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Flipping the Classroom 1. Suzanna Magnuson Chemistry Teacher Natick High School. What does “flipping” mean? . Discussion: The Dog Ate My Homework! Summarize the TED Talk video with Sal Khan from Khan Academy Discuss any thoughts, pros, cons, reactions to him, etc. .
Flipping the Classroom 1 Suzanna Magnuson Chemistry Teacher Natick High School
What does “flipping” mean? Discussion: The Dog Ate My Homework! • Summarize the TED Talk video with Sal Khan from Khan Academy • Discuss any thoughts, pros, cons, reactions to him, etc.
What does “flipping” mean? Historical Perspective: • Bergman & Sams 2006-2007: “Educational Vodcasting” • Other terms: Flex-pacing, mastery model, pre-teaching, blended learning, reverse-instruction. • “Flip” term came about in 2010-2011 and borrowed by Sal Khan in TED talk
What does “flipping” mean? Problem: Umbrella, vague term for: • Live recording • Flipping • Flipping w/ • mastery learning • mastery & inquiry learning • mastery, inquiry, and standards-based grading • mastery, inquiry, standards-based grading, & universal design for learning
What does “flipping” mean? Ways “flipping” can be used: • Pre-teaching • Remediation/re-teaching • Reinforcing/reviewing • Enrichment • A way to handle absences • Filling in gaps of understanding
What does “flipping” mean? Aaron Sams summarizes: Think of “flipping” as an umbrella term for: “a class that uses screencasts as an instructional tool.” From: “The Flipped Class: Shedding Light on the Confusion, Critique, and Hype”
Why would you flip your class? Research: The Envision Experiment, Oakland, CA 2011: • Khan Academy & Oakland school chose 25 students in remedial algebra summer class • Half received instruction from a dedicated, experienced teacher; other half used Khan Academy videos, but had same teacher http://www.blendmylearning.com/2011/08/31/the-results/
Why would you flip your class? Research: U of British Columbia, 2011: Large enrollment physics college class • Two groups: traditional lecture (control) and pre-learning with in-class practice • Dramatic increase in scores for experimental group
Why would you flip your class? Personal Journey • Student 2 years ago introduced me to Khan Academy • Used in my own master’s degree program • Realized that if it helped me, it could help my students
Why would you flip your class? Positives from Student Feedback • Can pause, rewind, review for test • Convenient when absent • Easier to understand than textbook • Good base of knowledge so class is more interactive • Better for taking notes; don’t have to scramble • Good visuals
Why would you flip your class? Negatives from Student Feedback • Can’t ask questions • Sometimes confusing • Have to watch on your own time; too much HW • Some are too long; hard to concentrate • Could make better use of in-class time • If you forget, you’re behind in class • No effort into HW: just copying answers • Too many distractions at home • No computer at home; no internet access at home
Why would you flip your class? Discussion: To flip or not to flip… • What could be gained by flipping? • What are the cons of flipping?
How would you flip your class? When to flip: • Clear, concise objective: decide on what they will be able to do by the end of the video • Decide on the source: created or found • Decide what you will do with your extra time
How would you flip your class? When flipping is a flop: • If the lesson topic can be taught in a student-centered way (w/o direct instruction) • If the lesson topic is not concise and simple (5-10 minutes maximum) • If you have no meaningful use for the class time you gain
How would you flip your class? A tour of my flipping style: • Write lessons on screen w/sketch pad • Use QuickTime & iMovie to record & edit • Post to YouTube (unlisted) • Embed onto blog on website • Students watch at home and/or in class* • Class time used to process, practice, apply in lab, ask questions, projects, etc. *In Class: surprising find from last year’s flipping workshop!
How would you flip your class? Discussion: Flipping for Smarties • Think of one specific video you would produce to test drive the flipped model. • What is/are the objective(s) of the video? • How will students be accountable for watching the assigned video? • What will you do as a follow up activity to the video lesson?
Bibliography Greenberg, Brian. "The Results." Blend My Learning. Innosite Institute, Next Generation Learning Challenges, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Charter School Growth Fund, 2011. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. <http:// www.blendmylearning.com/2011/08/31/the-results/>. Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class Louis Deslauriers, Ellen Schelew, and Carl Wieman, Science 13 May 2011: 862-864. Sams, Aaron. "The Flipped Class: Shedding Light on the Confusion, Critique, and Hype." The Daily Riff: Be Smarter. About Education. C.J. Westerberg, 11 Nov. 2011. Web. 04 Nov. 2012. <http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped- class-shedding-light-on-the-confusion-critique-and-hype-801.php>.