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Customs, Rules and Law. Customs. Established patterns of behaviour amoung people in society or group. Customs vary depending on culture, religion and history. Customary Law – Customs may become apart of law of that society, but not all.
Customs • Established patterns of behaviouramoung people in society or group. • Customs vary depending on culture, religion and history. • Customary Law – Customs may become apart of law of that society, but not all. • Three areas of Customary Law that has influenced the Australian Legal system are: • Aborigionaland Torres Strait Islander customary law • English customary law • International customary law • Most customary law is never written down.
Customs • TASK: • Make a list of unique customs from your own country. • State whether these customs are reflected in you home countries laws
Rules • Prescribed directions for conduct in certain situations. • Made to only affect certain groups of society. • Rules are easily altered to adapt to changing situations.
Rules • TASK • Complete a set of rules for the following three examples: • Household Rules • School Rules • Social Etiquette
Laws • Look after all members of society, therefore are fair, just and equitable • Expected to reflect traditional and current ethics and values • These ‘Legal rules’ decided upon by a group and governs their behaviour and activities • Prohibit and allow a variety of activities • Failure to comply with these regulations incurs consequence (penalties), ranging from a fine to imprisonment • In Australia, laws are usually decided upon by elected government officials at local, state or federal government levels • Judges also have power to set laws in certain cases when set a precedent
Laws • TASK • Create a table to compare the differences between rules and laws
Relationship between customs, rules and laws • TASK • Write a paragraph summarising the previous slides. Describe the relationship between customs, rules and laws.