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Right Under Our Eyes. Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness in Affluent Westchester County By Karl Bertrand, LMSW. How many people of Westchester ’ s 949,113 residents live in poverty?. A) 5,694 (0.6%) B) 19,241 (2.0%) C) 50,368 (5.3%) D) 77,827 (8.2%) E) 125,471 (13.2%)
Right Under Our Eyes Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness in Affluent Westchester County By Karl Bertrand, LMSW
How many people of Westchester’s 949,113 residents live in poverty? • A) 5,694 (0.6%) • B) 19,241 (2.0%) • C) 50,368 (5.3%) • D) 77,827 (8.2%) • E) 125,471 (13.2%) • Answer: D) 77,827 (8.2%) Source: Census 2010 Demographic Profile Data via American FactFinder.
How many hours/week at minimum wage do you need to afford a 2-BR apartment in Westchester without being “housing cost-burdened”? • A) 54 • B) 82 • C) 112 • D) 134 • E) 168 • Answer: E) 168 (= 4.1 full-time jobs) Source: “Out of Reach 2011,” National Low Income Housing Coalition.
What is the “poverty line”? Source: “2012 Annual Federal Poverty Guidelines,” Families USA.
How many people in Westchester receive public assistance? Source: Data on Households Served provided by Westchester County Dept. of Social Services, 1/31/12.
Doesn’t the government take care of poor people? • Onerous requirements (quarterly recertifications, documentation, work, treatment, etc.) and frequent sanctions • “Churning”: 71.8% of PA cases closed each year in NYS outside NYC (Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies) • Errors: agency decisions reversed in 96.4% of fair hearings (New York City Public Advocate) • Denying access
Don’t people on welfare get enough money for food? • New York’s basic welfare grant ($291/month for a family of 3) did not change from 1990 to 2009. • Since 1990 the cost of living in New York has risen 63%. • NYS increased the basic grant by 10% in 2009 and 2010. Gov. Cuomo deferred the final 10% increase set for 2011 and now wants to reduce it to 5% in 2012. Source: “Legislative and Budget Agenda 2011-2012,” Empire State Economic Security Campaign; “Cuomo Budget Seeks Delay in Welfare Grant Hike,” Hunger Action Network of New York State.
Don’t Food Stamps give people enough money for food? • One in seven Americans now get Food Stamps.That’s 45.7 million Americans. • The average Food Stamp benefit is $31.50 per person per week (Jewish Council for Public Affairs.) • This translates to $1.50 per meal. • 64.4% of people in poverty in Westchester do NOT receive food stamps (U.S. Census 2010 American Community Survey.)
How widespread is hunger in Westchester? • 23 communities have emergency food programs • 30 soup kitchens • 68 food pantries • 6,657,981 pounds of food for 5,548,318 meals distributed last year by the Food Bank for Westchester • Emergency food requests in Westchester rose 30% in 2010, 15% more in 2011, and 9% more in 2012 • Food Bank estimates 200,000 Westchester residents are hungry or at risk of hunger.
What % of Westchester households experience “food hardship”? “Food Hardship” = not enough $ for food in last 12 months Source: “Food Hardship in America - 2010,” Food Research and Action Center, March 2011.
Does affluent Westchester have homeless people? • In August 1989 Yonkers alone had more homeless persons than 51 upstate New York counties combined. • As of April 1990, 1.4% of all Yonkers households were living in shelters, more than 3 times the proportion in NYC. • The New York Times reported on 9/4/90 that Westchester County was believed to have the highest per capita rate of homelessness in the nation. (Source: “Queries First, Aid Later For a County’s Homeless,” The New York Times, Sept. 4, 1990.)
Rising Income Inequality in America Source: “Trends in the Distribution of Household Income Between 1979 and 2007.” Congressional Budget Office, Oct. 2011.
What causes homelessness? • Poverty • Inadequate welfare rent allowances • Co-op/Condo conversions (Yonkers lost 10,000 rental units (20% of total) to conversion in 5 years (1980-1985) • Deinstitutionalization • Drugs (e.g. crack epidemic in 1980s) • Divorce and failure to provide child support
What causes homelessness? • Less acceptance of domestic violence • Returning veterans with mental health or drug problems • Declines in Federal housing subsidies • Aging out of foster care • Poor education and lack of job skills • The “pipeline to prison” and increasing “disproportionate minority contact”
NYC’s Shelter Population 1983-2011 New York City is seeing record HIGH numbers of homeless people.
Westchester’s Shelter Population 1985-2011 Westchester reduced the number of homeless people here for 20 years. Source: Westchester County Department of Social Services.
How did Westchester cut homelessness by 77% over the last 20 years (1991 to 2011)? • Built or renovated over 2,000 affordable housing units • Got NYS approval to double the rent allowance for 908 formerly homeless households • Got ongoing HUD funding to pay FMR for 630 disabled and formerly homeless households • Got county funding to increase rent for 60 households • Created mobile case management systems for 1,580 mentally ill and/or chemically dependent people • Cut length of stay by focusing on “rapid rehousing”(e.g. Sharing Community in 2010-2011 cut ALOS 36%)
What can you do? • Send letters, emails and phone calls • Get on the Hunger Action Network of NYS’ email list to learn about issues surrounding poverty, hunger and homelessness • Take the Food Stamp Challenge: live for one week on $31.50 of food (see Jewish Council for Public Affairs website) • Volunteer at a soup kitchen (Grace Church Community Center in White Plains, Sharing Community in Yonkers and HOPE in New Rochelle all welcome volunteers.) • Volunteer to tutor youth at a Westhab Family Center.
Check out these YouTube videos: • “Why I am an advocate for the hungry and homeless” by Karl Bertrand • “Beds, Not Chairs” by Karl Bertrand • “Rabbi Steve Gutow Takes the Food Stamp Challenge” by Rabbi Steve Gutow
Karl Bertrand, L.M.S.W., President Program Design and Development, LLC 47 Wayside Drive White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 592-1272 KBertrand@programdesign.com www.programdesign.com