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煤炭工业现状与煤炭设备监理发展展望 Status Quo of Coal Industry & Outlook of Coal Plant Engineering Consultancy. 靳 雨 桐 By Jin Yutong. 中煤设备工程咨询公司 China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 一、中国煤炭工业取得的发展和进步 I. Development and Achievements of Chinese Coal Industry 二、金融危机的影响与应对
煤炭工业现状与煤炭设备监理发展展望Status Quo of Coal Industry & Outlook of Coal Plant Engineering Consultancy 靳 雨 桐 By Jin Yutong
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 一、中国煤炭工业取得的发展和进步 I. Development and Achievements of Chinese Coal Industry 二、金融危机的影响与应对 II. Impacts of and Response to Financial Crisis 三、中国煤炭工业发展前景展望 III. Outlook of Chinese Coal Industry 四、煤炭设备监理发展展望 IV. Outlook of Coal Plant Engineering Consultancy
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 一、中国煤炭工业取得的发展和进步 I.Development and Achievements of Chinese Coal Industry 1、煤炭是我国基础能源 Coal is the basic energy of China. 我国是煤炭大国,煤炭在我国一次能源生产和消费结构中的比重,分别占76%和69%。煤炭作为我国的主体能源,在短时间内不会有大的改变。 China is a large coal producer. Coal accounts for 76% and 69% of the primary production and consumption structure respectively. As the major energy, coal will not change its dominant status in the short run. 2、国家产业政策 National industrial policy 为煤炭工业健康发展,2005年国务院颁发了《关于促进煤炭工业健康发展的若干意见》(国发[2005]18号),国家发改委制定了煤炭产业政策明确了煤炭发展的目标、产业布局、产业政策等。 To ensure the healthy development of coal industry, the Status Council issued Some Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Sound Development of the Coal Industry (GF [2005] No. 18) in 2005. National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) formulated the coal industry policies, in which the targets, pattern and policies of coal industry are defined.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 3、煤炭工业市场化改革取得成效 Achievements in marketization reform of coal industry 煤炭资源有偿使用制度基本建立 Establishment of reimbursable utilization system on coal resource 煤炭市场化投融资格局基本形成 Formation of investment & financing atmosphere of coal market 煤炭流通体制改革取得成效 Progress in reform of coal circulation system 煤炭成本完整化机制开始建立 Establishment of coal cost complete system 企业治理结构不断完善 Continuous improvement of corporate governance structure 4、煤炭十一五规划,到2010年,全国将形成6-8个亿吨级和8-10个5000万吨级的大型煤炭企业集团,产量占全国的50%以上。 In the 11th five-year plan for coal industry, by 2010, China will have six to eight 100-million-ton or eight to ten 50-million-ton large coal groups. The output will account for over 50% of the nation’s total.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 煤炭发展规划确定建设13个大型煤炭基地,即:1、神东基地、2、陕北基地:3、黄陇基地:4、晋北基地:5、晋中基地:6、晋东基地:7、蒙东(东北)基地:8、两淮基地:9、鲁西基地:10、黄河北河南基地:11、永夏冀中基地:12、平原大型煤田云贵基地:13、宁东基地。 In the development planning of coal industry, 13 large coal bases are defined. They are Shendong Base, Northern Shaanxi Base, Huanglong Base, Northern Shanxi Base, Central Shanxi Base, Eastern Shanxi Base, Mengdong (Northeast) Base, Lianghuai Base, Western Shandong Base, North Yellow River & Henan Base, Yongxia Central Hebei Base, Yunnan & Guizhou Base of Large Plain Coal Field, and Eastern Ningxia Base.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 规划明确了各基地的发展方向。 The development targets of all bases have been identified. 冀中、鲁西、河南3个基地,重点做好老矿区(矿井)生产接续,稳定煤炭生产规模。神东、蒙东(东北)、两淮、晋北、晋东、云贵、陕北、黄陇(华亭)、宁东9个基地,要适度加快开发建设,提高煤炭生产和供应能力。晋中基地,要对优质炼焦煤资源实行保护性开发,把建设大型矿井与整合、关闭小煤矿结合起来,稳定生产规模。 Central Hebei, Western Shandong and Henan Bases should take over the production of old mining areas (wells) to stabilize the production scale of coals. The nine bases of Shendong, Mengdong (Northeast), Lianghuai, Northern Shanxi, Eastern Shanxi, Yunnan & Guizhou, Northern Shaanxi, Huanglong (Huating) and Eastern Ningxia Bases should improve the coal productivity and supply by accelerating the development. Central Shanxi Base should pay attention to the protective development of refined coking coal resource. The construction of large mines should proceed along with the M&A and shutdown of small coal mines to stabilize the production. 5、煤炭企业向大型集团化发展 Coal enterprises develop into large groups
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 6、煤炭产量迅速增长 Sharp increase of coal output 新中国成立60年来,煤炭生产力水平有了很大的提高。煤炭产量由1949年的3243万吨,到1978年6.18亿吨,特别是改革开放30年来的发展,到2008年增长到27.93亿吨,分别增长了85倍多和3.5倍多,有力地支撑国民经济持续健康发展。中国煤炭产量占世界产量42%左右,其增量占世界80%以上。 Over the past 6 decades since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, great achievements have been made in the productivity of coal industry. The coal output rocketed from 32.43 million tons in 1949 to 618 million tons in 1978, and to 2.793 billion tons in 2008 after the reform and opening up, up by 85 times and 3.5 times respectively. It greatly shores up the continuous and sound development of national economy. China’s coal output accounts for about 42% of the world’s total, and the increased quantity accounts for more than 80% in the world.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 通过加大煤炭资源整合与小煤矿联合改造,关闭小煤矿等,数量大幅下降,08年全国大中小煤矿产量比重调整至53:14:33。 Through the resource reorganization of coal industry as well as renovation or shutdown of small coal mines, the number of small coal mines has been decreased dramatically. In 2008, the proportion of large, medium and small coal mines in China was changed to 53:14:33. 生产集中度大幅提高。截止2008年底,全国规模以上煤炭生产企业8226家,原煤产量26.2亿吨。其中,全国拥有千万吨以上产量的煤炭企业36家,产量13.76亿吨,占全国产量的49%,其中前4家煤炭企业产量达到5.5亿吨(神华2亿多吨、中煤1亿多吨、山西焦煤、兖州)。 The production concentration has been improved hugely. By the end of 2008, the number of large coal manufacturers in China was 8226, and the volume of raw coal was 2.62 billion tons. Of that, the number of coal enterprises with a capacity of more than 10 million tons was 36, contributing 1.376 billion tons and accounting for 49% of the nation’s total. The top four coal enterprises have an aggregate volume of 550 million tons (Shenhua 200-odd million tons, ChinaCoal 100-odd million tons, Shanxi Coking Coal and Yanzhou).
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 7、采煤技术、建井技术、煤机装备等自主创新能力增强。单井单工作面大采高年产600万吨综采成套技术装备和大型超千万吨矿井和深厚冲击层成套建井等技术已经成熟,煤矿装备国产化水平不断提高。全国已经建成单井规模超千万吨矿井(露天)25座,生产能力3.4亿吨,占全国总产量的11%以上。在建千万吨级煤矿14座,设计生产能力1.72亿吨;已建成安全高效矿井(露天)268处,煤炭产量达到8.4亿吨;已建成年产120万吨以上的大型煤矿469座,产量14.23亿吨。 The capability of independent innovation of coal production, well building and coal machinery has been strengthened. The technology such as 6 million tons of complete mining technical machinery of single well and single working face, over 10 million mine and deep shock layer well building has been matured, and the level of homemade coal machinery has been improved constantly. So far, there are 25 (open-air) mines with a single well capacity exceeding 10 million tons, and the production capacity is 340 million tons, accounting for over 11% of the nation’s total. Fourteen mines of 10-million Class are under construction with the design capacity of 172 million tons. 268 safe and high-efficient (open-air) mines have been completed, producing 840 million tons of coals each year. 469 large coal mines with an annual capacity of 1.2 million tons have been built, contributing 1.423 billion tons of coal.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 安全高效矿井产量超过33%。大型煤矿采煤机械化达到88.2%,小型煤矿机械化开采比重不断提高。 The output of safe and high-efficient (open-air) mines exceeds 33%. The percentage of large machinery utilization in the coal mining reaches 88.2%, and small coal machinery mining percentage increases greatly. 8、以煤为基础多元协调发展 Coal-based diversified and coordinative development 近几年,煤炭企业积极发展煤电、煤电铝、煤化工、煤建材、煤焦化和煤气化等优势产业,液化、二甲醚大力发展循环经济和环保产业,积极开展煤矿瓦斯、矿井水、煤矸石和沉陷区的综合利用,发展替代产业,有力地推动了煤炭传统产业升级。 Over the past years, coal enterprises positively develop advantageous industries such as cool electricity, coal-electrolytic aluminum, coal chemical industry, coal building material, coal coking and coal gasification etc., circulating economy and environmental protection industries such as liquidation and dimethyl ether. They also speed up the development of coal gas, mine water, coal gangue and settlement area, the development of alternative industries and promotes the upgrade of traditional sectors of coal industry.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 9、煤炭经济运行质量稳步提高,自2003年以来煤炭企业利润水平逐年提高,2008年全国规模以上煤炭企业实现利润2100亿元。 The operation of coal economy is optimizing steadily. The profit level of coal enterprises increased year by year since 2003. In 2008, the profit made by the large coal companies in China chalked up RMB 210 billion Yuan. 10、煤矿安全生产形势稳步好转。国家加大煤矿安全整治力度,煤矿安全投入大幅增加,安全监测监控技术装备水平不断提高。 The safety of coal production is turning for the better steadily. China has tightened the regulation on coal safe production and input heavily in the safety building of coal mines. The safety monitoring and surveillance equipment is also updated.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 二、金融危机的影响与应对 II. Impacts and Response to Financial Crisis 1、影响 Impacts 一是直接冲击 1) direct impacts 二是惯性压力 2) pressure 2、积极应对 Positive response 3、充满信心 Confidence 与行业外的形势情况不同,在全煤炭行业与企业积极应对的努力之下,有三点: Different from other industries, the coal industry in China have the following characteristics under the positive efforts to cope with the financial turmoil.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 一是煤炭发展主体是健康的(没有采掘失调、企业内部运行机制正常;煤炭大集团化发展与开采布局和调整是有效的。二是市场虽然受影响,但是相对稳定的,就像吃饭穿衣是离不开的一样。三是从长期看,我国能源(石油、核电等)资源条件决定了在今后较长的时期内,以煤为主的能源结构很难改变,新能源和可再生能源的替代作用还不明显。 Firstly, the overall development trend of coal industry is sound. No mining unbalance is found, and the internal operating system in the enterprise is normal. The development of coal groups as well as mining layout and adjustment is effective. Secondly, although the market is affected, it is still stable. Thirdly, in the long run the energy structure dominated by coal will hardly be changed according to the energy resource conditions of China (petroleum and nuclear electricity etc.) . The new energies and renewable energies will not play a significant role.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 我国宏观经济的基本面并没有发生改变,继续朝着宏观调控目标的方向发展。从总体上看,今后一个时期,煤炭供给总量仍将呈增长态势。按我国经济保持7.5%~8.5%的增长速度预测,到2010年,全国煤炭需求量将达到30.5亿吨。到2020年,全国煤炭需求量将达到35亿吨左右。因此,煤炭供应短期过剩与长期不足的矛盾同时长期存在。 The basic facts of China’s macro economy are not changed, which continue to develop towards the targets of macro regulation. Generally, the volume of coal supply will still keep a rising momentum. Based on the forecast growth rate of 7.5%-8.5% of China’s economy, the national coal demand in China will reach 3.05 billion tons by 2010. By 2020, the demand will register around 3.5 billion tons. Therefore, the contradict of short-term excess and long-term insufficiency will co-exist for a long period of time.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 三、中国煤炭工业发展前景展望 III. Outlook of Chinese Coal Industry 1、存在的主要困难 Difficulties 一是煤炭资源条件制约因素大。 Firstly, there are a lot of factors restricting the coal resource. 二是煤炭结构调整任务繁重 。 Secondly, the task for adjusting the coal structure is tough. 2008年前10家煤炭企业利润占全国规模以上煤炭企业利润总额的40.5%;其中神华集团实现利润399.7亿元,占全行业利润总额的19.03%。绝大多数企业处于微利状态。 In 2008, the top 10 coal enterprises earned profits accounting for 40.5% of the total profit made by all large coal enterprises. Of that, Shenhua Group earned 39.97 billion Yuan of profit, accounting for 19.03% of the total profit in the industry. Most of the enterprises make small profits.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 2、可持续发展的条件 Conditions for sustainable development 国家中长期能源发展规划中明确了“煤为基础,多元发展”的能源发展方针,并从体制、机制、法制、投入和结构调整、科技进步等方面相继制定实施了一系列重大扶持政策和措施,将进一步促进煤炭工业节约发展、清洁发展和安全发展。 In the long and medium-term energy development planning of China, an energy development policy of “taking coal as the foundation to develop in a diversified way” has been identified. A series of major supporting policies and measures have been made out in terms of system, mechanism, legal system, investment, structure adjustment, technological progress, etc. These moves will further promote the conservancy development, clean development and safety development of coal industry. 一是煤炭工业的规模化和现代化建设将取得显著成效。 Firstly, the expansion of coal industry and modernization building will be propelled.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 二是煤炭工业生产力总体水平将继续快速提升 。 Secondly, the overall level of productivity in coal industry will continue to be improved. 三是坚持转变发展方式,煤炭经济将逐渐由数量、速度型的发展方式向质量、效益型的内涵发展方式转变。 Thirdly, the development mode shall be shifted. The coal economy will be converted from quantity and speed-effective type to quality and benefit-oriented type.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 四、煤炭设备监理的发展与展望 IV. Outlook of Coal Plant Engineering Consultancy 中煤设备工程咨询公司于1993年7月8日成立,是煤炭行业第一家设备监理公司,也是第一家取得国家发改委和国家质检总局联合颁发的甲级设备监理资质的专业设备监理工程公司。公司是中国设备监理协会单位会员。 China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. was founded on July 8, 1993, which is the first plant engineering consulting company in coal industry and also the first company obtaining the Class-A plant engineering consulting qualification company recognized by the NDRC and AQSIQ. The Company is the member of China Association of Plant Engineering Consultants. 公司的指导思想:坚持“五高”宗旨、瞄准“第一”工程、积极主动协调、 严格细致实施,以建设行业监理国家队为目标,勇于开拓不断进取。 坚持“五高”宗旨,即:按高起点、高目标、高质量、高效率、高效益的宗旨要求。 The guidance of the Company: persisting in the tenet of “Five Highs”, focusing on “the No.1” projects, active coordination, strict implementation, targeting at the leadership of supervision industry in China and pressing head. The tenet of “Five Highs”: high starting point, high target, high quality, high efficiency and high benefit.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 瞄准“第一”工程,即:积极争取从事世界领先、亚洲第一、填补行业空白的设备监理项目。 Focusing on “the No.1” projects: striving for the projects that take the lead in the world, rank the No. 1 in Asia and fill the blank in plant engineering consultancy. 积极主动协调,即:坚持业主立场,也为生产制造企业提高改进质量发挥作用,实施和谐监理。 严格细致实施,即:监理工作沟通协调及时,监理过程实施从严从细。 Active coordination: sticking to the stand point of the Owner while helping the manufacturer improve quality to perform harmonious consulting engineering. Strict implementation: prompt communication and coordination during consulting engineering, sticking to strict and careful consulting engineering.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 我公司完成的平朔公司一、二、三号大型矿井的整体设备监造项目运行正常。2005年完成亚洲最大洗煤厂设计能力1500万吨的平朔安家岭选煤厂设备监理业务,实现安装调试整体负载一次试车成功; The complete plant engineering consulting project undertaken by the Company for No. 1, 2 and 3 large mines of Pingshuo Company runs normally. In 2005, the Company completed the plant engineering consulting project for Pingshuo Anjialing Coal Dressing Factory with a design capacity of 15 million tons, which is the largest coal dressing plant in Asia. The installation and commissioning succeeded just while done for the first time. 我公司监理的国产55立方电铲顺利下线,在中煤平朔安家岭露天矿经过试运转已正式投入生产,运行稳定、性能优良,结束了我国大型电铲需要进口的被动局面,填补了国产设备的空白。 The homemade 55m3 electric shovel supervised by the Company was produced successfully and put into production after commissioning in the open-air mine of ChinaCoal Pingshuo Anjialing. The plant operates stably, performance is fine, which declares the ending of China’s dependence on import.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 我公司监理的国内最大容量4000KVA井下可移动变电站,在神华万利煤矿一个年产800万吨的矿井顺利下井并稳定运行。 The 4000KVA underground moveable transformer station, the largest in China, was supervised by the Company and is now operating stably in the well with an annual capacity of 8 million tons owned by Shenhua Wanli Coal Mine. 同时公司监造了国内最大工作阻力液压支架设备,创造单班日产煤6万多吨的行业最佳记录。 Meanwhile, the Company supervised the hydraulic bracket equipment with the largest working resistance in China. The equipment created a record high of more than 60,000 tons per day in the industry. 公司为建设行业的国家队,大胆创新,积极尝试。 The Company is the “national team” of the building industry in China, which is exerting itself to innovate and invent.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 我公司参与编制《煤炭工业工程监理和项目管理规范》中的设备监理部分,该条例将推动煤炭设备监理工作更加专业化,为中国煤炭设备监理国际化奠定了基础。 The Company involved in the preparation of plant engineering consulting part in Specification of Coal Industry on Consulting Engineering and Project Management, which will further promote the coal plant engineering consultancy and lay a solid foundation of internationalization of China’s coal machinery. 欢迎国际国内的同行携手合作,共同服务于煤炭行业、服务于和谐社会与世界能源工业的发展。 We welcome our fellow friends from China and other countries can gether to serve the coal industry and promote the building of a harmonious society and development of world’s energy industry.
中煤设备工程咨询公司China Coal Equipment Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 谢 谢 ! Thank you!