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Understanding Anopleura and Mallophaga Lice: A Comparative Study

Learn about the differences between Anopleura and Mallophaga lice, their characteristics, hosts, and suborders in this detailed guide.

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Understanding Anopleura and Mallophaga Lice: A Comparative Study

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  1. The Anopleura Head narrower than prothorax. Possess piercing/sucking mouthparts. Antennae clearly visible. Lack maxillary palps. Parasitize mammals The Mallophaga Head broader than prothorax. Possess opposing mandibles. Antennae filamentous and visible or sometimes concealed in grooves. Maxillary palps present in some. Parasitize mostly birds; some on mammals. Comparisons between sucking lice (the Order Anopleura), and biting/chewing lice (the Order Mallophaga).

  2. Sucking louse (Pediculus sp.) compared with biting louse (Goniocotes sp.). Note that head is narrower than prothorax in Pediculus; broader than prothorax in Goniocotes. Legend: h, head; p, prothorax. h h p p Pediculus sp. Goniocotes sp.

  3. The Amblycera Possess maxillary palps. Possess antennae that are concealed in grooves in the head. The Ischnocera Lack maxillary palps. Possess filiform antennae that are easily seen. There are two* suborders of Mallophaga; the Amblycera, and the Ischnocera. *A third suborder, the Rhynchophthirina, contains only two species, one on African and Indian elephants, the second on warthogs. We do not have representatives of these species in our collection.

  4. Two examples of mallophagan lice. Note that even in cases where the louse has a long narrow body (e.g., C. columbae) the head is still broader than the prothorax. Legend: h, head; p, prothorax. h p h p Menacanthus stramineus Columbicola columbae

  5. Piercing mouthparts (stylet partially retracted) of sucking louse (Hoplopleura sp.) compared with serrated mandibles of biting louse (Bovicola equi). Bovicola equi Hoplopleura sp.

  6. Examples of the two Mallophagan suborders: an Amblyceran vs. an Ischnoceran. Legend: a, antenna; mp, maxillary palp. mp a a Menopon sp.; an Amblyceran. Goniocotes sp.; an Ischnoceran.

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