of False Reject Probability of False Reject (PFR): PFR = Pr( [Observed Out OfTolerance] and [True In Tolerance] ) = Pr( [Meas > L or Meas < -L] and [-L < Value < L] ) PFR is the probability of making an incorrect reject decision
Inputs Needed to Calculate Risk Probability • The Specification Limits (-L, L) • The MRC Card • The Measurement Uncertainty for the Test Process • Generally, this can be considered the TMDE uncertainty • Should also include test set-up uncertainty (cables, etc.) • The Observed Test Parameter Reliability • 3M Data
Not Calibrating Costs Money • Inaccurate test equipment cause bad test decisions • Wrong test decisions mean unnecessary maintenance • Maintenance cost is driven by TMDE uncertainty, system spec’s, cal periodicity, and maintenance periodicity
The Key Is to Minimize Cost • More calibration increases calibration budget • Less calibration increases maintenance budget, but allows extended deployment and fewer personnel • Minimize the total budget (calibration + maintenance)
Testing vs Adjusting • For some parameters, the TMDE is used to adjust the parameter value rather than testing it • Often, no specification is given for this situation • With no specification, there is no basis for choosing the TMDE since TAR is unknown • The following shows an example.
Utility Curve Uncertainty for TMDE TMDE adjustment accuracy should be 4 times better than the system requirement Acceptable performance Degraded performance Loss of Utility
Adjustment and TUR • Assume TUR is the ratio of the 95% TMDE uncertainty to the system specification • With a 4:1 TUR, an adjusted parameter has very close to a 0% chance of being out of tolerance after adjustment. • Assuming a stable system parameter (good repeatability) • With a 1:1 TUR, an adjusted parameter has about a 5% chance of being out of tolerance after adjustment. • A 1:1 TUR occurs when the system specification is set to the TMDE tolerance
Conclusions • Specifications are needed for every measurement event requiring a TMDE • Specifications should be directly related to system performance • Specifications should answer the question: “Does system performance degrade when the parameter is outside the specification?”
Conclusions • TMDE tests are used to make decisions about Fleet systems. • Wrong decisions cause consequences to the Fleet: • Degradation of mission capability • Loss of mission • Injury • Loss of life • Unnecessary maintenance cost • System unavailability • The probability of wrong decisions can be calculated using risk methods
Conclusions • To assess the probability of wrong decisions (PFA and PFR), you need: • System specifications • TMDE tolerances/uncertainty • System reliabilities • If the system specifications are related to system performance, the risk measures directly relate to system reliability • Allows assessment of impact of TMDE testing on system performance • Allows assessment of impact of calibration of TMDE on system performance