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Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System. Organs-Nose,nasal cavity,pharynx,larynx, trachea, bronchi,smaller branches, lungs,alveoli.Respiratory zone-respiratory bronchioles,alveolar ducts,alveoli.Conducting zone-entrance, nasal cavity,bronchioles. . The Nose and Paranasal Sinuses . Nose prov
1. The Respiratory System Pulmonary ventilaton-movement of air in and out of lungs;ventilation/breathing.
External respiration-gas exchange between blood and alveolar sacs.
Transport of respiratory gases-cardiovascular transport of oxygen/carbon dioxide between lungs and tissue cells.
Internal respiration
2. Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System Organs-Nose,nasal cavity,pharynx,larynx, trachea, bronchi,smaller branches, lungs,alveoli.
Respiratory zone-respiratory bronchioles,alveolar ducts,alveoli.
Conducting zone-entrance, nasal cavity,bronchioles.
3. The Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Nose provides: airway, moistens/warms entering air,filters,speech resonating chamber,olfactory receptors.
External nose-nasal bones, maxillary bone, lateral cartilage,greater & lesser alar cartilages,external nares
Nasal cavity-septum(septal cartilage, perpendicular plate, vomer),conchae,meati, respiratory epithelium
Paranasal sinuses-frontal,sphenoid, ethmoid,maxillary.
4. The Pharynx Connects nasal cavity and mouth to larynx and esophagus.
Nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx
Nasopharynx-posterior to nasal cavity,inferior to sphenoid bone, superior to soft palate level;auditory tubes
5. The Pharynx (contd) Oropharynx-lies posterior to oral cavity;extends from soft palate to esophagus; epithelium transitions from pseudostratified to strat. squamous; palatine, lingual tonsils
Laryngopharynx-lies directly posterior to epiglottis and extends to larynx
6. The Larynx Voice box extends 2 inches from C4-C6;attaches to hyoid bone superiorly
Functions in providing patent airway and to route air and food into proper channels;voice production.
Laryngeal framework-thyroid cart., laryngeal prominence,cricoid cart., arytenoid, corniculate,cuneiform,vestibular fold,vocal fold,epiglottis
Laryngeal musculature-extrinsic(stabilization);intrinsic(regulate vocal fold tension).
7. The Trachea Descends from larynx into mediastinum
10-12 cm (4 inches) long,2.5cm diameter(1 inch)
Tracheal walls-mucosa, submucosa, adventitia
Trachealis muscle
8. The Bronchi and Subdivisions:The Bronchial TreeThe Conducting Zone Right/left primary bronchi(extrapulmonary)
Secondary(lobar),tertiary(segmental), terminal bronchioles
Structural changes occur as bronchi diameter diminish:(1)cartilage rings replaced by irregular cartilaginous plates; (2)pseudostratified>columnar>cuboidal; and (3)smooth muscle increases.
9. The Bronchial TreeThe Respiratory Zone Terminal bronchioles feed into into respiratory bronchioles.
Alveolar ducts
Alveolar sacs
10. Gross Anatomy of the Lungs Apex, base, root
Lobes: Superior, middle, inferior
Surfaces: Costal, mediastinal, cardiac notch
Connective tissue, trabeculae, elastic fibers, smooth muscles, and lymphatics.
11. Blood Supply and Innervation of the Lungs Pulmonary arteries,arterioles, pulmonary capillary network, venules, veins
Bronchial arteries
Pulmonary plexus-parasympathetic motor, visceral sensory fibers
12. The Pleurae Parietal
Pleural cavity Respiratory Muscles
External,internal intercostal
Accessory muscles: Sternocleidomastoid,serratus anterior, pectoralis minor, scalenes (inspiration)
13. Respiratory Muscles (contd) Accessory muscles:external/internal intercostals, abdominal obliques, and rectus abdominis(expiration) Respiratory movements:
Eupnea (diaphragmatic breathing/costal breathing)
14. Respiratory membrane Type I cells (epitheliocytes)-alveolar walls; angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE)
Type II cells-secrete surfactant (interferes w/H20 molecule cohesiveness
Alveolar macrophages
Respiratory membrane-fused basal laminas of alveolar epithelium & capillary endothelium
15. Pulmonary Ventilation Inspiration-diaphragm,intercostals
Expiration-quiet vs. forced
16. Medullary Respiratory Centers Dorsal respiratory group-root of Cn IX;pacesetting; inspiratory center
Ventral respiratory group-extends within ventral brain stem to pons-medulla junction;forced breathing
Pons respiratory centers-fine tunes inspiration/expiration transition;deters overinflation
17. Pathologies Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Obstructive emphysema-alveolar enlargement,alveolar wall deterioration
Chronic bronchitis-inhaled irritants
Lung Cancer
18. Digestive System Alimentary canal(digestion/absorption)-mouth, pharynx,esophagus, stomach, small intestine,large intestine.
Accessory organs-teeth, tongue,salivary glands, gall bladder,liver, and pancreas.
19. Digestive Process Ingestion
Mechanical digestion
Chemical digestion
* Digestive lining protects against corrosive effects of enzymes/acids,abrasions, and pathogens.
20. Mesenteries Fused double sheets of peritoneal membrane;provides routes for blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves.
Organ reinforcement, prevent entanglement
Lesser/greater omentum, mesocolon(transverse,sigmoid)
Retroperitoneal(pancreas,large intestine);intraperitoneal(stomach)
21. Histological Organization Mucosa
Muscularis externa
22. The Mucosa and Submucosa Mucus secretion, absorption, protection
Submucosa-loose CT surrounding muscularis mucosae;contains blood/lymphatic vessels,nodules, nerve fibers.
23. Muscularis Externa Responsible for peristalsis/segmentation
Myenteric plexus (of Auerbach)
24. The Serosa Protective outermost layer of intraperitoneal organs(visceral peritoneum);areolar CT; pharyngeal, esophageal,rectal serosa replaced by adventitia (fibrous CT)
25. Peristalsis/Segmentation Peristaltic wave-rhythmic contractions of circular and longitudinal muscles; pacesetter cells
Segmentation-churn and fragment digested materials;circular contractions
26. Functional Anatomy of the Digestive SystemOral Cavity Bounded by lips, cheeks, palate, tongue
Vestibule, labial frenulum
Hard/soft palate(uvula)
Palatopharyngeal, palatoglossal arches
Tongue;dorsum with papillae;frenulum
27. The Teeth Primary(deciduous),permanent dentitions
Incisors,canines, premolars, molars
Formula: 2I, 1C, 2PM,3M x 2 =32
2I, 1C, 2PM,3M
Structure:Enamel,dentin, pulp cavity, root canal,periodontal ligament, cementum, gingival sulcus.
28. Salivary Glands Saliva: 99% water +buffers, metabolites, enzymes.
Saliva cleanses mouth, moistens/dissolves food.
Extrinsics: parotid, submandibular, sublingual; intrinsics: buccal
29. The Pharynx Pharyngeal constrictors-initiates bolus movements
Palato/Stylopharyngeus-elevate larynx
Palatal muscles-raise soft palate & portions of pharyngeal wall
Swallowing process/phases: buccal, pharyngeal, esophageal
30. The Esophagus Hollow, muscular tube:25 cm.long,2 cm diameter
C6 to T7
Angiology: esophageal,thyrocervical trunk, external carotids, bronchials, celiac trunk & inferior phrenic artery
Innervation: Vagus & esophageal plexus
31. The Esophagus (contd) Mucosal stratified epithelium
Esophageal glands
Superior 1/3 has skeletal muscles fibers, middle third has skeletal/smooth mixture;bottom third has smooth;visceral reflexes
No serosa
32. The Stomach Stomach functions in: storage of ingested food, mechanical breakdown, and chemical digestion(chyme formation).
15-25 cm long; empty(50ml),full(up to 4L).
Cardia, body, fundus, lesser/greater curvatures
Pylorus, sphincter.
33. The Stomach (contd) Angiology: left gastric (lesser curve & cardia), splenic(fundus & greater curve),common hepatic(lesser/greater curves of pylorus)
Innervation:Thoracic splanchnic nerves(sympathetic fibers) from celiac plexus;parasympathetics supplied from vagus nerve.
Musculature:circular, longitudinal
34. Stomach Histology Gastric pits/glands
Gastric glands have three cell types:(1) parietal-HCL/intrinsic factor;(2) chief-pepsinogen, rennin/gastric lipase(newborns);(3) enteroendocrine-gastrin
35. The Small Intestine Bodys major digestive organ
6m long, 4cm-2.5 cm diameter
Accounts for 90% of nutrient absorption
Plicae circulares
Three subdivisions: duodenum, jejunum, ileum
36. Small Intestine (contd) Duodenum is retroperitoneal; (L1-L4)
Hepatopancreatic ampulla and sphincter, major duodenal papilla.
Jejunum;2.5 m long
Ileum(peritoneal);3.6m long;ends at valve
37. Intestinal Histology Intestinal villi-contain lacteals, microvilli,enterocytes
Intestinal crypts-secrete intestinal juice
Peyers patches -lymphoid follicles found in submucosa
Brunners glands-occur in duodenal submucosa
38. Large Intestine Frames small intestine on three sides and extends from ileocecal valve to anus
1.5m long
Functions:(1) resorption of water/ electrolytes;compaction of feces(2)vitamin absorption(bacterial flora)
39. Large Intestine (contd) Cecum,vermiform appendix
Colon:haustra,taenia coli, epiploic appendages
Colon regions:Ascending>hepatic flexure>transverse>splenic flexure>descending>sigmoid flexure>sigmoid
Rectum: Anal canal/ columns, internal/external anal sphincter, anal orifice.
40. The Liver Largest visceral organ
Functions:metabolic/hematological regulation, bile production.
Falciform ligament,ligamentum teres, lobes (right,left,caudate, quadrate),porta hepatis
Angiology: hepatic artery proper,portal vein
41. Liver Histology(contd) Lobules(central vein),hepatocytes
Portal triad:hepatic artery branch, portal vein branch, bile duct
Sinusoids(hepatic macrophages)
42. Gall Bladder Stores/modifies bile
Fundus, body, neck
Cystic duct
43. The Pancreas Exo/endocrine gland
Head, body, tail
Pancreatic/accessory pancreatic duct
Exocrine product-pancreatic juice
Islets of Langerhans