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Goal 2025: To increase the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees and credentials to 60 percent by the year 2025. 21 st Century Students. Of the 17.6M undergrads now enrolled 75% are juggling work, family, and school
Goal 2025: To increase the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees and credentials to 60 percent by the year 2025.
21st Century Students • Of the 17.6M undergrads now enrolled 75% are juggling work, family, and school • 36M Americans aged 25-64 have started college, but have no degree • There are chronic attainment gaps among racial/ethnic groups, and socio-economic status
Today, we are more educated than ever: In 1973, 28% of jobs were held by workers with postsecondary education. By 2020, that number is projected to be 65%
BA Rate by Age 24 2010 1970 The top income quartile hold more than half of all Bachelor’s degrees—the lowest quartile hold only 10% of Bachelor’s degrees. Source: Postsecondary Education Opportunity, “Bachelor’s Degree Attainment by Age 24 by Family Income Quartiles, 1970-2010”
Example: Credentials by specialty, by institution (Miami, FL)
STEM Bachelor Degrees Second-Year Retention Rate Remediation Rate 2012 2013 (n=2012) 2012 2013 (n=2300) 2012 2013 (n=1916)
STEM Associate Degrees 2012 2013 (n=1131) 2012 2013 (n=745) 2012 2013 (n=887)
Insights from Data Team: Debunking Myths • Myth: There is low interest in STEM disciplines • Myth: STEM students are different • Myth: STEM students drop out because they are not prepared • Myth: Math is a good predictor of STEM success
Manufacturing Industry Report: Cincinnati MSA OVERVIEW Employment by Education Level: 1st Quarter 2013 10.6% • OF TOTAL JOBS IN THE REGION • MANUFACTURING JOBS: 101,274 Less than High School Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Some College or Associate’s Degree High school diploma or equivalent (GED) Not available 5,680 jobs $2,503 / mo 9,574jobs $3,672/ mo 33,876jobs $4,202/ mo 31,309 jobs $4,818/ mo 20,835 jobs $7,105/ mo 4.1% 2% 2,478 jobs of the total jobs were workers that started a job that lasted at least one full quarter with a given employer. 77% 78,470 jobs 20% 20,326 jobs Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Less than High School Some College or Associate’s Degree High school diploma or equivalent (GED) Not available 658 jobs $4,801/ mo 768 jobs $2,078/mo 442 jobs $2,803/mo 1,168 jobs $3,123/ mo 1,078 jobs $3,462/ mo Projected 106,818 Employed in 2020 Top 5 Occupations 25,297 jobs - $2,125/ mo 24% - Short-term on-the-job training • Production • Office & Administrative • Transportation & Material Moving • Architecture & Engineer • Management 37,091 jobs 2,692/ mo 35% - Moderate on-the-job training 25,837 jobs $2,136/ mo 37,955 jobs $2,696/ mo 16% - Long-term on-the-job training 17,059 jobs - $3,846/ mo . or work experience in related field 3% - Post-secondary, non-degree award 2,945 jobs - $2,913/ mo 2% - Associate’s Degree 2,277 jobs - $4,026/ mo What education or training will be required? 12% - Bachelor’s Degree only 12,460 jobs - $5,542/ mo 6% - Bachelor’s + work experience 6,337 jobs - $7,893/ mo What education or training will be required? .or higher education