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REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project

REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project. Country Level Support - Suriname. Sara Svensson , ONF International 11 th December 2013 2 nd Steering Committee, Macapá. Ongoing projects in Suriname relevant to REDD+ for the Guiana Shield.

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REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project

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  1. REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELDTechnical Cooperation Project Country Level Support - Suriname Sara Svensson, ONF International 11th December 2013 2ndSteering Committee, Macapá

  2. Ongoing projects in Surinamerelevant to REDD+ for the Guiana Shield

  3. Preparing Suriname’s National Plan to Monitor Forest Cover • Including support for validation of existing maps Agreed country support National Plan to Monitor Forest Cover Focal Point for Suriname ACTO money + ONFI staff time Deadline: March 2014 X 000 USD 14 000 USD REDD+ for the Guiana Shield X 000 USD

  4. Start implementing the National Plan to Monitor Forest Cover • Capacity building in remote sensing techniques and software required for the envisioned forest cover monitoring (Radar, Lidar, QGIS, 3D image software, etc) • Improve the National Forest Inventory • Field training in French Guiana or Amapá for forest inventory field teams • Compare inventory methodologies, improve identification of tree species, etc • Support the development of a National Forest Monitoring System • Identifying options for Suriname’s national forest definition, MRV and RL/REL • Trainings in IPCC guidance and international REDD+ requirements for NFMS • Creating awareness raising materials for indigenous and maroon communities • Support scientific research on topics that need to be clarified for better MRV (shifting cultivation cycles, mangrove monitoring, manifestation of drivers, etc) • Working Group meetings, study visits and regional exchanges on relevant topics Wish-list for additional country support

  5. MERCI /THANK YOU /DANK U / OBRIGADO sara.svensson@onfinternational.com http://www.onfinternational.com/ Photo credit: ONF Guyane

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