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Users change libraries. The experience of public libraries in Barcelona province. A space for the future - library buildings in the 21st century. Our experience: Barcelona province The public library network Library buildings progress Library services and library building evaluation
Users change libraries The experience of public libraries in Barcelona province A space for the future - library buildings in the 21st century
Our experience: Barcelona province The public library network Library buildings progress Library services and library building evaluation Users change libraries A space for the future - library buildings in the 21st century
Our experience: Barcelona province Our experience: Barcelona province
Barcelona province 7,718 square kilometres 4,8 million inhabitants 311 municipalities 204 fewer than 5,000 inhabitants 10% have a population of over 20,000 inhabitants Our experience: Barcelona province
Barcelona province: the municipalities Local administration manages only 13% of public resources 30% of the local resources are for non-compulsory duties Our experience: Barcelona province
Diputació de Barcelona: a supralocal administration To ensure the municipalities are able to fulfil their functions To guarantee territorial balance To provide financial and technical assistance and cooperation in areas under municipal control Networking Our experience: Barcelona province
The Library service To act as an advisory service for town councils in setting up and maintaining their libraries To ensure that municipalities in the province efficiently assume responsibility for establishing and maintaining their libraries Our experience: Barcelona province
The library service The library as a municipal service Map, priorities and standards Networking and cooperation services from the Diputació de Barcelona for libraries and councils Agreements through a contract-programme Our experience: Barcelona province
The library service. Central support and networking Grants for construction and facilities Consultation and process tracking (project and works) Initial collection ICT Our experience: Barcelona province
The library service. Central support and networking Basic collection selection, acquisition and archiving Union catalogue and interlibrary loan service Information technology programme Training plans Library staff. Support staff Our experience: Barcelona province
The library service. Central support and networking Statistics and service evaluation Materials for libraries and librarians Activities to promote reading User training plans External communication and promotion Our experience: Barcelona province
The public library network 145 public libraries and 8 mobile libraries, networking 4,3 million inhabitants with library service 17% of the population with library card all in the union catalogue all with public Internet access The public library network
Library use and users 9,080,399 users (114 day/library) 5,673,962 loans (87 loans day/library) 588,013 Internet users 2,1 users per inhabitant 1,31 loans per inhabitant 24% use loan service The public library network
Library buildings progress Little political conviction Difficulties in explaining the “new” model (students-citizens) Difficulties in applying standards Intervention in heritage buildings Library buildings progress (1990-1995)
Library buildings progress From 98 public libraries to 112 From 1 mobile library to 2 From 21,973 m2 to 45,417 m2 15/1 new public libraries and 18/1 move to a new building Library buildings progress (1990-1995)
Library buildings progress From 112 public libraries to 145 From 2 mobile libraries to 8 From 45,417 m2 to 105,100 m2 36 new public libraries and 24 move to a new building Library buildings progress (1996-2002)
Library buildings progress Increased political support “Expert” model From standards to local programmes - identifying needs ICT: new services, new spaces New standards, more m2 Rethinking the spaces and services Library buildings progress (1996-2002)
Library services and library building evaluation Qualitative citizen´s study (1999)- The spaces are highly regarded (large, well lit and pleasant). But many still lack m2. There is a call for spaces to be segregated according to use: a silent space for studying and another for talking Library services and library building evaluation
Library services and library building evaluation Quantitative citizen’s study (2000)- Libraries evaluated as scoring 7,3 out of 10. The least appreciated aspect is the lack of segregation according to use. 1,6 in 5 say libraries are dark and uncomfortable Library services and library building evaluation
Library services and library building evaluation User satisfaction survey (2001). The global evaluation score is 7,63 out of 10 Design of the space achieves a score of 7,96. Signage scores 7,59. Comfort of chairs and tables scores 7,47 Library services and library building evaluation
Library services and library building evaluation 81,8% think the library is in a central place It does not take more than 15 minutes for 68% to walk to the library 75% walk to the library Library services and library building evaluation
new spaces new needs Users change libraries new users more and different users new services new spaces Users change libraries
Users change libraries More users Different users New “library” - meeting place, information centre, cultural agent and support for the educational process More space and with different requirements chilias.diba.es Users change libraries
Users with library card Of users with library cards, 51% are between 14 and 24 years of age. The average is 27 years Those whose main activity is studying represent only 44% of users 68,7% with a fairly high level of education Users change libraries
Users with library card Users read 12,37 books per year 82,2% have a computer at home 48,5 say they have Internet connection Users change libraries
The public library as a meeting place Hall Informal spaces Periodicals area More “flexible” Internet service Bar Meeting rooms Users change libraries
The public library as a local information centre Information service area Access to information resources via the Internet More “silent” places Study and consultation spaces Users change libraries
The public library as a cultural centre Multi-purpose hall Music area Special collection - store area Incorporation within the building of other municipal/cultural services (archive, museum, exhibition halls) Users change libraries
The public library as an institution to promote reading Informal spaces for children Multi-purpose spaces associated with the children´s areas and the adults areas (workshops) Store rooms - associated with the publishing situation in Spain Users change libraries
The public library as a lifelong learning centre Multimedia rooms, also for user training Study halls which are independent from the library but associated with it Quieter public work spaces Users change libraries
The key to success New spaces with new requisites are needed for different users with different needs Open spaces - work spaces Many changes associated with “new” library functions Physical library - Virtual library Users change libraries
Comte d’Urgell, 187 08036 Barcelona Tel. 00-34-934022241 Fax. 00-34-934022488 e-mail: s.biblioteques@diba.es web: http://www.diba.es/biblioteques Assumpta Bailac Diputació de Barcelona library service A place for the future - library buildings in the 21st. century