Recess Kassandra mcaninch Ivy tech Community college
Standard #1: Learner Development: The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. Name of Artifact: contemporary issues Date:November 14, 2013 Course: EDUC 101 • Description: For this assignment I researched information about the pros and cons of recess time in schools for the students • Rational:: To document my understanding of Standard #1 ,Learner Development, I selected to include my PowerPoint on recess because this assignment demonstrates how important it is for the students to be physical in school and for teachers to understand that learners need physical activity for growth and development.
Schools are starting to decrease the recess times during school days or trying to get rid of it in all.
Recess 2006 • 12% of states required • 57% of school districts required • 33% recommend 2008 • 20% districts nationwide required • 18% recommended
60 minutes of play a day • Children ages 6-11 meet the recommendation • Schools pay a curtail role
Why are schools cutting recess time? • Demands on higher test scores • Legal Liability • Stranger danger • Bullying
Energy theory Surplus energy • Learning declines • Symptoms • Fidgeting • Restlessness • Loss of concentration • Off task behavior After use of energy • Return to learn • Able to focus • Optimize attention • Increase on task behavior • Reduces stress • Social and emotional benefits
Roles of school preventing obesity • Type 2 diabetes • Additional risk factors • Social and psychological problems
Roles of schools • 95% enrolled in school • Promotion of physical activity and healthy eating • Help students adopt and maintain healthy eating and physical behaviors • Accessible to all students
Do you believe that schools should continue having recess? • Do you think that the school can help with the prevention of obesity through recess?
Pytel, Barbra. (2009) Pros and Cons of Recess Time in Schools. http://www.isbe.state.il.us/IRTF/pdf/recess_pros_cons.pdf • Research brief (2012)Active Living Research: Increasing Physical Activity Through Recess. http://activelivingresearch.org/files/ALR_Brief_Recess.pdf • The State Education Standard (2004) The Roles of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/physicalactivity /pdf/roleofschools_obesity.pdf