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Chapter 1

Chapter 1. List the 8 characteristics of living things : Living things are made up of cells . Living things reproduce or make more of their own kind. Living things are based on a universal genetic code . Living things grow and develop .

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Chapter 1

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  1. Chapter 1 List the 8 characteristics of living things: Living things are made up of cells. Living things reproduceor make more of their own kind. Living things are based on a universal genetic code. Living things growand develop. Living things obtain and use materials and energy. This is known as metabolism. Living things respond to their environment A stimuliis signal to which an organism responds. Living things maintain a constantinternal environment. This is known as homeostasis.Takenas a group, living things changeover time. This is called evolution.

  2. Chapter 1 1.) What are the seven steps of the scientific method? • Make observations • Make a hypothesis • Set up a controlled experiment • Collect data • Analyze data • Draw a conclusion • Peer review

  3. Chapter 1 2.) What is a bias? Provide an example. • Bias= particular preference / point of view • Example: I like short people

  4. Chapter 1 3.) What is a peer-review? Can peer-reviews be biased? If so, why or why not? • Peer review = way to share ideas/scientific work so other scientists can test & evaluate each other’s work • Peer review should not be biased because they would not prove anything

  5. Chapter 1 4.) What is a hypothesis? Provide an example. Hypothesis = scientific explanation for a set of observations Example: Trees need water to grow

  6. Chapter 1 #5) List & describe the two groups within a controlled experiment. 1.Control group - exposed to same conditions as experimental group EXCEPT independent variable 2. Experimental group - exposed to the independent variable (1 thing is deliberately changed)

  7. Chaper 1 6.) What is the difference between the independent & dependent variables? 1. Independent variable- deliberated changed by experimenter 2. Dependent variable – variable that is observed & changes in response to independent variable

  8. Chapter 1 7.) What is data? Information gathered Explain the difference between quantitative & qualitative data? • Quantitative – numerical data (2cm) • Qualitative – non-numerical data like shape, color, etc (green & round)

  9. Chapter 1 8. Why is peer review so important when new scientific discoveries are published? • To make sure there is NO bias

  10. Chapter 1 #9) Define a theory and provide an example: Theory= well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations & hypotheses; can revise if needed Example: Big Bang Theory

  11. Chapter 2

  12. Chapter 2 1.) Name and define the 3 sub-particles of an atom: 1. Proton: positive (+) charge in nucleus 2. Neutron: neutral charge in nucleus 3. Electron: negative (-) charge outside nucleus

  13. Chapter 2 2.) Define and give an example of an acid and base • Acid – substance that forms H+ ions in solution, < 7; stomach acid • Base- substance that forms OH- ions in solution; >7; oven cleaner • Label the pH range for: acid: <7base: >7 neutral substance: 7.0 (water)

  14. Chapter 2 3.) In chemical reactions, atoms are neither created nor destroyed. Instead, they are rearrangedor assembled in a new way. The chemicals/compounds entering the chemical reaction are called reactantswhile the chemicals/compounds produced are called products.

  15. Chapter 2 4.) Label the following chemical equation to show products & reactants. 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 ReactantsProducts

  16. Chapter 2 5.)What type of energy is needed to get a chemical reaction started? Activation energy 6.)A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction is called a catalyst. They work by lowering a reaction’s activation energy. Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts.

  17. Chapter 12 1.) Frederick Griffith was a scientist who showed that one strain of bacteria could permanently change to another strain by a process called transformation

  18. Chapter 12 1.) Avery repeated Griffith’s work to conclude that DNA was the transforming factor. The monomer of DNA is called a nucleotide_ and consist of three basic parts: 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. The types of bases found in DNA include adenine, thymine, guanine, & cytosine.

  19. Chapter 12 • 2-3.)What does the entire figure represent? DNA • What does the “X” in the figure represent? nucleotide

  20. Chapter 12 4.) Explain Chargaff’s base pairing rules. For example if a sample consists of 29 % of guanine (G) bases complete the following: 29% cytosine (C), 21% adenine (A), 21% thymine (T)

  21. Chapter 12 5.)Explain the steps of replication- make sure to include the name and function of each enzyme. • DNA Helicase unwinds & unzips DNA • DNA polymerase matches up complementary DNA nucleotides to both sides of the DNA strands in opposite directions until both sides are copied

  22. Chapter 13 • Compare and contrast nitrogen bases and the backbone of DNA and RNA. DNA Base: Thymine Double stranded Deoxyribose sugar RNA Base: uracil Single-stranded Ribose sugar Bases: A, G, C Nucleotides

  23. Chapter 13 2.) Identify the 3 types of RNA and list the function of each.

  24. Chapter 13 • 3.) Draw and label the parts of RNA and DNA nucleotides.

  25. Chapter 13 4. Explain(does not mean a list!) the 3 steps of transcription- make sure to include the name and function of each enzyme. (Diagrams are helpful!) • RNA polymerase unzips DNA • One side of DNA serves as a template to copy onto mRNA • Same enzyme matches complementary RNA nucleotides starting at a promotor & ending at terminator • mRNA detaches & leave thru a nuclear pore

  26. Chapter 13 5. )Describe the 3 steps of translation using all 3 (RNA’s) mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. Identify the start codon, stop codon and include 6 different amino acids in between

  27. Chapter 13 5)Describe the 3 steps of translation using all 3 (RNA’s) mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. Identify the start codon, stop codon and include 6 different amino acids in between • mRNA atart codon binds to a ribosome • tRNA with a complementary anticodon brings amino acid to ribsome • Process repeats until stop codon is reached • Amino acids connect to form a polypeptide chain/protein

  28. Chapter 13 Identify each component based on the figure above. Strand A- Template/sense strand Strand B- Nonsense strand Segment C- Nucleotide Process X- Transcription Process Y-Translation Strand D- mRNA E segment- start codon F segment- codon

  29. Chapter 13 State 3 types of mutations for each, including an illustration. Gene mutations

  30. Chapter 13 Chromosome mutations

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