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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering CE 454 Urban Transportation Systems PROJECT TEAM Josh Carstairs Brian Davis Marguerite MarKs brian Leatham David Logan. Evaluation of Pedestrian Behavior and Improvement of Safety at Curb Bulb-Outs. Background Statistics.
Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringCE 454 Urban Transportation Systems PROJECT TEAMJosh CarstairsBrian DavisMarguerite MarKsbrian LeathamDavid Logan Evaluation of Pedestrian Behavior and Improvement of Safety at Curb Bulb-Outs
Background Statistics Almost 175,000 pedestrians died in all motor vehicle crashes between 1975 and 2001. On average, a pedestrian is killed in a traffic crash every 108 minutes About 1000 pedestrians are killed in intersections every year
In 25% of all pedestrian fatalities either a driver’s Inattention or failure to yield right-of-way is a related factor The U.S. Department of Transportation States: “There is no single strategythat will reduce pedestrian fatalities – it is a comprehensive approach employing engineering, education and enforcement with the focus on both driver and pedestrian.”
4th and collegeDesign Alternatives Considered Alternatives Removal of the crosswalks Removal of the parking spaces on east side of 4th between crosswalks Installation of in-street pedestrian “Stop Here for Peds” signs Construction of a full traffic signal Flashing lights at crosswalk Curb bulb outs
4th and collegeFinal decision Curb extensions shorten the crossing distance and place pedestrians where they can better see approaching traffic. Pedestrians attempting to cross the intersection are also more visible to approaching traffic
Further analysis Mean wait times Crossing speeds
Pedestrian Intent By placing pedestrians with intent to cross the street into a bulb out, oncoming traffic clearly knows their intention to cross the street
Bulb outs at Bridgeport village In new construction the cost of bulb outs is negligible. Should be used where many people wait or where crowds form near the street. Bulb outs
Final Recommendations Bulb outs do improve both pedestrian behavior and pedestrian's visibility to drivers Should be used only in specific situations Retrofit cost is large Designers need to predict warranted situation