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WINNING SPIRIT RACING CAMPS IN YOUR OWN PO OL - SAMPLE FORMAT - CREATE YOUR OWN OFF MENU. FRIDAY B Camp guidelines and activities SR Race the Olympian- Fastfeet Descending AG Turns Stroke and IM - Contests Families “Be The Best You Can Be” slideshow SATURDAY
WINNING SPIRIT RACING CAMPS IN YOUR OWN POOL - SAMPLE FORMAT - CREATE YOUR OWN OFF MENU FRIDAY B Camp guidelines and activities SR Race the Olympian-Fastfeet Descending AG Turns Stroke and IM - Contests Families “Be The Best You Can Be” slideshow SATURDAY SR Experiencing Training Categories SR Breakfast Olympians Fly AG Experiencing Training Categories B Olympians Fly Patterns-Underwater B Butterfly Skills Station Circuit SR Visualization/Relaxation Test and Drills AG Time Management - B Lunch - B UW Video taping-Salmon Run B 7 Starts - Breakouts - Exchanges Timed B Olympians Back Patterns-Underwater B Backstroke Skill Station Circuit SR Boomer Balance Drills - Sculling SR Teammanship/Values • - SR Relating Training to Goals Parents- College Scholarships/Recruiting Q and A – What Coaches and Parents Want Swimmers – Build Your Own Sundae Contest SUNDAY SR Beat the Clock Challenge Set SR Aussie Analysis (Tempo/Pulse/Time) B Games and Gimmicks B Olympians Breaststroke-Pattern- U/W B Breaststroke Skill Station Circuit AG Handling Stress and Clock Reading B Nutrition-Race Analysis B Games and Gimmicks B Lunch/Olympians Above Water B U/W Video taping-Salmon Run B Olympians Freestyle-Pattern U/W B Freestyle Skill Station Circuit SR Swim Faster Than You Can SR Q and A “Moving to the Next Level” Families Dinner “Everyone’s Important”
INDIANA SWIMMING AGE GROUP ALL-STAR CAMP FRIDAY 5:20 Orientation – Animals Game Workshop: Relating Training to 400 m goals - prediction, pacing, converting SC/LC 6:20 Warm-Up – Coach Holly – 800 – 3 x BOB’s - 6 x 25 N/S-NB @ Rock Band/Race Horse- Proper use of the clock using 9 or 4 to drop and lane etiquette Test Set: Rocky Road teams 6 x 200 @ 5 relate to 400 m Kick Steelers 20 x 50 @ 50 (MISS: rest one but addone) Rock-Paper-Scissors – Relay Rundowns – Celebrations SATURDAY 8:00 Workshop: Relating Training to 200 m goals - prediction, pacing, converting SC/LC. 8:30 Warm-up Eric – 8 X 25 N/S @ Trivia Quiz (Clothing Stores) Test Set: Rocky Road tea ms - 5 x 100 @ 3 - relate to 200 m stroke Kick Phelps 50’s on 45-50-55 or 60 400 m Whistle Pulls (drop pull-buoy and sprint 25m) Streamlining – 5 streamlines – 15 m times – 6 second Relay - Crazy Strokes (P w/different K) – Celebrations 10:30 Workshop: Race Analysis of American Record How Olympians’ Train (see handout) Visualization Skills Survey and 7 Drills for Success 4:00 Workshop: Relating Training to 100 m goals - Teamanship 4:30 Warm-up Jennifer – 8 x 25 @ Rock Band/Race Horse Test Set: Rocky Road – 6 x 50 @ 2 – relate to 100 m Recovery – 4 x 100 using 4 sculls Aussie Analysis – recording time, pulse, entries/50 Warm-Down – Over n’ Unders (3 x 3’s) 8:30 Workshop “Be The Best You Can Be” SUNDAY 8:00 Workshop: Relating Training to 800 and 1,500 m goals and American Records set 8:30 Warm-up Coach Brad – 6 x 25 @ Rock /Race Horse Test Set: Race the American Record 3 rounds of 4 x 50 @1 and Pull 2 x 100 @ 2 - Fastfeet Descending Set getting splits and 100 times. Recovery – 4 x 50 @ 2 using 4 drills for best event Beat the Clock T-shirt relays – PERFECT Rock Paper Scissors - Celebrations 11:20 Workshop: Olympians Underwater w/ Dartfish 2:00 Warm-up - Coach Jeff - Ups n’ Downs – Texas - RI 25’s Fastfeet Descending Distance 1500-800-400-200-100 Reese’s Pieces – 3 x 100 (10/25) @ A4 Skill set - Gear-Head Circuit on send-off -Timed Turns –15 m NB/BO’s – Gators – Camp Awards
LEVELING SYSTEMJeff RoushSame set, different lanes, different abilities, ALL finish together! Write one workout set and the kids adapt it to their level as assigned by you. Change level if not making the send-off or swimming a different stroke.
TRAINING SET SYMBOLS • F = Free B= Back B= Breast F=Fly • d= Drag Suit (B+3) = best + 3 sec) (54) = desired pace • T= Long Tube HR = heart rate L25 = last 25 • TO=Turn Over T 25 = Texas 25 (35 yds no breath) • = Ascend RI 25 = Rhode Island 25 (15 yds no breath) • = Descend N/S = negative split BU = build-up • P = Pull 100/3 = breathing every 3 TT = time trial • K = Kick D = dive Z = fins • t = Scooter Tubes NR = no rest SO = send-off • b = Bands sr = seconds rest B = base • ss = Straight Set MR = minutes rest CH = choice • C = Control A4 = 4 swimmers alternating • R = Race e3f = every 3rd 25 fly BO = brains out • *= Hard Record Times R = reverse BC7 = breath control • (B+3) = Best + 3 sec 3331 = breaths/25 LB = lung busters • (54) = Goal Average p = paddles HR = Heart Rate • Bk = broken (10/25) Sk = scull
FASTFEET DESCENDING DISTANCE - 1500-800-400-200-100 (20sr/25) – Prove to non-D swimmers they can stay with the best. Start and stop your watch EVERY 25 and give 100 time to know grooving pace. Reset stopwatch and repeat for the distance. RACE RYAN LOCHTE- Swimmer performs set and compares Lochte’s 200 IM time in H.S. long course. After each round EVERY swimmer tells the coach the number of seconds below (-) or above (+) Lochte’s 1:52 LC (26+28+33+25) The odd 50’s are FAST, even 50’s are OVERKICKING. In successive rounds swimmers say, “faster OR slower” (than the last one) and the number of seconds. 4X{P 100 @1:30 (start on 30 so the 50’s start on the top-set O debt) {2x50 @ 50 fly {2x50 @ 50 back {2x50 @ 50 breast {2x50 @ 50 free {Recovery 200 Back (PLL) or Pt 400 (BC 2-4-6-8)
RACE THE AMERICAN RECORD Using presently approved suits for more accurate comparisons. 5 X{P3x100@1:20 (short rest to set-up an O2 debt ) {4x50(BO)@1:00 Swim best or developing event and add the four 50’s for a 200 time. Tell coach the seconds below (-) or above (+) On successive rounds swimmers say, “faster OR slower” and the seconds over/under the AR. record. WHO can get closest or under the record? 1:42 Phelps 1:32 Phelps 200 Free 1:55 Hoff 1:41 Coughlin 1:53 Lochte 1:36 Lochte200 Back 2:05 Franklin 1:49 Coughlin 2:08 Hansen 1:51 Hansen 200 Brst 2:20 Soni 2:05 Kirk 1:52 Phelps 1:39 Phelps 200 Fly 2:05 Hyman 1:51 Coughlin 1:54 Lochte 1:40 Lochte200 IM 2:09 Hoff 1:52 Smit
LEFTOVERS–Two swimmers of equal ability do a long short rest set (20 x 100 @ 10 SR). The first swimmer in gets the full 10 seconds and the second swimmer get what’s leftover. Swimmer #1 tells swimmer #2 when they leave again. Winner(s) get 5 cents/swim. GUESS N’ GO– no clock – give them a 50, even split, they tell times and go - 10 x 50 @ 45 with the clock TURNED OFF!
BREATH CONTROL LOCOMOTOR– (# of entries between breaths) 16 X 25 (10) @ 30 8 x 50 (8) @ 1 6 x 100 (6) @ 2 4 x 200 (5) @ 4 and back up to the 25’s – Also P/S or Stroke/Free NB/BO – EOP dive 100 Free without a breath. Only breathe when touching a wall, if you want to stop. Time is whatever is on the clock. Records: Boys 56 – Girls 58
GATORS – Swim 4 x 25 (FAST) @ 30 breathing only when swimming. NO breathing when on the wall looking like alligators.
CRIPPEN CHALLENGE 6 / team catch 3 opponents OUT when touched DUAL MEET – 3 teams
REST N’ GO– Do a long set, i.e. 20 x 300 @ 3:30 and challenge every swimmer in a circle by having everyone lead. After leading they get to sit one out and the remaining swimmers move up one place in the circle until they too lead. This forces slower swimmers to step it up and not just slipstream behind faster swimmers through the practice. SEB COE SPECIAL–Assign a time each swimmer MUST hold on a set of 10 x 400 @ 5. If the swimmer fails to hold the pace they cut the distance and SO in half but double the number of swims left, so failure on #3 means they shift to 14 x 200 @ 2:30. SAMPLE: 10 X 400 (4:00) @ 5:00 (Makes 3 sooo 7 remain) 14 x 200 (2:00) @ 2:30 (Makes 5 sooo 9 remain) 18 x 100 (1:00) @ 1:15 (Makes 8 sooo 10 remain) 20 x 50 ( :30) @ :40 (Makes 18 sooo 2 remain) 2 x 25 ( :15) @ : 20 DONE…
TEMPO TRAINERwww.finis.com Age Group – 10 x 25 @ 40 Set Tempo Trainer @ 1.3 Odd 25’s enter every beep (2.6) Even 25’s – Left entry on beep (1.3) COUNT ENTRIES BOTH 25’s ___________________ Senior Pace Work 30 x 50 @ 7.5 SR Set TT @ 7.5 to hold 30 sec 50’s BEEPS on start, mid-pool, turn, mid-pool, finish, rest 7.5 sec
100 PREDICTION 6 x 50 @ 2 From a push-off ! What is your best average on; 6 x 50 (28.4) @ 2min x 2 = _56.8_ Present Best ? What is your goal time? _52.0_ and ½ of it ( 26.0 ) PRESTO! That is what you need to average to hit your GOAL TIME!!!!!! Correlation to 100 at week of set is .89
200 m PREDICTION 5 X 100 @ 3 Performed from a push-off ! What is your best-exact average on; 5 x 100 ( 58.5 ) @ 3 min X 2 = _1:57.0_ Present best ? What is your Goal Time? _1:55.6_ and ½ of it? ( 57.8 ) PRESTO! That is what you need to average to hit your 200 GOAL TIME ! Correlation to 200 at time of set is .93
500 PREDICTION 6 X 250 Y @ 5 Performed from a push-off What is your best-exact average on 6 x 250 Y (2:33.4) @ 5 min X 2 = 5:06.8 Present Best ? What is your goal time? __4:54.0__ ½ of it? ( 2:27.0 ) PRESTO! That is what you have to average in order to hit your GOAL TIME! Correlation unavailable - better with girls.
BEAT THE CLOCK – 2:01 SET START ON 45sec–ALWAYS BEAT THE 60-1 SEC LESS REST/100 # CLOCK TIME # CLOCK TIME # CLOCK TIME 1 45 1:15 11 55 1:05 21 65 55 2 46 1:14 12 56 1:04 22 66 54 3 47 1:13 13 57 1:03 23 67 53 4 48 1:12 14 58 1:02 24 68 52 5 49 1:11 15 59 1:01 25 69 51 6 50 1:10 16 60 1:00 26 1:10 50 7 51 1:09 17 1:01 59 27 1:11 49 8 52 1:08 18 1:02 58 28 1:12 48 9 53 1:08 19 1:03 57 29 1:13 47 10 54 1:09 20 1:04 56 30 1:14 46 SEE HOW MANY YOU CAN DO - REST 1 - CHEER WHEN 3 SWIMMERS REMAIN
ARE YOU BETTER L.C. OR S.C. ? EVENT _____________ SITE L.C. BEST S.C. CONVERSION ____________ _______________ _______________ SITE S.C. BEST L.C. CONVERSION ____________ _______________ _______________
ARE YOU BETTER L.C. OR S.C. ? Don’t rely on maturational improvement and a high school season only, for success and a scholarship. EVENT 200 _FLY_ SITE DATE BEST CONVERTED College 2/07 SC _____1:46.3______ ____2:02.0_______ Long Island 4/07 LC _____2:03.9______ ____1:47.9_______ Indy 8/07 LC _____ 2:00.4_____ ____1:44.9_____ This swimmer looks forward to a LTB in the SC season.
SELLING L.C. 100 TRAINING/RACING • 6 x 50 @ 2 • ___44.5_ ( 22.2 ) ___50.5 ___ ( 25.2 ) • SC GOAL ½ GOAL * LC CONVERSION ½ GOAL • Rough Conversions • FREE = + 6s/100 – • BACK/FLY = + 8s/100 – • BREAST = + 10s/100
SELLING L.C. 200 TRAINING/RACING 5 X 100 @ 3 _2:08.4_ (1:04.2 ) ___2:27.0__ ( 1:13.5) SC GOAL ½ GOAL * LC CONVERSION ½ GOAL • Rough Conversions • FREE = + 6s/100 – • BACK/FLY = + 8s/100 – • BREAST = + 10s/100
SELLING L.C. 400 TRAINING/RACING 6 X 250 y @ 5 __4:40.6__ ( 2:20.3 ) __4:11.2__ ( 2:05.6) SC GOAL ½ GOAL * LC CONVERSION ½ GOAL • Rough Conversions • FREE = + 6s/100 – • BACK/FLY = + 8s/100 – • BREAST = + 10s/100
KICKING KICK STEELER’S – 20 x 25 (SC) @ 20 s.o. – when swimmer misses the s.o. they reset ONE s.o. (20 sec) and add ONE to what they have left. PHELPS 50’s - Swimmers decide the fastest s.o. for 5 x 50 @ ? They add 10 sec for the slow s.o. and 5 sec for the medium s.o. and do 5 rounds for 25 x 50. In shape switch to 100’s. SLOW MEDIUM FAST 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 5 1 1 5 LANE POINTS – Each lane must kick until they score 200 pts.
PULLING WHISTLE PULLS - Using pull buoys pull 1 x 800 (BC2-4-6-8) Whistle about every 25 yds, drop the pull buoys and SPRINT w/o breathing until the next whistle. Great warm-down. PULL 1650– P 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 down to 1 length @ 10 sr/break. Re-set the clock at 1:30 for finish time. TAKE IT OFF – Wear all equipment pull set i.e. 5 x 200 @ 10 s.r. At each break remove one piece of equipment so they feel faster the further they go i.e. ‘chute, tube, band, paddles, snorkle, zero. Make certain shoulders are READY!
WORLD CLASS SETSADJUST TO ABILITY - MOTIVATE 10x50 F(4@1:30–1@ 1:20–1@1:10–1@1:00–1@50–1@40–1@30 (held 27’s)–DT-JT-MH 4 {3 x 100 @ 4) 300 recovery between Round #1 (1 x 25 U/W + 75 no gear) Round #2 (1 x 25 U/W + 75 paddles) Round #3 (1 x 25 U/W + 75 fins) Round #4 (1 x 25 U/W + 75 paddles and fins) Fastest time 32 sec SCY – MB 1 x 100 b @ 1:20 1 X 50 b @ 1:15 – (2x -3x -4x)-BH 3 x 200 b @ OYO (2:31-2:30-2:29) Olympic Team Camp - AB 10 x 100 IM @ 1:45 (stop at 75, leave on 0, go under 12 F) -DK
D 20 x 50 @ 1 (odd 11 kicks + 4 strokes/even 25 EZ back – MH 8 x 100 @ 6 Under goal to count (fly sub-57/53)(free sub-53/49) 6 x 200 B @ 3 (2:26) 25 U/W 25 above - NC 8 X 50 B (15m KO from Blocks) @ 2 – NC 3 x {12 x 25 @ 25 (sub16.3 or don’t count – JT {12 x 25 @ 30 (1 breath/sub 16 or don’t count) {12 x 25 @ 45 (f race sub 16.3 or don’t count 6 X 1000 @ 11:00 (Pick a fast time to go under on last 3) scy – JK 5 X 5000 @ 60:00 (Last one fastest) JK
AUSSIE ANALYSIS for IMPROVEMENT in STROKES PER 25 and HEART RATE LTB __________________________________________________________________________________ +15F/B __________________________________________________________________________________ 100@2 TIME ________________________________________________________________________________________________ PULSE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ STR/25 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 200@4 TIME ________________________________________________________________________________________________ PULSE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ STK/25 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300@6 TIME ________________________________________________________________________________________________ PULSE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ STK/25 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 400@8 TIME ________________________________________________________________________________________________ PULSE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ STK/25 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100 LTB TIME ________________________________________________________________________________________________ PULSE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ STK/25 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
TOTAL TEAM SETS Threshold - 20 x 100 F @ 1:30-(Figure total team ave and get faster.) 1/mo Accutraining Sets – 6 x 50 @ 2 5 x 100 @ 3 OD - 5 x 400 (stroke) @ 5 (6 X 400 B @5 (4:36) – NC) Touchpad 25’s to foot touch on timing system w/display Reese’s Pieces 5 X 100 (10/25) @ 5 GOS - 5 X 100 (BC-2331) @A3
WHAT’S YOUR SET ? • Kick Steelers – Accutraining – Fun - Fastfeet • Reese’s Pieces – 5 x 100 (10/25) @ 4 (TM) • Reese ADD 4 X 50 each stroke Who is fastest? • Shoulberg’s Icebergs – kicking with re-bar • Runkle’s bands – AG yellow – Sr green • Hartfield’s Harness – timing start/breakout • Bud’s Bucks – coach’s dollar bills rewards • Watkind’s Scull Your Arms Off - October
LAKE COUNTRY HOLIDAY LU LU - 10,000 YDS 25 75 25-50 75 25-50-75 75 25-50-75-100 75 25-50-75-100-125 75 25-50-75-100-125-150 75 25-50-75-100-125-150-175 75 25-50-75-100-125-150-175-200 75 25-50-75-100-125-150-175-200-225 75 25-50-75-100-125-150-175-200-225-250 75 25-50-75-100-125-150-175-200-225-250-275 75 25-50-75-100-125-150-175-200-225-250-275-300 75 Bob Jenkyns
HI 5’s EXITING “I hope tomorrow’s harder!”