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“Good thinking”: apa dan bagaimana?

“Good thinking”: apa dan bagaimana?. Oleh Arlinah I.R. Arlinah@petra.ac.id Lokakarya PBL Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Kristen Petra Hotel Majapahit - Surabaya, 17 Pebruari 2003. Pendidikan. Teaching & learning content + process. Good thinking. good thinking. teacher.

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“Good thinking”: apa dan bagaimana?

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  1. “Good thinking”: apa dan bagaimana? Oleh Arlinah I.R. Arlinah@petra.ac.id Lokakarya PBL Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Kristen Petra Hotel Majapahit - Surabaya, 17 Pebruari 2003

  2. Pendidikan Teaching & learningcontent + process Good thinking good thinking teacher student Do not know how to facilitate the thinking process Do not know how to do the thinking

  3. Good Thinking skills Creative thinking Critical thinking persepsi

  4. Bloom’s Taxonomy • Knowledge • Comprehension …………………………... Critical thinking • Application • Analysis • Synthesis • evaluation

  5. Critical thinking vs Creative thinking

  6. Sikap “good thinker” • fleksibel dan terbuka • ingin tahu( membaca dll) • Percaya diri • Disiplin waktu • Tekun dalam mencari jawaban/kebenaran • Adil dalam mengevaluasi • Jujur dalam menghadapi “personal bias” • “nakal”

  7. Penghambat “good thinking” cenderung menyederhanakan Konsisten/kaku takut Kurang sense of humor Ego Stereotype/generalisasi Kebiasaan/tradisi Berpikir negatif

  8. Thinking tools • PMI • ( plus, minus, interesting) ->ketika kita tdk ragu, yakin • APC ( alternatives, possibilities, choices) -> menjelaskan, hipotesa, persepsi, problem, solusi, desain • OPV( other peoples’ views -> a better maP

  9. Creative thinking tools Random word BRAINSTORMING SCAMPER

  10. SCAMPER • S - substitute • C - combine • A - adapt, alter • M - modify, magnify,minify • P - put to other uses • E - eliminate • R – reverse, rearrange

  11. http:// criticalthinking.org/posters.html

  12. Critical thinking http://criticalthinking.org/posters.html

  13. Mengembangkan “good thinking” dalam kelas • Higher order objectives ( Bloom Taxonomy) • Prior knowledge • Rencana aktivitas • Atmosfir kelas yang mendukung ( terbuka, demokratis, saling menghargai, relax) • Mengembangkan konsep + contoh/dan bukan contoh serta latihan • Mengajar thinking skills & strategies secara langsung • Intergrasi thinking dalam aktivitas kelas ( diskusi, pertanyaan/tugas HO, cooperative learning, summary, menulis)

  14. Daftar Referensi • De Bono, Edward. De Bono’s Thinking Course.New York: Facts on File, 1982 • http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/thinking.htm#Creative • http://members.ozemail.com.au/~caveman/Creative/Techniques/ • http://www.mdk12.org/practices/good_instruction/projectbetter/thinkingskills/general.html • http://www.calumet.yorku.ca/spec/study/Creative%20Thinking.htm • http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic69.htm • http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/thinking.htm • http://criticalthinking.org/

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