(mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com
(mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com (mis)match.com Arial Rounded MT Bold
Why I chose this font… The main reason I chose the font, ‘Arial Rounded MT Bold’ is because it is very plain and simple- it is not particularly elegant or extravagant and this is what my short film is like. (mis)match.com is a short film about a normal, everyday women struggling to find love; there is no crazy twists or happy endings in the story and I wanted the font I used to reflect this air or simplicity and in some ways, disappointment. The font is also typical of Internet usage as it is very simple and easy to read. Again, I wanted this connection to be highlighted in the font as well. (mis)match.com