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Amphitheater. Gladiatorial games. Origins--Etruscans ( funerary games?). Tomb of the Augurs. Forum-games for Apollo ( bull-fighting?). even after amphitheater. Aulus Clodius Flaccus. Duumvir and quinqennales
Amphitheater Gladiatorial games
Origins--Etruscans ( funerary games?) • Tomb of the Augurs
Forum-games for Apollo ( bull-fighting?) • even after amphitheater
Aulus Clodius Flaccus • Duumvir and quinqennales In his second quinqennial term as duumvir at the Games of Apollo in the Forum he presented a procession of bulls, bull-fighters and goaders, a company of boxers; on the following day in the Amphitheater he presented by himself 30 pairs of athletes and five pairs of gladiators, and with his colleague he presented 35 pairs of gladiators and a hunt with bulls, bull-fighters wild boars and bears and in another hunt he presented various animals .
Amphitheater • Quinqennales (Gaius Quinctius Valgus and Marcus Porcius) 70 BCE
Amphitheater • Earliest permanent amphitheater
Arena- 219x113 ft. • 1=ceremonial entrance
Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius • After AD 62– provided a series of paintings of gladiators and hunting scenes to decorate the amphitheater. Dedicated at a performance of athletes.
Organization • Permission– local authorities • Procurator—organize games • Financing– local official • Advertising– edicta munerum reason for games, name of magistrate, time and place, and number of gladiators
Gladiators • Schools- Neronians ( Ludus Neronianus at Capua) • Familia (troup) • Lanista (troup manager) Numerius Festus Ampliatus
Reasons for Games • Commemoration of dead • Dedication of new monument • Celebration of military victor • Fulfillment of magistrate’s obligation • Honoring the emperor
Advertisement for Games Edicta Munera • Decimus Lucretius Satrius Valens, permanent priest of Prince Nero, the son of the emperor, is presenting ten pairs of gladiators. Decimus Lucretius Valens his son is presenting ten pairs of gladiators. They will fight at Pompeii on 8,9,10, 11, 12, April. There will be a wild-beast hunt according to the usual rules and awnings. • CIL 4.3884 ( ILS 5145)
Velarium • Food stalls
Gladiators • Schools- Neronians ( Ludus Neronianus at Capua) • Familia • Lanista
Types attested at Pompeii- Most popular=Thracian • Short curved sword • Small square shield • Arm guard and high Leggings. Helmet with Tail crest ending in Griffin’s head
Hoplomachos • Straight sword. Armor and small shield
Eques • Essedarius
House of the Gladiators ( not being used in final years of city)
Gladiator Barracks • After earthquake
Equipment • 15 helmets • 14 shin guards • 6 shoulder guards • Daggers
Parade collection? • greaves
Order of Events • Morning- wild animal fights • Lunchtime- execution of condemned criminals • Afternoon-gladiatorial competition 1) Parade in show armor with music 2)warm-up 3) Inspection 4) Fighting—Usually 20 pairs
Monomachos • Vicit • Periit • Missit • Decision made by the editor (Munera sine missione) Dead- Porta Lititinensis/Victor- Palm and money 2 or 3 shows per year ( only ¼ have more than 10 fights
Gladiatorial program (Libelli muneri) ( graffito-CIL IV 2508) Threx, Myrmillo Pugnax NER III vicit Murranus NER III Periit Hoplomachus, Threx Cycnus IUL VIIII vicit Atticus IUL XIV missus est Essedarii Publius Ostorius LI missus est Scylax IUL XXVI vicit
Tomb grafitti ( Nolan games) • 3 dead out of 18 ( 1 in 6)
CIL 4.8055 and 56 • Oceanus, a freedman winner of 13 matches, won/ Aracintus, a freedman, winner of 9 matches, lost • Severs, a freedman, winner of 13 matches lost/ Albanus, a freedman of Scaurus, winner of 19 matches won.
Imperial Action • “The emperor himself ( Nero) instructed the Senate to investigate the affair. The Senate passed it to the consuls. When they reported back, the Senate debarred Pompeii from holding any similar gathering for ten years. Illegal associations in the town were also dissolved; and the sponsor of the show and his fellow instigators of the disorder were exiled” (Tacitus Annales 14.17)
Nero lifts ban in 64 CE Ban seems to have applied to gladiators only. Other athletes performed.
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