Welcome!We hope you enjoy this brief overview of our newest Case Management system – “Caseware Premier”.Caseware Premier is rich in features and functionality. Created using the ASP.NET development tools, this browser based application is simple to implement, easy to navigate, and a true pleasure to use. So…let’s get started!
When you launch the Caseware Premier application, you will be presented with the login screen. Here, you must enter a valid User ID and Password to gain entry into the system. Your organization can create a banner that will appear whenever a person attempts to log into the system. You can also place your logo on the login screen.
After successfully logging into the system, you are presented with the Caseware Premier Home page
The Home page offers a number of unique features. We will elaborate on some of the main features…..
The Home page….. The Caseware Premier Banner will be present on all of the screens.
The Home page….. The Home page contains any Reminders you may have for today. If there are current Reminders, you can “click here” to go directly to the “My Reminders” section of the Home page.
The Home page….. • Here, you decide what you would like to do with each Reminder. After reviewing a Reminder you may: • Mark it as Complete • Edit the Reminder • Delete the Reminder • Print the Reminder • If you would like to view ALL of your outstanding Reminders, you can click here.
The Home page….. Another feature on the Home page is the “Global Message Board”. This feature provides the system administrator the capability to create and post messages or notices. Anytime a user logs into the system or goes to the Home page, they will see these messages. They can be set up to appear for a predefined period of time. This feature provides a mechanism for communicating with staff about upcoming events, deadlines, etc.
The Home page….. You can use the “Links” board to create links to your favorite websites or website documents.
The Home page….. Simply click on the link and the web page defined for the link will be displayed.
The Home page….. Notice that several icons are located on the banner.
The Home page….. The “Help” icon provides you with Helpful Hints as well as additional useful information about the current screen that you are on.
The Home page….. The “Scheduler” icon will immediately open the Scheduler module.
The create “Reminder” icon allows you to immediately add a new Reminder from wherever you may be in the system. The Home page…..
The create “Encounter” icon allows you to immediately add a new Encounter record. The Home page…..
The “Quick Name Search” icon allows you to quickly search to see if a specific person has been entered into the system. The Home page….
You can navigate through the system by making selections from the various menu items
The layout of the menu in Caseware Premier is easy to understand and can be accessed at any time. If you have System Administrator privileges, you will have access to many administrative functions.
The Main Menu….. The “Customize” menu item allows you to modify many aspects of the system, including dropdown values, checkbox titles, text field titles, date field titles and even selected screen labels and screen headings.
The Main Menu….. The “Code List” menu item will print a report showing all the customized fields that have been set.
The Main Menu….. The “Global Messages” menu item allows you to create messages that will appear on the Home page for all users to see. You can have these messages run for a predetermined amount of time.
The Main Menu….. The “Preferences” menu item allows you to set certain system defaults and settings such as password expiration, duration defaults, global report defaults, and more.
The Main Menu….. The “User Administration” menu item is where you will go to set up new Users within the system. Other features in this area allow you to change a user’s security role, change their password, and deactivate users who no longer are with the organization.
The Main Menu….. The “View Audit History” menu item will allow you to view auditing information that is created for each users. This information includes tracking password changes, when clients are created/accessed/deleted, when Workplace Consultations are created/accessed/deleted, and more.
The Main Menu….. The “EAP Organization” menu item allows you to track information about your own organization.
The Main Menu….. The “Change Password” menu item allows you to change your own password.
The Main Menu….. The “Security Roles” menu item allows you to create various roles that can then be assigned to each of the users. Each role can contain a set of restrictions thereby limiting a user’s ability within the system.
The Main Menu….. The “Clients” menu is where you will search for existing Clients as well as add new Clients.
The Main Menu….. The “Workplace Consultations” menu is where you will track all your management/workplace consultations.
The Main Menu….. The “Auxiliary Services” menu is where you will track all your CISDs, trainings, workshops, etc.
The Main Menu….. The “Reminders” menu is where you can edit your own reminders, including your completed ones.
The Main Menu….. The “Encounters” menu is where you can edit any encounter that has been entered. Encounters are those miscellaneous events where you spent time and therefore want to get credit for that time but they don’t really fall under the other areas like Clients, Workplace Consultations, or Auxiliary Services.
The Main Menu….. The “Reports” menu allows you to choose from a variety of different reports.
The Main Menu….. The “Providers” menu is where you can set up your external Provider database.
The Main Menu….. The “Surveys” menu is where you can enter the results of different satisfaction surveys that you receive.
When searching for existing Client records, you are able to search based on a variety of information. Once you have entered your search criteria, press the “search” button.
A grid will display showing all of Client records that matched your criteria. You can sort the grid on any of the column headings that are underlined. You can also print your grid results or export the list to Excel, Word, etc. If you would like to bring up one of the Client records, simply click on the “edit” link.
The Client screen is composed of several tabs of information. Here on the “Client” tab you will find general demographic and contact information.
As on all screens, you can customize the label captions as well as the screen headings.
On this “Client” tab, you will also see a related cases grid that show other Client cases that are related to the one you are currently on. Simply click on the Case # link to be taken to that particular case.
If there are any Workplace Consultations that are related to this Client case you have up, they will display in the “Related Workplace Consultations” grid. Simply click on the Consult ID link to be taken directly to that Workplace Consultation record.
In Caseware Premier, you have the ability to attach documents to a case. If you do have documents attached, you can view a list of them and also open up any document that is in this list.
The “Action” line will contain certain buttons allowing you to perform certain functions. Some screens may scroll down, depending on your screen resolution. If this occurs, the action line is repeated at the bottom.
Click on the “Contacts” tab to see a grid containing all contacts (sessions) that have been entered for this case.
The Contacts grid shows you each of the Contacts that you have entered for this Case. Some of the information for each Contact is shown in the grid. If you would like to see all of the information for each of the Contacts listed in the grid, including the complete Note, just click on the “show detail list” button.
You may toggle back and forth between “summary” view and “detail” view. You will see this throughout most of the grids in the system. If you’d like to go into a particular Contact, simply click on the link (Date) to bring up that Contact. Or, if you would like to add a new Contact, just click the “add contact” button.
On the Contact screen, use the dropdowns to identify the type of contact that was conducted. Remember that you can define all the values within the dropdowns and you can also change the labels of the fields. Within all Note fields throughout the system, you have the ability to format the text and perform spell checking.
The “Referrals” tab is used to record the referral of the client to a provider.
When adding a new Referral for the client, you can click the button to search the pool of providers for the appropriate one. Once selected, you can pull up directions from the Client’s home address to the Provider’s address.