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Uptown Station: Planning and Funding Strategies for a Multimodal Transportation Center

Uptown Station: Planning and Funding Strategies for a Multimodal Transportation Center Christopher Koos, Mayor, Town of Normal Wayne Aldrich, P.E. , Public Works Director, Town of Normal. MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION CENTER.

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Uptown Station: Planning and Funding Strategies for a Multimodal Transportation Center

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Uptown Station: Planning and Funding Strategies for a Multimodal Transportation Center Christopher Koos, Mayor, Town of Normal Wayne Aldrich, P.E. , Public Works Director, Town of Normal

  2. MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION CENTER This presentation will cover the planning and funding strategies of a multimodal center in a mid-sized, urban area.


  4. COMMUNITY INFORMATION Normal-Bloomington, IL • Population of Over 125,000 • Two Universities • • Illinois State University • Illinois Wesleyan University • Major Employers

  5. transportation hub

  6. RAIL TRANSPORTATION Amtrak • 5 round trips per day (Up to 9 with HSR) • 2nd busiest station in Illinois - 250,000 • 2012 - 2013 Station Ridership up 10% • 2006 - 2011 Illinois Ridership up 85% Overall • 2006 - 2011 CHI to STL Ridership up 210% on IDOT Supported Trains Union Pacific Railroad • 5 to 20 trains per day High Speed Rail


  8. THE PLAN 1999-2001 Quarter Mile Walking Radius Illinois State University Campus

  9. UPTOWN NORMAL RENEWAL • Children's Discovery Museum • Hotel and Conference Center • Infrastructure Improvements • Private Development • Multi-modal Transportation Center

  10. NEW DEVELOPMENT Marriott Hotel and Conference Center| Children's Discovery Museum LEED Silver Uptown Crossing LEED Certified Heartland Bank LEED Silver Facade Improvements

  11. MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION CENTER Objective: To serve as a hub for numerous modes of transportation within walking distance of the central business district.

  12. MODES OF TRANSPORTATION • High Speed Rail • Intercity Bus • Local Mass Transit • Shuttles • Taxis • Bicyclists • Pedestrians

  13. 2001-2009 • Local Leadership/Vision • Commitment to Sustainability • Feasibility Study • Gained Political Support • DC Consultant • One Voice Task Force • Public Information

  14. 2001-2009 • Received Federal 5309 Bus Funds ($10.5 M) • 2003 – 2010 Annual Appropriations (Earmarks) • SAFETEA – LU (2006 Transportation Bill) • 5.1 Million • Included funding for Adjacent Roadways ($4.8 M)

  15. 2001-2009 • Coordination • FTA/FHWA (NEPA) • Local Transit (Connect Transit) • IDOT – Bureau of Railroads/Highways • AMTRAK • UNION PACIFIC • Illinois Commerce Commission • MPO – McLean County Regional Planning

  16. 2001-2009 • Developed Designs (2002 -2006) • Federal Contract Provisions • Federal Procurement • “Shelved” plans in 2006


  18. THE TURNING POINT...2009 • Normal Multi-modal Center is “shovel ready” • Early 2009: • No Funding Immediately Available Under ARRA • Project is Redesigned for City Hall Offices • September 2009: • USDOT Advertises TIGER Discretionary Grants


  20. THE CONSTRUCTION...2010-2012 • February 2010: • $22 M TIGER Grant Received • August 2010: • Construction Begins--1st TIGER • Discretionary Project Under Construction • July 2012: • "Uptown Station" Opened



  23. THE TAKEAWAYS • Leadership/Vision • Gain Political Support • Build Relationships • “Stick to Your Guns” • Retain Experts • Follow Federal Requirements • Promote Economic Development • Make a "People" Place • Share the Space • Use Transportation as Community Building • Incorporate Sustainable Design

  24. WHAT’S NEXT?

  25. Questions?

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