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Unit 11 vocabulary

Mr. Coulter. Unit 11 vocabulary. Milita. Militant (Adj.) Willing to fight for a belief or cause; strongly devoted. EX: Nasha is a militant supporter of women’s rights; she is often in court defending her cause. Militarize (V.) To prepare for war

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Unit 11 vocabulary

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  1. Mr. Coulter Unit 11 vocabulary

  2. Milita • Militant • (Adj.) Willing to fight for a belief or cause; strongly devoted. • EX: Nasha is a militant supporter of women’s rights; she is often in court defending her cause. • Militarize • (V.) To prepare for war • EX: During World War II, Congress avoided trying to militarize the general population, but many Civil Defense Units were ordered to serve in the army.

  3. Soc • Associate • (V.) To link; to group together. • EX: Anna refused to associate her eating with her poor health until a doctor explained that she ate too much junk food. • Socialize • (V.) To join in group activities. • EX: The president of the company never socialized with any of her employees.

  4. Soc • Sociable • (Adj.) Interacting with others; friendly. • EX: We took our puppy to obedience school to try to get him to be more sociable around other animals. • Asocial • (Adj.) Not enjoying or seeking the company of others. • EX: The new girl seemed asocial at first, but soon her outgoing personality made her many friends.

  5. Host • Host • (N.) A large group; a great number. • EX: Terry’s respiratory system was very weak, and a host of diseases began to attack her before she could be admitted to the hospital. • Hostile • (Adj.) Not friendly; warlike. • EX: The Lewis and Clark expedition encountered some hostile tribes, but most Native Americans the explorers met were friendly.

  6. Compan • Companionship • (N.) Friendship; company. • EX: As odd as it may seem, Lou thought a robot dog would provide his lonely child with lots of companionship. • Accompaniment • (N.) Something that goes with. • EX: In Hannah’s house, classical music was the usual accompaniment to dinner.

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