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Back to School

Welcome to Mrs. Weber's 6th grade classroom! Learn about our daily schedule, special classes, discipline plan, grading system, and core standards.

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Back to School

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  1. Back to School Sixth Grade Monday, August 20, 2018

  2. About Mrs. Weber… • I am a life-long resident of Marshall and feel lucky to have grown up in the Marshall School system. • Education – BS from Indiana State University in Social Studies Education and Political Science and a minor in Journalism • Teaching since…2007. This is my 12th year of teaching, and I love it more every year!

  3. About Mrs. Weber… • Hobbies and Interests - I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, photography, reading, cooking, and traveling. • I live outside of Marshall in the country with my husband, Chad, and my two sons, Thomas and Jacob. • I am very excited to have your child in my classroom this year!

  4. Daily Schedule • 8:00 First Bell • 8:05 Last Bell/Classes Begin • Student considered tardy • 12:10-12:40 Lunch • 12:40-1:00 Noon Recess • 2:00-2:40 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) Flex Time with homeroom teacher or another 6th grade teacher • 2:50 Dismissal • Need note if not following the signed departure form

  5. Milk and Lunch Money • Snack Milk - $.30 per day or $1.50 weekly • Breakfast - $1.25 per day or $5.25 • Lunch - $2.45 per day or $12.25 weekly • You can always pay for several weeks at a time, if convenient for your family. • We cannot accept charges for milk.

  6. Special Classes • Monday • Computers 9:50-10:20 • PE – 2:00-2:30 • Remember tennis shoes • Tuesday • Library 9:40-10:20 • Remember books • Wednesday • Music 9:40-10:20 • Thursday • PE – 9:50-10:20 • Remember tennis shoes • Friday • Art 9:40-10:20

  7. Band/Chorus Band Students will be given their band schedule after school starts Chorus Thursdays from 2:00-2:30 Any student who is interested may join chorus, but they do not get to pick and choose which weeks they go. Once they are signed up, they are expected to go each week.

  8. Discipline Plan • Same discipline procedures in every 6th grade class. • Students will be given checkmarks for inappropriate behavior and “incompletes” for late/incomplete work. • When a student has an incomplete assignment, he/she will serve a working lunch during lunch recess on that same day. • After 3 checkmarks and/or Incompletes in a week, the student will serve a noon detention. • After each subsequent 3 checkmarks and/or Incompletes in the same week, another noon detention will be assigned. • Parent contact is made for each detention assigned. • After 3 noon detentions in a quarter, after-school detentions will be assigned.

  9. Working Lunches and Band • Band students only have two days a week to serve working lunches because the other three days are band days. Because of this, working lunches can sometimes build up very quickly. • After a band student has accumulated three or more working lunches, he/she will stay after-school to work off those working lunches. • One after-school is the equivalent of three working lunch days.

  10. Grading • Grades will be given on performance of specific skills, tests, and projects. • Progress reports and report cards sent home for each grading period. • Each need a signature slip returned • School wide evaluations • AimsWeb, STAR, Student Growth Assessments, Illinois Assessment of Readiness (replaces PARCC) • Do not reflect on report cards

  11. School Wide Grading Scale • A 93%-100% • B 85%-92% • C 74%-84% • D 66%-73% • F 65% and below

  12. 6th Grade Teachers • Mrs. Weber • Social Studies • Language Arts/ Persuasive Writing • Mrs. Farrell • Math • Language Arts/Speeches • Mrs. Welsh • Literature • Language Arts/Narrative Writing • Mrs. Heighton • Science • Language Arts/ Expository Writing • Mrs. Fox • LD/Resource

  13. Math – Mrs. Farrell • 5 Core Standards • Ratios and Proportional Relationships • The Number System • Expressions and Equations • Geometry • Statistics and Probability • Glencoe Math: Course 1 • Grades • in-class assignments & homework • lesson quizzes & unit assessments • class participation

  14. Literature – Mrs. Welsh • Will be reading stories from the textbook as well as supplemental readings. • AR • Students will be allowed to set their own goals for each quarter. • Students will have 2 opportunities each quarter to change their AR goal. (Beginning and Midpoint) • Goals can be lowered/raised at midpoint. • Must also maintain an 85% or higher average. • Tower of Books Reading Challenge • Every 6th grade class will be challenging each other to see who can read 40 books first. • The books will come from multiple genres. • Rules will be discussed the first week of school. 

  15. Science – Mrs. Heighton • Earth and space science • Binders will be used for science only. Students will keep notes, assignments, diagrams, etc., in these binders. • Learn about engineering and the scientific method. • Learn how to convey results and data representations • Project-based learning and assessments

  16. Social Studies – Mrs. Weber • We will be studying ancient history and world civilizations this year. • Grades will be taken on in-class assignments, Bell Ringers, homework, reading quizzes, Chapter quizzes, Unit tests, projects, current events and class participation. • Study guides will be sent home two days before each unit test.

  17. Spelling • Spelling is incorporated into Language Arts each week. • Students will practice 10 new spelling words each week. • There will be 8-10 spelling tests throughout the year • Words will be taken from the practice words from the previous weeks.

  18. Flex Time • Each day from 2:00-2:40, except on Monday because we have PE in the afternoon. • Used as an opportunity to get homework assignments finished as well as for re-teaching, RtI, enrichment and extension activities.

  19. Flex Time – last year’s schedule, for example… • Math – • Two days a week, students met with the math teacher if they needed re-teaching or extra practice during a particular unit. • Students moved in and out of this group as needed. • Literature – • Students not meeting their AR goals met with the literature teacher. • Social Studies and Science – • Flex Group was used, as needed, to re-teach, do test make-ups, or to have small groups for enrichment and extension activities. • RtI – Response to Intervention will take place during this time

  20. Homework Expectations • Students will have homework most nights of the week in at least one subject. • Flex Time – use time wisely to limit the amount of homework that needs to be taken home. • Incomplete assignments mean a working lunch will be assigned, and an “incomplete” will be written on the clipboard. • AR reading – at least 15 minutes a night • Study for tests using study guides

  21. Weekly Calendar • Sent home each Friday with the next week’s activities, tests, and quizzes. • Can also be found on our websites! • Please keep in a prominent place for daily reference. • Tests will be announced well in advance. • Study guides or notes will be provided. • Study guides for the other subjects will be sent home at the teachers’ discretion.

  22. iPads • Each 6th grade student will be assigned an iPad to use for the year. • Students must follow all policies set in the North School Technology Expectations. • Students will be given a bag to carry their iPad to each class. • The only items allowed in the iPad bag will be the iPad, earbuds, and a pencil. • Students will be responsible for putting iPads on the charging cart at the end of each day…and plugging them in.  • Having an iPad is a privilege and we are very excited to utilize these devices to enhance our learning!

  23. School Calendar/Handbook • Students will be required to bring to school each day the school calendar issued during registration. • Checkmarks will be given if a student does not have his/her calendar. • Assignments for each subject will be written down each day in the calendar. • Parents can check his/her child’s assignments for each day by looking at the calendar.

  24. Restroom Passes • Will receive a Restroom Pass each nine-weeks. • 12 passes to visit restroom or get something you left behind from another classroom. • If you lose it, you do not get another one until the next nine-weeks. • A checkmark will be given for each time you use the restroom or get forgotten items if you do not have any passes left.

  25. Responsibility • Students need to bring their Trapper Keeper and backpack daily, as well as any textbooks, library books, and homework taken home. • Thank you in advance for sending back parent signature slips on time. • If a student does not return a signed slip in time, then he/she will earn a checkmark. • We give reward tickets for slips turned in on time!

  26. Special Incentives • Tickets • Students earn tickets for good behavior, answering questions in class, being helpful and kind to others, etc. • After 30 tickets are earned, students can cash these in for rewards such as: *20-minutes of computer time *pencil *sit by a friend for the day *free snack pass *get out of a checkmark *extra trip to restroom *eat in the classroom with the teacher *read anywhere in classroom for AR

  27. Special Incentives (continued) • Quarterly Fun Day for entire 6th Grade • Those who meet behavior requirements set by 6th grade teachers will get to participate • Quarter AR Reward • For those students who have met their AR goal at the end of the quarter. ***We are asking for $10.00 from each student by September 28th to help cover expenses of fun days and field trips.***

  28. Transportation • We must have a note from you on any day there is a change in the way your child goes home from school. • This is for your child’s protection and safety. • In addition, this lessens confusion and anxiety for the child, teachers, and office. • Also, students will not be allowed to call home to make after-school plans during the school day.

  29. Parent/Teacher Conferences • Conferences are Thursday, October 18 (4:00-7:00p.m.) and Friday, October 19 (8:00-11:00a.m.) • A note will be sent home to schedule conferences • You will meet with your child’s homeroom teacher unless circumstances merit a meeting with the other teachers in the 6th grade.

  30. Contact Information • I can be reached during the school day at 826-2355 or by e-mail. Check the webpage for email links. • The best times to reach me are at 7:45 a.m., from 9:50 a.m.-10:20 a.m. (during the students’ special class time), or at 3:00 p.m. • Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

  31. Contact Information (continued) • Check out my webpage: http://www.marshall.k12.il.us/schools/north-elementary-school/staff/6th-grade/mrs.-weber • Weekly calendars with spelling list • Social Studies links • Language Arts links • Downloads of documents that need to be signed/returned to Mrs. Weber

  32. Contact Information (continued) • Have a Smartphone with a QR reader? • Scan this QR code and bookmark my webpage for quick contact information and classroom links. • If you don’t have a QR reader on your Smartphone, download the free Inigma app from the Apple App store…it’s very useful!

  33. Summary • Questions? • Please feel free to visit our classrooms and other areas of the building and playground. • It is going to be a great year!!!!

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