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ITU ICT Applications Strategies and Resources. ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau. Presentation. ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division International Telecommunication Union UN Specialized Agency in Charge of ICTs. www.itu.int/itu-d/cyb/e-health.
ITU ICT Applications Strategies and Resources ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau Presentation ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division International Telecommunication UnionUN Specialized Agency in Charge of ICTs www.itu.int/itu-d/cyb/e-health
e-Applications: A Priority for Development Electrnic health (e-health) is: • The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010 in Guadalajara, Mexico adopted a new Resolution that calls on ITU to give priority consideration to the expansion of telecommunication/ICT initiatives for e-health. (Resolution PP-183, Guadalajara, 2010) • A new Resolution on e-health was also adopted in 2010 at the World Telecommunication Development Conference on Improving access to healthcare services by using information and communication technologies. (Resolution WTDC-65, Hyderabad, 2010) • A new Resolution on e-government was also adopted in 2010 at the World Telecommunication Development Conference on More effective adoption of e-government services • (Resolution WTDC-74, Hyderabad, 2010)
Facilitating national e-health planning • A “National e-Health Strategy toolkit” was Developed that consists of a methodology and set of resources to guide country decision makers to develop their national e-Health strategy and roadmap. • The toolkit will be made available March 2012 • The toolkit will be followed by rollout activities to disseminate it and to work with countries towards having a national approach to using ICT for Health. 3
Documenting new ICT ApplicationsM-Government • Published a report with OECD on “Mobile Government for responsive governments and connected society” • The report documents the use mobile technologies to enhance government’s performance, improve public service delivery, and engage citizens and civil society organizations in policy and decision making both in developed and developing countries, • The report is available at: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/cyb/app/m-gov.html . 4
Commission on Information and Accountability for Women and Children’s health • ITU co-vice-chaired the Commission’s on Information and Accountability for Women and Children’s health that was set up by UN SG to propose a framework for global reporting, oversight and accountability on women's and children's health. • ITU in collaboration with WHO provided a background paper on Information and Communication Technology’s contribution to accountability for women’s and children’s health and the role that ICT could play to enhance accountability for resources and results to fulfil MDG 4 and 5. The paper is available: http://www.everywomaneverychild.org/images/content/files/accountability_commission/ICT_for_Accountability.pdf • ITU is also involved in the implementation of the work plan set by the Commission 5
Facilitating e-health infrastructure planning • A report entitled Scaling e-Health services in step with ICT transformation was publishedto provide guidance to e-Health planners on which e-Health services can be deployed immediately with available infrastructure and which additional services can be added as the infrastructure is transformed. • The report is available at: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/cyb/app/e-health.html 6
Facilitating e-health Standardization • ITU’s Standardization Sector has released a Technology Watch Report that looks to the future of e-health. • The report observes that e-health development will require more universal e-health interoperability standards, and strategies to overcome technical infrastructure barriers and address privacy, security, and other legal requirements. • The report is available: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/techwatch/Pages/ehealth-standards.aspx 7
Facilitating e-health Standardization • ITU Standardization and Development sectors are planning to strengthen their work on eHealth Standardization in collaboration with WHO and other international organizations. • Some activities are already planned such as an international workshop on eHealth Standardization to take place around next April 2012. 8
Wireless Broadband Initiative Expected outcomes : • ITU and WHO have been working together with the ICT industry on the African Health Infoway (AHI), as part of ITU’s Wireless Broadband Initiative. • WHO will coordinate the development and installation of computer systems, while ITU facilitates the deployment of infrastructure in countries in collaboration with national telecommunication carriers, and other technology partners • Develop and deploy wireless networks • Guarantee capacity for schools and hospitals • Train local experts and build human capacity • Develop ICT Applications: e-health, e-education, e-government 9
Technical countries assistance • Conducted a “Country Assessment and Feasibility study” inNepal to identify potential scalable and sustainable Mobile e-Health (mHealth) services for improved health outcomes from 25th April-7th May 2011. • 3 concept notes were proposed for possible mHealth projects 10
Facilitating e-health Information Sharing • ITU co-organized with WHO an e-Health Pavilion during the ITU World Telecom 25-27 October 2011 where there was a very dynamic set of showcases and side talks from around the world • The agenda and presentations are available: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/cyb/events/2011/Telecom11/e-health/index.phtml 11
Facilitating e-health information sharing ITU organized many events about ICT Applications: • Forum on Health Information Systems (HIS)jointly organized by ITU, USAID, WHO, DFID, NORAD in Manila, Philippines, 13-16 June 2011, • Regional meeting on e-Health for Asia Pacific region in Tokyo, Japan that washosted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), 10-11 March 2011, • WSIS C7 Facilitation meeting on e-Health held on the 18th May 2011 in Geneva • Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on ICT Applications was held on 18-21 May 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand. 12
Remaining Challenges Need for improved evidence of the economic and social benefits of e-Health Problems achieving interoperable e-Health applications Many pilots for e-Health projects exist, but scalability is an issue Improved communication between telecom and health sectors 13
Conclusions/Key messages • The introduction of e-Health applications requires multidisciplinary collaboration and the telecommunication and healthcare sectors have to work together • Successful e-Health services require commitment to promote national strategies and facilitate capacity building • Developing countries urgently need a strategic document – eHealth Master Plan and a Roadmap
European Regional Initiative on E-Applications, Including E-Health(m-Health) Concept Presentation Enhanced Collaboration in Europe Region Presentation Europe Coordination Unit and ICT Applications Division International Telecommunication Union www.itu.int/itu-d/eur www.itu.int/itu-d/cyb/e-health
European Regional Initiatives • WTDC-10 Resolution 17 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) • E-accessibility in Central and Eastern Europe (Internet and digital television) for blind people and people with visual impairment problems • Digital broadcasting • ICT applications, including e-health • Standardized Process for Implementation • Identification of the challenge at the RPM level • WTDC decision on regional initiative • Background Material • Consultative Meeting • Proposal of Project Document • Feedback of Membership • Implementation of Project
M-Health: Emerging Challenges Technology and Business Regulation and Policy Liability Service providers, network or infrastructure operators, manufacturers Policy makers and regulators: Telecom vs. Health regulation Definition of medical device certification, quality assurance Security and privacy issues Medical confidentiality Data protection and retention AAA: Authorization and authentication, accounting Universal service obligation Ubiquitous healthcare service • Technical feasibility • Standardization • Interoperability, scalability • Ubiquitous health services • Nomad access, mobile voice, data • National, regional, international • Cloud computing • ICT and Healthcare ecosystems • User acceptance and demand • New models for healthcare • Reimbursement models
ITU Europe Regional Initiative on E-applications, including E-health • Focus: Europe Region (43 Countries) • Objective: To share best practices in the implementation of e-applications, including e-health. • Expected results : • Faster and easier storage of, transmission of and access to medical data and health-related information for healthcare providers and professionals, citizens/patients, academics, researchers, policy-makers and others • Capacity building and improved delivery of healthcare services, particularly in rural and remote areas • Reduction of operational and administrative costs in implementing healthcare services
Proposed Way Forward for 2012 Track One Track Two
Phase Two: Towards Concrete Deliverables and Impact European Member States and other Stakeholders
Thank you very much for your attention! ehealth@itu.int ICT Applications Division, BDT International Telecommunication Union www.itu.int/itu-d/cyb EURregion@itu.int Europe Coordination Unit, BDT (EUR) International Telecommunication Union www.itu.int/itu-d/eur
Additional Resources ITU statistical database of ICT indicators per country and region(www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/index.html) Expert aid in drafting and implementing national e-Health projects (www.itu.int/ITU-D/projects/index.html) Training opportunities (www.itu.int/ITU-D/hrd/tc/index.asp) Policy and regulatory reports and symposia(www.itu.int/ITU-D/treg/index.html) Regional office in Addis Ababa to support Member States in Africa (www.itu.int/ITU-D/afr/CMS/index.asp) 22
Thank You! For more information on ITU’s ICT Applications Activities visit the website at: www.itu.int/ITU-D/cyb/app/index.html or contact cybmail@itu.int