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Bullying. Watch and Respond. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWJut7KQhI4 What’s going on? How do you think the boy feels? Why is the “group” acting this way?. What is bullying?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bullying

  2. Watch and Respond • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWJut7KQhI4 • What’s going on? • How do you think the boy feels? • Why is the “group” acting this way?

  3. What is bullying?

  4. Adam dreaded gym class. Smaller and less developed than the other boys, he lacked athletic skill, which earned him a daily barrage of shoves, jeers and threats from Kevin, the class hulk. On the big, open playing field, Adam could neither hide his awkwardness nor “disappear” as he had learned to do almost everywhere else on the school grounds. Talking back to Kevin only fueled his tormentor’s contempt and , since the coach either didn’t notice, or didn’t care, Adam coped by skipping school as often as possible.

  5. Donald & Rudy were rivals in their neighborhood. No one was ever sure why. Maybe it was because their respective families were always arguing about parking spaces, noise levels & yard maintenance. Whatever the reason, the boys didn’t like each other & frequently ended up in fights, even at school. Both were big for the 5th grade & both had a group of supporters, so their fights usually drew crowds. Even kids who weren’t involved seemed compelled to watch, & there was much calculating & betting about who would win each bout.

  6. What is bullying? • Bullying is a pattern of aggressive behavior that is intentional, cruel, hurtful and repeated • There is an imbalance of strength • Bullied children are harassed, taunted, rejected and assaulted • People who bully often want power over others

  7. How does it differ from peer conflict? • Power – Bullies are almost always more powerful than their victims • Support – Bullies choose victims in part for their relative isolation • Vulnerability - Bullies look for potential victims among the weak • Intensity and Duration – Bullying is rarely a one-time occurrence • Intent to Harm – Bullies are sadistic

  8. What forms does bullying take? • Teasing to physical aggression • Physical • Emotional • Psychological • Sexual • The intent matters! • The effect on the victim matters!

  9. What is the bully’s goal? • To do damage • Victims’ pain, anger and humiliation are proof that damage has been done

  10. Myths about bullying • It’s just teasing • Some people deserve to be bullied • People who complain about bullying are babies • Only boys bully • Bullying is a normal part of growing up

  11. Myths about bullying • People who bully will stop the behavior if you ignore them • All bullies have low self-esteem – that’s why they pick on others • It’s tattling to tell an adult when you’re bullied • The best way to deal with a bully is by fighting or trying to get even • People who are bullied will get over it

  12. Appropriate responses to bullying • REPORT IT • If a situation is dangerous, get away as quickly as possible • If it is safe, stand up to bullying • Avoid the person who is bullying • Try to stay around others • Befriend those who have been bullied

  13. Inappropriate responses to bullying • Fighting back or trying to get even • Joining in bullying • Staying quiet about the bullying

  14. Be a Hero! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtFtbaKIYyg

  15. Will You Take the Pledge? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv1d0kjMORE

  16. Our bullying program • Class rules • Weekly meetings • Lesson • “Conflict” box • “Caught You Caring” box

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