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I INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOCIL Indonesia was officially registered on 10th May 2005 in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi by environmental education practicionaries and concerned individuals. FOCIL Indonesia is a non-profit and non-political NGO that focuses on initiating and promoting education for sustainable life (ESL) principles and practices in urban, coastal and small islands areas. It formulates and assesses concepts, policies and action plans of ESL and seeks to implement them in collaborative and comprehensive programs with local stakeholders.
2 Vision and Mission • VISION • To be a remarkable inspiring institution, a motivator and organizer of education for sustainable life in the urban areas, coastal regions and small islands of Southeast Sulawesi • MISSION • To improve the quality of human resources in the areas of urban, coastal and small islands in Southeast Sulawesi • To promote sustainable environmental management in urban, coastal and small islands • To develop alternative model of education for sustainable life • To develop social entrepreneurship for self-reliance and continuation of the organization • To develop social entrepreneurship network and market • To develop the storehouse of Education Dynamics for Sustainable Life and to distribute them to wider audience.
Activities • Produced Modules of Environmental Education for Coastal Management for primary and junior high school students in Southeast Sulawesi 2005-2006; • Supervisedthe program of Bangun Praja Lingkungan (ADIPURA) Southeast Sulawesi 2005-2007; • Facilitated School Program and Green Community “Implementation of waste management-school and community based”. 2005-2007 • Facilitated a training of Environmentally Education for teachers of Junior High School in Wakatobi Regency • Facilitated Workshop of Environmental Education “Alam Sultra, Media Belajar Tiada Batas” Kendari 2006 • Facilitated a journalist trip “Menuju Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat” Kendari. 2006 • Facilitated a Journalist Trip and Environmental Scout Trip for Junior and Senior High School Sudents. Kendari. 2006
Activities • Produced Serial Comics about Coastal Environmental Education. 2006; • Facilitated the development of coral park which was managed by local people of Bajonese, Tolakinese, and Buginese in tapulaga South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi as the site for coral education for children. 2006; • Assistedcity government of Kendari to greenpublic spaces in Kendari. 2008-2011; • Developing and advocating the implementation of Environmental Education through Local Content (Mulok) in elementary and secondary levels in Kendari and Wakatobi. 2010 – 2012; • Supportingthe Green Teacher Network andState Radio Station (RRI) Pro 2 FM in the radio broadcasting program called PesonaHijau. 2011 – 2013; • Organizing Green Road To School program with Australian Youth Ambassador Development (AYAD). 2011 - 2012; • Assisting some schools in Kendari to be the environmentally friendly Schools (ADIWIYATA). 2011 – 2013; and • Preparing the establishment of FOCIL’s Environmentaland Cultural Education Center in Konda, South Konawe. 2012 - 2014
SOME RESULTED OUTPUT • Mayor Decree of Kendari No 1555 to oblige the implementation of Local Content (MULOK) of Pendidikan Keterampilan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (PKPLH) in SD, SMP and SMA level; • Regent Decree of Wakatobi No 211 to oblige the implementation of MULOK of Marine in SD, SMP and SMA level; • Curriculum of MULOK of Marine and PKPLH; • The Establishment of Green and Blue Teacher Networks • Participation and collaboration of school community with private sectors and mass medias
SOME RESULTED OUTPUT • Partial budget for the implementation of the two MULOK in the APBD Kendari and Wakatobi. • There are 188 schools in Wakatobi are now implementing MULOK of Marine while in Kendari there are 30 schools are implementing MULOK of PKPLH. • About 27.000 Students in Wakatobi and 30.000 Students in Kendari are learning MULOK of Environmental Education (Marine and PKPLH) at their school; • 30 teachers are well trained on developing the MULOK’s curriculum. Two of them are certified as professional environmental education teachers; • Seven environmentally friendly schools in Kendari, the other 23 are now preparing themselves • School Based Mangrove Management in Tomia, Wakatobi
Planned Programs • STRENGTHENING THE EDUCATION NETWORK FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCE GOVERNANCE IN SOUTHEAST SULAWESI (Phase II) • (A) Advocacies and Policy • To advocate the local government policy related to the implementation of Education for Sustainable Life through Local Content (MULOK) of Environmental subject in all formal education level; • To ensure that the budget for the MULOK of environmental subject is partially allocated through RAPBS, BOS, BOP, and APBD; • To strengthen Focil’s role as the network moderator of education for sustainable life in Southeast Sulawesi; • To strengthen JGH and JGB roles in empowering the local teachers in curriculum development; • (B) Intra-Curricular • To implement School Environmental Innovative Program;
(C) Extra-Curricular To ensure participation of students’ association or other young people groups in outreach and environmental campaign program; To optimize the role of mainstream and alternative media in increasing the interaction and collaboration among the students, Teacher, parents, community and local government in term of implementation of environmental education; (D) Partnership and collaboration To establish Environmental and CulturalEducationCentre of “PustakaAlam” in Konda, Southeast Sulawesi ; To develop a coalition among the local NGOs that concern to education and public health To strengthen cooperation between school communities with private companies in SE Sulawesi
Proposed Program D “PustakaAlam”, a Focil’s Environmental and Cultural Education Centre. • The need of education for sustainable life is improving significantly, not only from schools’communities but also from other interested groups; • schools area are getting crowded and therefore doesn’t support the outdoor activities related to environmental education; • As a site to preserve the local custom, traditions and local endemic plants; • As the center of smart practices of socio-environmental management; • As the alternative education center for all especially for those who can’t afford to the public school • As the promising alternative livelihood for local people
Proposed Program D • PUSTAKA ALAM FOCIL • What are going to be included on PustakaAlam?? • Organic Farming; • Edueco-tourism; • Local people Training and empowernment; • Environmental Education Program; • Library; • Endemic plant preservation area; • Local custom and culture preservation program, etc. • STAGES • To conduct strategic planning workshop; • To analyze and find the representative site; • To socialize with local people around the site; • To identify the local people needs; • To submit the proposal; • To organize final workshop; • To activate the centre;
Why FOCIL needs support ?? Most of the environmental issues and problemsroot from one source, the human being. FOCIL invests its energy to develop human’s thought, action, habit, and character through education to make them more aware about their responsibility on this earth and participate in responsible actions. That efforts will not become real without sustainable funding of the organization/NGO. Therefore Focil develops its social business plan that may ensure the availability of budget. Supports from donors are strategic to ensure the realization of this social business plan.
Our partners: BLH Kota Kendari (Environmental Board of Local government) Diknas Kota Kendari (National Educationa Board) JGH(Green Teacher Network) JGB (Blue Teacher Network) Medias Schools NGOs
Focilers • Amar Ma’ruf Edu: Bachelor Degree of Aquatic Resource Management, Haluoleo University Short Course on Ecosystem Approach in Biodiversity Management, Utrecht University Environment and Resource Management at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Master Degree)
Work: Founding and MD of Focil Indonesia WWF (Network and Education Officer) Regional manager ERC Ld. Wahidin Have just Graduated From Fishery Faculty IASS (Exchange Students) Former of MD Focil 2010-2012