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Objectives. Review recent Medicare regulations Medicare Severity DRG (MS-DRG)Present on Admission (POA)Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACs)Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs)Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) Describe the impact on hospital reimbursement and hospital/physician profiling
1. Increasing Federal RegulationsImpact on CareorDocumentation of Care?Emily A. Boohaker, MDDecember 9, 2008
2. Objectives Review recent Medicare regulations
Medicare Severity DRG (MS-DRG)
Present on Admission (POA)
Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACs)
Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs)
Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)
Describe the impact on hospital reimbursement and hospital/physician profiling
Illustrate the role of compliant documentation
Not a Coder
Not a Financial Guru
What works at UAB may not work at other institutions
Clinical Documentation Specialists
Query Process UAB uses a consultant company for education and data trackingUAB uses a consultant company for education and data tracking
5. All a function of docuemtationAll a function of docuemtation
6. Momentum for Changes Institute of Medicine Report
Healthcare errors
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003
Reducing costs/improving pt care
Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
Hospital Acquired Conditions
Value Based Purchasing
Active purchaser of higher value healthcare services MPDI got it all going with regards to reducing costs and improving pt care that has resulted in the many of the changes we will be discussing today VBP focuses on quality and efficiency
DRA deals witl HACS and the Institue of Miedicn report to err is human moved things along and further gave infrastructure. CMS is using VBP tools to promote increased quality and efficency of caretherefore avoid unnecessary costs. Reduce advers events and improvept safety Make performace results transparent comprehensible, empoweres consumers to make value based decisions, encourages hospitals and clinicians to improve QOC. CMS applicatrion of VBP tools such as HAC is transforming mcare from a passive payor to an active purchaser of higher value health care sevices (f rom fed register). MPDI got it all going with regards to reducing costs and improving pt care that has resulted in the many of the changes we will be discussing today VBP focuses on quality and efficiency
DRA deals witl HACS and the Institue of Miedicn report to err is human moved things along and further gave infrastructure. CMS is using VBP tools to promote increased quality and efficency of caretherefore avoid unnecessary costs. Reduce advers events and improvept safety Make performace results transparent comprehensible, empoweres consumers to make value based decisions, encourages hospitals and clinicians to improve QOC. CMS applicatrion of VBP tools such as HAC is transforming mcare from a passive payor to an active purchaser of higher value health care sevices (f rom fed register).
7. Diagnostic Related GroupsDRGs Groupings of diagnoses similar clinically and in resource utilization
DRG assigned a Relative Weight (RW)
Hospital Reimbursement
Severity of Illness (SOI)
Resource Utilization Relative weight is a reflection of these three thingsRelative weight is a reflection of these three things
8. The Blended Rate Rate for reimbursement for individual hospitals based on
Region of country
Teaching vs non-teaching (phasing out)
Proportion of uncompensated care
Bed size
Medicare Blended Rate
Ranges from $3,000 to $10,000
UAB blended rate $6887
Make sure and state the this is determined by medicareMake sure and state the this is determined by medicare
9. Medicare Hospital Reimbursement Made Simple Physician documents all relevant diagnoses and procedures
Coder selects appropriate DRG
UTI = DRG 690
DRG defines RW
DRG 690 has RW = .7581
RW drives reimbursement
RW x blended rate = Payment
.7581 x $6887 = $5221
10. Medicare-Severity DRGs(MS-DRGs)
11. Final CMS Rule 2008 Based on CMS updated analysis of a severity DRG system from the mid-1990s, CMS adopted MS-DRGs
Better recognize severity of illness
Better demonstrate ability to explain differences in patient cost
CC: Co-morbid condition or complication
MCC: Major co-morbid condition or complication
Often treat but do not document diagnoses
13. Medicare-Severity DRGs (DRG Example Table) NEED TO DELETTHE MDC AND TYPe and add column for payment and los.NEED TO DELETTHE MDC AND TYPe and add column for payment and los.
14. Medicare-Severity DRGs MCC and CC Specificity of documentation can make a difference. Shows how specific the documentation has to be. Shows how difficult it is to get the specificity to get cc mcc as that is what will drive DRG Specificity of documentation can make a difference. Shows how specific the documentation has to be. Shows how difficult it is to get the specificity to get cc mcc as that is what will drive DRG
15. From the Federal Register We highly encourage physicians and hospitals to work together to use the most specific codes that describe their patients conditions. Such an effort will not only result in more accurate payment by Medicare but will provide better information on the incidence of this disease in the Medicare patient population.
From the compliance stand point, this is from the fed register which says it is okayFrom the compliance stand point, this is from the fed register which says it is okay
16. From the Federal Register We do not believe there is anything inappropriate, unethical or otherwise wrong with hospitals taking full advantage of coding opportunities to maximize Medicare payment that is supported by documentation in the medical record. We encourage hospitals to engage in complete and accurate coding. Nothing wrong with making sure that documentation is as accurate as possible and that terminonlogy mathces the coding rules by querying the physicians. Sue will talk about how we approached querying providers at UABNothing wrong with making sure that documentation is as accurate as possible and that terminonlogy mathces the coding rules by querying the physicians. Sue will talk about how we approached querying providers at UAB
17. Example 1 68 yo with h/o DM, COPD presents with altered mental status. Family states over the past several days he has become more sleepy and is having chills.
PE: Ill appearing, diaphoretic. T = 102, BP 127/80, HR = 102, RR = 24, tachycardic, supra-pubic tenderness
Labs: WBC = 13k, 90% segs, CBS = 200, UA positive
18. Example 1(continued) Admitting Diagnoses
Altered Mental Status
Diabetes Mellitus
Hospital Course
IV antibiotics started
Urine Culture: E. Coli; Blood cultures: negative
Mental status returned to baseline
Discharged home after 5 days
19. Example 1(continued) What is the principal diagnosis warranting this admission?
Is there another diagnosis that more accurately describes the severity of illness and the additional resources used to manage this patient?
Sepsis from a urinary source
20. Sepsis SIRS: 2 or more of the following
T > 100.4 or < 96.8
HR > 90
RR > 20 or PaCO2 < 32
WBC > 12k or < 4k or > 10% bands
Sepsis: SIRS due to suspected or confirmed infection (do not need positive blood cultures)
Severe sepsis: Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, hypoperfusion or hypotension
Septic shock: Sepsis induced hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation along with presence of perfusion abnormalities
American Journal of Medicine (2007) 120, 1012-1022
21. MS-DRGs Example 1 ARespF with mcc does not affect DRG. ARespF with mcc does not affect DRG.
22. Example 2 30 yo s/p renal transplant, h/o leukopenia with disseminated Zoster, presents with fever and sore on tongue.
PE: No acute distress, T = 100.8, BP = 135/82, HR = 120, tongue with pustular lesion
Labs: WBC = 1, Hct = 41, BUN/Cr = 28/2.7 (baseline = 10/1.2), CXR neg, culture neg
23. Example 2(continued) Admitting Diagnoses:
Neutropenic fever
Renal insufficiency
Hospital Course:
Treated with acyclovir
Aggressive IVFs
Frequent monitoring of renal function
Creatinine returned to baseline
Discharged home after 6 days
24. Example 2(continued) Is there a more accurate diagnosis to better describe what is going on with his renal function?
Acute Renal Failure
25. MS-DRGs Example 2 Nurse queried for Acute renal FailureNurse queried for Acute renal Failure
26. Severity Matters Public reporting of mortality/morbidity
Contract negotiations for the organization
Ex: treating UTIs when truly septic
Pay for performance for physicians
27. Present on Admission(POA)
28. POA Indicators Initiated in January 08 for Medicare and October 08 for BCBS
Identify potentially preventable hospital-acquired conditions vs conditions already present on admission
All diagnosis codes must have an indicator
29. General POA Reporting Requirements Indicator is required for all claims involving Medicare and BCBS inpatient admissions to general acute care hospitals
Defined as present at the time the order for inpatient admission occurs
Includes conditions that develop during an outpatient encounter in:
Emergency department
Outpatient Surgery
Issues related to inconsistent, missing, conflicting, or unclear documentation must be resolved by the provider
30. CMS POA Indicator Reporting Options and Definitions Y
1 Diagnosis was present at time of inpatient admission
Diagnosis was not present at time of inpatient admission
Documentation insufficient to determine if condition was present
Clinically undetermined by provider
Unreported/not used. Exempt from POA reporting Dont like to use Us and should not have too many W as well. If U for HAC wont get reimbursed (considered a yes?)Dont like to use Us and should not have too many W as well. If U for HAC wont get reimbursed (considered a yes?)
32. POA Example 78 yo with CHF presents from Spain Rehab with acute dyspnea/hypoxemia.
MET activated
Afebrile, BP 90/50, RR 20, HR 70
O2 sat = 80%
Using accessory muscles, chest crackles, lower extremity edema
33. POAExample (continued) Admitting Diagnoses
On day 3 attending documents hypoxemic respiratory failure
Coder after discharge assigns respiratory failure with an N indicator
34. POA Example (continued) Was respiratory failure present on admission?
YES clarify as late entry in chart Add as a late entry okay to do but you need to write Late Entry and make sure you date and sign it.Add as a late entry okay to do but you need to write Late Entry and make sure you date and sign it.
35. Hospital-Acquired Conditions(HACs)
36. HACs: Scope of the Problem IOM Report
To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System
HACs are leading cause of M&M in US
98,000 Americans die annually due to medical errors
National costs of these errors estimated at $17-$29 billion
CDC Report
Estimated that HACs add nearly $5 billion to US health care costs annually
IOM: To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, November 1999 (http://www. iom.edu)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Press Release, March 2000 (http://www.cdc.gov)
37. HACs Section 5001(c) of the DRA required the Secretary to identify those conditions that
Are high cost or high volume or both,
Result in the assignment of a case to a DRG that has a higher payment when present as a secondary diagnosis,
Could reasonably have been prevented through the application of evidence-based guidelines
Resonable preventable does not mean always preventable. AS you recall presence of a cc or MCC as a 2ondary diagnosis on a claim may generate a higher payment. Resonable preventable does not mean always preventable. AS you recall presence of a cc or MCC as a 2ondary diagnosis on a claim may generate a higher payment.
38. HACs Conditions not payable after 10/01/08
Air embolism
Blood incompatibility
Object left in during surgery
Catheter-associated UTIs
Vascular catheter-associated infections
Pressure ulcers (stage 3 and 4)
Mediastinitis after CABG
Hospital-acquired injuries: fractures, dislocations, burns, crushing or intracranial injuries
39. Additional HACs Surgical site infections following certain elective procedures including certain orthopedic surgeries, and bariatric surgery for obesity
Certain manifestations of poor blood glucose control
DVT or PE following total knee and hip replacement procedures
40. BCBS HACs Conditions not payable after 01/01/09
All Medicare HACs PLUS
11 more from the National Quality Forum
Surgical events
Product or device events
Care Management events
Environmental events
41. Documentation of HACs HACs that are usually well documented
Blood incompatibility
Air embolism
Object left in during surgery
Mediastinitis after CABG
Hospital-acquired injuries
DVTs or PEs after certain orthopedic surgeries
HA injuriesfalls/fractures dislocations intracranial injuries burns electrical shcokHA injuriesfalls/fractures dislocations intracranial injuries burns electrical shcok
42. HACs that may require additional documentation by provider
Catheter-associated urinary tract infections
Vascular catheter-associated infections
Pressure ulcers (site and stage)
Surgical site infections after gastric bypass
Documentation of HACs Not always tied to gether in the documentationNot always tied to gether in the documentation
43. If this is the only complication or co-morbid condition driving the MS-DRG to a higher level
For compliant coding must include the condition on the bill
Medicare will reimburse at the lower MS-DRG
If this is not the only complication or co-morbid condition driving the MS-DRG to a higher level
For compliant coding must include the condition on the bill
Medicare will reimburse at the higher MS-DRG Medicare HAC Payment Must have the code on there. Many pts that have these HACs have other comorbid conditions that will drive to the DRG so just because you have an HAC does not always mean that you will lose reimbursemetn however this is publicly reported data and will have negative impacts in other ways. From handout CMS pays for cc/mcc for HACs coded as a Y and W. CMS does not pay for cc/mcc for hacs coded as N or UMust have the code on there. Many pts that have these HACs have other comorbid conditions that will drive to the DRG so just because you have an HAC does not always mean that you will lose reimbursemetn however this is publicly reported data and will have negative impacts in other ways. From handout CMS pays for cc/mcc for HACs coded as a Y and W. CMS does not pay for cc/mcc for hacs coded as N or U
44. HAC: Example 1
MS-DRG 281 Acute MI, discharged alive with a CC; only CC is UTI
RW = 1.2213 ($8411)
Query for catheter-related UTI
Lose CC
RW = 0.8696 ($5989)
Table of strokeTable of stroke
45. HAC: Example 2 83 yo transferred from OSH for LLE ulcer/cellulitis, CHF, DVT, etc
After 5 days pt acutely decompensates/febrile/sob
Possible HAP, cellulitis, possible sepsis from line infection-will change
Cath tip showed 40 CFU Candida parapsilosis
Blood cultures negative
Did this pt have a hospital acquired vascular cath associated infection?
Transferred after being in the osh for 6 weeks at family request. When decompensated required intubation. This was only documentation of the line sepsis so coders have to cod it since no further documentation it was ruled out. Pt was not treated for thisTransferred after being in the osh for 6 weeks at family request. When decompensated required intubation. This was only documentation of the line sepsis so coders have to cod it since no further documentation it was ruled out. Pt was not treated for this
46. HAC: Example 2 Attending queried
Late entry in to chart patient had negative blood cultures from that day, so he did not meet the CDC definition of line associated bacteremia or fungemia.
47. How do you get paid if the condition is HAC?
For compliant coding must include the condition on the bill
Was it preventable?
BCBS HAC Payment Up to hospital to determine if preventable. There are no clear cut guide lines yet for BCBS (READ HANDOUT)Up to hospital to determine if preventable. There are no clear cut guide lines yet for BCBS (READ HANDOUT)
48. Recovery Audit Contractors(RACs)
49. RAC Background Medicare Modernization Act of 2003
CMS to use RACs to identify and recoup over and under payments
Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006
RAC Program permanent
Expansion to all 50 states no later than 2010 MMA 2003 requires Rac demonstration and the tax relief act makes it permanent and expansion nationwide by 2010. CMS has a moretorim to place RACS on hold as two of the bidders are protesting so it will not start in Alabma is August as anticipated because of protest of two of biddersthat were not selectedMMA 2003 requires Rac demonstration and the tax relief act makes it permanent and expansion nationwide by 2010. CMS has a moretorim to place RACS on hold as two of the bidders are protesting so it will not start in Alabma is August as anticipated because of protest of two of biddersthat were not selected
50. Overpayments Collected by Provider Type Through 3/27/08Most over payments were collected from inpt hospital services for med necessity and coding Look at page 7 of RAC: latest focusThrough 3/27/08Most over payments were collected from inpt hospital services for med necessity and coding Look at page 7 of RAC: latest focus
51. Overpayments Collected by Error Type
52. Claim Review Process Automated Reviews
Look for low hanging fruit
Use data mining techniques
Mainly outpatient hospital claims
Multiple units billed
Missing modifiers that would impact payments
Payment for discontinued HCPCS/CPT codes
53. Claim Review Process Medical Record Audits
Hospitals have 45 days to comply
Missing records automatic denials
Request 100 records/45 days for UAB
RAC has 60 days to review chart and issue either a denial or an all clear letter to the provider
Providers must follow Medicare appeal rules to dispute a RAC adjustment About 800 charts per yearAbout 800 charts per year
54. Issues Identified Information on claim did not match the medical record
Excisional debridement
Respiratory failure
Claims with single secondary diagnosis designated as a complication or co-morbidity
Discharge status/transfers claim indicates discharge to home or other facility but medical record indicates beneficiary was discharged to another hospital or home with home care
These are the target areas for RAC Reporting of excisioal debridement without adequate mr dcoumenation to meet definition of debridement. Principal diagnosis such as resp failure listed as Principal diagnosis but MR indicates sepsis was the principal dx. With regard to dc status there are target DRGs that require accurate discharge dispositions because the $$ for the episode of care MAY BE split if the pt goes to NH or HH witht the receiving organization Discharge summaries need to accurately reflect where you are sending the pt. These are the target areas for RAC Reporting of excisioal debridement without adequate mr dcoumenation to meet definition of debridement. Principal diagnosis such as resp failure listed as Principal diagnosis but MR indicates sepsis was the principal dx. With regard to dc status there are target DRGs that require accurate discharge dispositions because the $$ for the episode of care MAY BE split if the pt goes to NH or HH witht the receiving organization Discharge summaries need to accurately reflect where you are sending the pt.
55. Issues Identified Medical necessity
Inpatient rehab
Short stay admissions, including chest pain, back pain, congestive heart failure, and gastroenteritis
Admission for scheduled elective procedures
Wrong number of units billed
Speech therapy
Approximately 3% of ourmedicare population have one day stays for these reasons. If you you find a reason for the chest pain, put that reason down such as msk, GERD etc so they wont be auditied. Wrong units billed is like grams vs mg, number of procedures per day, blood transfusion billed , neulasta billed one service per mg when the definition of the code is one service per 6 mg vial Med necessityinpt admission for procedures eleigible for outpt. One day stays that qualify as observation. When our care managers see these they are tying to put them in other categories but this is done retrospecitvely. Need to have a three day stry to qualify for SNF.Approximately 3% of ourmedicare population have one day stays for these reasons. If you you find a reason for the chest pain, put that reason down such as msk, GERD etc so they wont be auditied. Wrong units billed is like grams vs mg, number of procedures per day, blood transfusion billed , neulasta billed one service per mg when the definition of the code is one service per 6 mg vial Med necessityinpt admission for procedures eleigible for outpt. One day stays that qualify as observation. When our care managers see these they are tying to put them in other categories but this is done retrospecitvely. Need to have a three day stry to qualify for SNF.
56. Medical Necessity(according to Medicare) CMS determines whether the item or service is reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a malformed body member.
Two questions
Is the therapy/treatment/device/procedure
Is the setting in which it is deployed
57. Medicare Administrative Contractors(MACs)
58. MACs Required by section 911 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA of 2003)
CMS is replacing its current claims payment contractors - fiscal intermediaries and carriers - with new contract entities called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)
For the first time, MACs will enable the government to match, link and compare both Part A and Part B claims submitted for a specific episode of care.
Will integrate No longer just the hospitals problem but also physicians problem. This will get their attention and will be motivation for them to documents appropriately.Will integrate No longer just the hospitals problem but also physicians problem. This will get their attention and will be motivation for them to documents appropriately.
59. MACs Improved Beneficiary Services
Claims processed by one contractor
Integrated approach to medical coverage
Single point of contact
Improved Provider Services
Single interface for Parts A/B
More accurate claims payments
Greater consistency in payment decisions
Having one contracotr reduces number of separate exlanation of benefits statements a beneficiary will receive. Integrated consistant approach to coverageHaving one contracotr reduces number of separate exlanation of benefits statements a beneficiary will receive. Integrated consistant approach to coverage
60. Conclusions The word game is here to stay
Engage each other in the game
Documentation must reflect excellent care