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Atlanta Extended Office Network

Atlanta Extended Office Network. Extended Office Network - Pilot Project Overview. Michael Shear POCKETS Distributed Workplace Alternative, Inc. Description.

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Atlanta Extended Office Network

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  1. AtlantaExtended Office Network

  2. Extended Office Network - Pilot Project Overview Michael Shear POCKETS Distributed Workplace Alternative, Inc.

  3. Description Extended Office Networking is the combined use of a broad range of information technologies and strategic use of real estate for economic and social advantage.

  4. Federal Employment Objectives • Equitable, safe and secure support of federal employees • Establish comprehensive COOP support • Improve attraction and retention • Improve work-life balance

  5. Federal Services Objectives • Reduce congestion / VMT • Reduce pollution • Move services closer to communities • Stimulate rural economies • Develop ICT integration strategy • Reduce vulnerability of single locations • Strengthen First Responder capabilities

  6. Project Goals • Demonstrate value of the distributed workplace technology model • Implement at least one 5 site metropolitan pilot - 1200 person • Reach pilot capacity within 24 months

  7. State & Local Government Extended Office Network Proof of Concept Pilot Parameters Federal Government Enterprise Tenant 4-5 Locations 5-8 TeleSuites/ Location 20-40 People /TeleSuite 25-30 Seat Distributed Call Center/location Broadband LAN/WAN Voice/Data/Video Connectivity End User Systems & Software Support $6,500 – $7,500 Investment/person Tech Center & Education Web Enabled Call Center

  8. Enterprise Tenant Proof of Concept TeleSuites are networked throughout a major metropolitan or statewide area

  9. Progressive Analysis • Discovery Processes • Employee Demographics Distribution • Current Technologies • Current Uses of Collaboration • Facilities and Real Estate

  10. Progressive Implementation • Scaled over 24 months • Focused on 6 – 10 agencies and companies (1000 – 1500) • “Bridge” existing technologies and services • Layer enhanced collaboration and interactive video services • Deliver client specific training

  11. Pilot’s first 50 people • Phase 1 - Discovery processes • Phase 2 - Pre-Implementation planning • Phase 3 - Implementation - (1200 - over 24 months) Phase 1 - Discovery Phase 2–Pre-Implementation Phase 3-Initial 50 people Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

  12. Government Employees in Pilot People 140 120 60 100 80 60 100 30 60 60 40 40 25 30 60 30 41 20 10 25 22 19 18 10 10 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quarter Gov - 1 Gov - 2 Gov - 3 Gov - 4

  13. Progressive Technology • Extend existing voice and data technologies • Support new technology requirements consistent with Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference Models • Plan, implement and train users on enhanced collaboration and video communication tools • Secure multi-purpose service integrations

  14. Atlanta Extended Office Network EON leverages combined use of dedicated and IP network connectivity

  15. Networking Model - Proposal • EON Main Metro Data/Networking Center • MAN/LAN Network topology to suit • Inter-network Client/Partner locations • Inter-Networking • MAN & WAN links • VPN and IP-Networking • Wireless and LOS • Multi-service management and administration

  16. Integration Standards • Development within E-Gov Enterprise Architecture Guidance • Designs support: • Privacy and Security to NIST and other industry standards • Integration for legacy and current Systems and Distributed Applications • User and Protocol Performance requirements • Service management to track and deliver administration request • Authentication and Access-Controls • IDS in multi-use networks • Logging and Reporting systems

  17. Extended Office Network Concept Metro-Area Topology EON Site : EON will engineer and coordinate connectivity from Partners and Office and mixed-use facilities Clients to POCKETS Main - Office or other POCKETS locations. Connectivity integrates with clients main Partner Company Offices leased - line, Frame Relay or other Wide Area with Network strategy. MAN and LAN options include EON client services Wireless , Ethernet or Optical links. PBX PSTN Internet Integrated VoIP EON Local Metro Main Office Partner Company Offices EON Site Design for LAN/MAN/WAN Multi-Office Building connections include traffic - engineering to allow for Data, integrated Voice (VoIP) and Video Conferencing Capability. These will be as Connectivity to other Intra- and Inter-state extensions of client’s services EON Communities into POCKETS sites as remote office locations for clients.

  18. Emerging Standards • IP Voice solutions • Integrating POTS • Central application management • Citrix • VMware • IPSEC network tunneling • Single sign-on and Web-based Portals • Content filtering and distribution management

  19. Current Status Effort is dependent upon Federal, State and Local Governments’ participation • Needs are clearly identified • Uneven allocation of resources • Growing sense of urgency • Strong interest by many segments • Looking for a starting point • Need a low risk, high reward plan

  20. Federal Government Participation • DOT, DHS and GSA/PBS support discovery phase reviews for certain designated federal and state agencies in one or several selected metropolitan locations • GSA workplace guidance and support working with individual agencies

  21. Proposed Joint Venture Preparation Phase – Months 0 to 6 • Form Atlanta JVI staff (3-8 individuals) • Identify prospective initial tenants • Establish a planning group consisting of key Atlanta businesses, organizations, and individuals • Develop a comprehensive pilot business plan for the Atlanta area with support from stakeholders • Apply for appropriate grant programs • Define necessary feasibility reviews • Add members as appropriate to the Atlanta JVI

  22. Proposed Joint Venture Months 7 to 12 – • Identify first tenants and target specific remote workers • Complete initial feasibility reviews and identify technology, connectivity, and real estate requirements • Create ICT test and review processes (lab) for distributed workplace technologies evaluation • Develop workscape options with first tenants • Develop human resources and technology migration plan for initial tenant's • Select first real estate locations and begin phased build out

  23. Atlanta Extended Office Network

  24. Advantages of Extended Office Network • Access- • more equitable access to employees providing a standards based platform to accelerate the adoption of emerging data, voice, video and collaboration tools. • improves management oversight, security and the converged use of proven technologies than telework • Transportation- • more predictable traffic demand management tool due to permanent use • Environment- • provides greater environmental impact with greater reduction of vehicle miles • Employment and Economic Development- • designed to create new jobs for technical, support and training staff at each location • provides additional opportunity for employers to hire employees from more communities • Economics- • greater reduction of employees’ time, fuel, tolls, auto maintenance & insurance rates • eliminates the diseconomies of the last mile by establishing local facilities • benefits of distributed workplace are 3 to 5 times greater than teleworking • It is a plan- • Distributed Workplace is scalable and deployed based upon a methodical, analytical and proactive plan

  25. Work Location/Method Benefit Comparison

  26. Prospective Tenants • State Employees • Federal Agencies & Departments • Commercial Enterprise Companies • Call Center Services Organizations

  27. Potential Business Partners • BellSouth • Cisco • Sun Microsystems • Hewlett Packard • Intel • DEGW • CH2MHill

  28. Team/Resources • Core Team – consists of founders with specific business, technology and academic expertise • Management Team – In Formation • Strategic Partners – In discussions with several significant commercial firms

  29. Related Documents • Abbreviated Business Plan • Appendix A – Current Supportive Documents • Pilot Personal Savings Calculator • FAQ Brochure • Transitions Presentation

  30. Atlanta Real-Time Traffic Map

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