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Agricultural Revolution and the Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution

Agricultural Revolution and the Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. On my BLOG: Print-out the Industrial Revolution Worksheet, COMPELTE it, and bring to class on Monday, November 29. NOW: A QUIZ ! ! !. I. Background. We are looking at 3 related events of the 18 th century: a)

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Agricultural Revolution and the Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution

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  1. Agricultural Revolution and the Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution On my BLOG: Print-out the Industrial Revolution Worksheet, COMPELTE it, and bring to class on Monday, November 29. NOW: A QUIZ ! ! !

  2. I. Background • We are looking at 3 related events of the 18th century: a) b) c) • Background a) common people b) main goal of peasant society? c) country people vs. city dwellers?

  3. II. What caused the Agricultural Revolution? • Population growth a) b) c) d)

  4. Increased demand for food caused prices to rise. • Effect on the peasant poor: • Effect on the landlords:

  5. III. Innovations • Dutch • England a) b) c) d) Enclosure Movement

  6. Problems: • Benefits: a) b) c) d) e) f)

  7. A Simple Sum-Up (no notes) Enclosure movement + Seed drill + Crop rotation + New Crops = Population Growth This population growth created a workforce that would be necessary in the Industrial Revolution that was beginning in England.

  8. IV. How was the IR related to the Population Explosions & the Agri Rev? • Definition • Industrialization made possible … a) b) c)

  9. 1st Industrial Rev. 2nd Industrial Rev. (1750-1850) (1850-1900s)

  10. V. Why did it begin in Great Britain • Prerequisites for Industrialization a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

  11. VI. Textile Industry & the Cottage Industry Background: Mercantilism & Problems • Cottage Industry • Capitalism

  12. Benefits of Cottage Industry • Problems • Birth of Textile Industry

  13. VII. Innovations of 2nd ½ of 18th c. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  14. VIII. Impact of AR & IR on Working Women • Pre- IR • After Mechanization • Long-term results for women

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