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Implementing the National Policy on ICT @Schools : Challenges and Issues Sridhar Rajagopalan. Agenda. Scheme Good Points Concerns and Suggestions Evaluation Good Points Concerns and Suggestions. ICT@Schools Scheme – Good Points.
Implementing the National Policy on ICT @Schools : Challenges and Issues Sridhar Rajagopalan
Agenda • Scheme • Good Points • Concerns and Suggestions • Evaluation • Good Points • Concerns and Suggestions
ICT@Schools Scheme – Good Points The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points Provision for Content Development so that it does not become an only-hardware scheme The teacher award especially as well as the emphasis on teacher capacity building is welcome Emphasis on schools having access to high speed internet, power supply options including solar
ICT@School – Concerns/Suggestions: Overall Points The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points • Much more emphasis is needed on software and content –not hardware. (For hardware, an empanelment model with per student grants will give flexibility and protect against obsolescence.) • States (and the centre) to invest resources into common R&D areas like: • Use of Intelligent Systems to build solutions for Reading, topics like Algebra, etc., and research on ICT • Creation of vernacular content (even for example in Wikipedia / videos) must be emphasized • Vision of all schools having high speed internet • NMEICT for Schools
ICT@School – Concerns/Suggestions: Key Emphasis Areas The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points Software and vernacular content creation (discussed in 5.4.1, but should include non-govt players too) Creation of high quality videos Research on Intelligent Teaching Systems Widespread NMEICT to support innovation at research supporting not just goverments, but also schools, teachers, DIETs, universities, NGOs including innovative private companies Grand Challenge: Eg. Reading software
ICT@School – Concerns/Suggestions: Vision of Key Use of ICT in Schools The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points There are many potential applications of ICT in schools To enhance student subject learning To provide access to (web) resources To promote collaboration and community-creation (both for students and teachers) To support teachers in teaching To provide MIS and administrative support To promote self-learning (eg. videos) To teach students programming skills To teach students computer-use skills The policy needs to be driven by the priorities among the above and a clear articulation of what ICT use will look like (by providing for an ICT teacher, policy seems to emphasise the last use above)
ICT@School – Concerns/Suggestions: An empanelment model The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points We would recommend an empanelment and reimbursement model: Vendors for computers, tablets, internet resources etc. as well as softwares are rigorously selected (expert group) and empanelled by the centre / state. Schools / States will be reimbursed at fixed rates, but have full flexibility (for example to go for tablets with an LMS or laptops and video-based approach). 3-4 recommended models will also be described
ICT@School – Concerns/Suggestions: Number of computers The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points The number of computers in a school could be linked to the number of students rather than being a fixed number (10 or 40) Ideally number = section size. At least ½ section size should be a minimum. In this manner fewer schools may be covered, but resource usage would be much higher
ICT@Schools Evaluation – Good Points The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points Covers key aspects of the scheme well Coverage / sampling is good for a qualitative survey of this sort Provision to speak to school heads, teachers and students
ICT@Schools Evaluation – Suggestions (Software & Research) The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points At state and district levels data on the following should be sought with samples: A short video screening of ICT facilities preferably in use should be made by the agency during the evaluation Has any research on ICT impact on learning / education been carried out n the state?
ICT@Schools Evaluation – Suggestions (General) The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points Forms should be filled by schools, preferably online and then the visits should happen. State govt should give contact phone and email numbers to the Evaluating Agency EdusatCentres are covered, but since they can be a very key resource, could be more detailed with the aim of sharing best practices Emphasis of ‘Smart Schools’ in scheme – questions on whether and how states are implementing
ICT@Schools Evaluation – Suggestions (at Schools) The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points A short video screening of ICT facilities preferably in use should be made by the agency during the evaluation Suggested additional questions for School Heads: Has the ICT scheme made any difference to overall learning of students (either in school subjects or in the ICT subjects)? If no, Can you give suggestions and what should be done to make that happen If yes, can you describe the change? Have any videos for educational purposes been shot in the school (eg. videos of classes, videos of student on topics) Is ICT use timetabled in the school – if so, details
ICT@Schools Evaluation – Suggestions (areas not covered) The emphasis on content development and the teacher award scheme are strong points Open question at all levels asking to describe any example of innovative ICT work either in their state / district / school or another they are aware of Are ICT resources being used for assessments in any way? Any initiatives / experiences related to tablets for the state government / school? Last, but not the least: Are costs realistic to get good agencies who will do a good job? If not, samples can be cut a bit to retain quality
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