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Lesson 3: In-class Exercises

Lesson 3: In-class Exercises. Lesson 3-A. When you see a word or sentence beginning with non- or nocon- you might think you have a noun possessed in the first person singular ("my"), but what particle(s) should tip you off that this possibly the beginning of a verb (p. 14)?

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Lesson 3: In-class Exercises

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  1. Lesson 3: In-class Exercises

  2. Lesson 3-A. • When you see a word or sentence beginning with non- or nocon- you might think you have a noun possessed in the first person singular ("my"), but what particle(s) should tip you off that this possibly the beginning of a verb (p. 14)? • What possible pitfall might one encounter when trying to divide the elements in the following example: nichualhuica (p. 14)?

  3. Lesson 3-B. • When you see the endings -lia and -ilhuia, what kind of a verb will you have (pp. 14-15)? How will the meaning or translation of the verb be affected? • Would you translate an applicative ending "to/for" (a/para) or "from" (de él, de ella) with each of the following verbs (pp. 14, 15)? • cui (take, tomar) • cahua (leave, dejar) • maca (give, dar) • elehuia (desire, desear)

  4. Lesson 3-C. • When you see the endings -tia and -ltia, what kind of a verb will you have (p.15)? How will the meaning or translation of the verb be affected? • Analyze the following sentences with verbs in the causative: nicmaquiltia ticnequiltia • The verbs aci (arrive), notza (llamar) and mati (know) both have stems changes with the applicative and the causative. In these cases "c" and the “tz”/"t" change to what letters?

  5. Lesson 3-D. • Lesson 3-DI • With the applicative reverential, what two elements surrounding the verb do we basically ignore or substract in order to get at the verb root (pp. 15-16)? e.g. nicnocuilia • Remember that the following very common verbs will be difficult to detect in the applicative form: maca (give, dar) ana (take, tomar) itta (see, ver) • Lesson 3-D2 • With the causative reverential, what two elements do we basically ignore or substract in order to get to the root (p. 16)? e.g., tictonequiltia • Lesson 3-D3 • What verb is hiding in this construction (p. 17)? Huallauh

  6. Páragrafo p. 17 noconnotlatlauhtilia in momahuizçotzin noconnotennamiquilia in momatzin in mocxitzin in tinotatzin in tinonantzin nicnocuilia nicnanilia in motlatoltzin qualli tlatolli in ticmitalhuia nimitznomaquilia in ixquich nocal notlal ixquich nimitznocahuililia ixquich ticmocuilia nimomacehual nimitznotlayecoltilia cenca tinechmopalehuilia no nimitznopalehuilia

  7. Páragrafo 18-19 ye nihuehue ye nimiqui in nocal niquinnocahuililia in nopilhuan in huel calli nicnomaquilia in nochpochtzin Luisa in caltepiton nicmaca in notelpochtzin Juan auh in oc ce notelpoch atle nicmaca niccahualtia in nocal amo qualli tlacatl amo nechpalehuia in nita

  8. Adicionales #1 p. 18 amonaci anhualaci tonmaxitia tihualmaxitia conana quihualana conmanilia quihualmanilia mohuica hualmohuica ticmocuilia ticcuilia anquimochialia quimochihuilia

  9. Adicionales #2 p. 19 quichihuilia nechhualmotquililia monemitia tictoxelhuia timitztitlacalhuilia tictonequiltia ticnequiltia quimitalhuia

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