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Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan

This lesson focuses on the impact of immigration, analyzing the Melting Pot theory in modern times. Strategies like cooperative groups, matching vocabulary with images, and pair-sharing are used to enhance learning. Key vocabulary includes diversity, assimilation, and multiculturalism.

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Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan

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  1. Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Presented by: Chris Garcia Rita Chavira ‘JR’ Reafleng

  2. Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Grade Level/STANDARDS: Language Goal (CaliforniaDepartmentofEducation EnglishLanguageDevelopmentStandardsforGrade8):“Writebriefsummariesoftextsandexperiences usingcompletesentencesandkeywords (e.g.,fromnotesorgraphicorganizers).” Content Goal: 8.12 Students analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in the United States in response to the Indus-trial Revolution. 7. … explain the ways in which new social and economic patterns encouraged assimilation of newcomers into the mainstream amidst growing cultural diversity….

  3. Content Area/THEME: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan History/European migration to the U.S.

  4. LESSON TOPIC: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Encourages decision-making, interacting, teamwork, and building relationships. Learning is meaningful and useful in the real world. Encourages self-assessment, setting learning goals and monitoring progress. Facilitates total participation, regardless of ability, level of language development, or background.

  5. LESSON TOPIC: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Effects of Immigration - Melting Pot

  6. OBJECTIVES: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Language: Students will use in context content related vocabulary as well as related vocabulary that allows for increased comprehension.Content: Students will analyze the legitimacy of the Melting Pot theory, applying it to modern day immigration.

  7. LEARNING STRATEGIES: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan 1 Consideration of students’ stages of language acquisition:Group placement will be contingent on which stage of languge learning/acquisition student is approximately at. ELL stuents at lower levels will be placed with more agreeeable studdents. 2 Culturally responsive teaching practices: Lessons will include the contributions, if applicable, of the culture of the ELL students. However contributions of non-europeans will always be included in lessons. L1 langauge support will be provided when available and appropriate. 3 Bilingual learner instructional strategies and methods that will be used:Students will work in cooperative groups, using images that relate to the lesson topic. In groups of threee or four, students will match vocabulary works written on flash cards with the imaqges provided. ELL students will go first (non-ell students will be encouraged to not give-out the answers). Students that have more English proficiency will compete to see who can match words with images. 4. Pair-share - Students will often be prompted to think-pair-share whenever the teacher feels that students are not understanding a particuipar idea during the lesson.

  8. KEY VOCABULARY: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan diversity immigration Europeans New World. heritage melting pot model assimilation generation multiculturalism society collective identity ethnic identity Old World.

  9. MATERIALS: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan • Identify placesto Gather the appropriate instructional materials: Teacher will prepare tubs for all materilas - approximatelyh 5. Tubs will contain laminated images that relate to each vocabulary word and one flash card for each image. Tubs will be located in an easily identiable areas as identified b yb the teachers. 

  10. MOTIVATION:(Building background) Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan What happens when two people from different cultures meet and become friends, classmates or work together? What happens when thousandds or even millions of the people become friends, classmates or work together? What are some examples from your personal life or that of your family?

  11. PRESENTATION(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Students learn, discuss and research practical real-world knowledge (does the melting pot model work) read in depth. Connects the necessary elements of language learning: reading (below), writing(need), listening (direct instruction, listen to partnersin groups, videos, , speaking (need), and thinking (need). Involves using different reading materials for a variety of challenging topics.(text book, magazines, on-line materilas, youtube(teachertube) videos Uses prior knowledge of the world and past experiences with language and text to create relationships among various sources of information

  12. PRESENTATION(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Students will watch a youtube.com video The Great American Melting Pot - Schoolhouse Rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32l3sTFRFX8 Students will be given a sheet of paper and pencil and will be asked to write the following individually: State three facts from the video. State three opinions. Students will share answers aloud with the class. ELL students may share aloud, or via a classroom partner. Discuss with class: What is a ‘melting pot’? What are your feelings about this idea or concept?

  13. PRESENTATION(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Students retrive their copy of Unitied States History, 4th Edition (Pacemaker) and turn to page 257. In groups of three (to include no more than 1 ELL student if possible), each student will re-write (chunk-it) one of the three paragraphs under “Changing Cities”. Students will negotiate who will write which paragraph. Students will exchange papers to review and sugguest changes “This looks good, but maybe you could add/change…”. Paragraphs of ELL students will be given to appropriate stronger language-skilled students. As a group, studdents will answer review question: “Why were ghettos important to immigrants in the late 1800’s?” Group will think-pair-share about the following qeustion: “Do ghettos support the Melting Pot model? Why or why not? Please write at least three sentences.”

  14. PRACTICE/APPLICATION: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Students will write a three to five paragraph essay on concepts related to the Melting Pot. This may include: why did people believe in the idea of a melting pot? How does the idea of a melting pot compare/contrast to that of the reality of most immigrants.

  15. REVIEW/ASSESSMENT:(Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning) Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Review objectives and vocabulary to assess learning - Performance measure: students provide evidence of how well they have achieved an objective by doing it, such as making a speech. Student will present to the class a multi-media presentation (google or ppt). (get info from other ppt). This presentation will consist of the following: Topic from essay, essay transferred to presentation. Students will find images from google and include them, appropriately placed, in the presentation. Stuent will select transition and, if desired, musical effects. Student will generate two questions from the presentation and present it to the class for discussion. Appropriate multicultural assessments: Include quwstions in the target langauge and in English - stdent must responde in English.

  16. EXTENSION: Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan • Parent/guardian and community involvement strategies: Interview family/community members and ask them to discuss their experiences with interacting with members of another culture in terms of finding common ground or things in common.

  17. Resources Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan

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