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BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and Structure-Independent Botnet Detection. Guofei Gu , Roberto Perdisci, Junjie Zhang, and Wenke Lee. In Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium (Security'08) , San Jose, CA, 2008. Reporter : Fong-Ruei , Li. Outline.
BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and Structure-Independent Botnet Detection Guofei Gu, Roberto Perdisci, Junjie Zhang, and Wenke Lee. In Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium (Security'08), San Jose, CA, 2008. Reporter : Fong-Ruei , Li Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Outline • Introduction • BotMiner : Detection Framework • Problem statement • Architecture overview • Experiments • Conclusion Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Introduction • Botnets are becoming one of the most serious threats to Internet security • Such as SPAM , DDoS … • Botnet is a network of compromised machines under the influence of malware code • Bot • BotMaster Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Introduction • Most of the current botnet detection approaches work on • Specific botnet command and control(C&C) protocol • e.g., IRC • Structure • e.g., centralized Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Introduction • Almost all of these approaches are designed for detecting botnets that use IRC or HTTP based C&C • Rish is designed to detect IRC botnets using known bot nickname patterns as signature • Another recent system is designed for detecting C&C activities with centralized servers • BotSniffer Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Introduction • We need to develop a next generation botnet detection systemwhich should be independent of the C&C protocol and Structure Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Problem Statement • Botnet is characterized by • C&C communication channel • Malicious activities • Botnet structure • Centralized • P2P Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Assumptions • We assume that bots within the same botnet will be characterized by similar malicious activities and similar C&C communications Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Architecture overview Clustering similar malicious activities Cross-checking Clustering similar communication Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Monitor • The C-plane monitor captures network flows and records information on who is talking to whom • We limit our interest to TCP and UDP flows • Each flow record contains the information: • Time , Duration • IP、 Port (Source , Destination) • Number of packets • Bytes transferred Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
A-plane Monitor • The A-plane monitor logs information on who is doing what • It analyzes : • Outbound traffic through the monitored network • Detecting several malicious activities that the internal hosts may perform Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering • Be responsible for : • Reading the logsgenerated by the C-plane monitor • Finding clusters of machines that share similar communication patterns Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Flow Chart Filter out irrelevant traffic flows Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Basic Filtering • Filter Rule 1 (F1): • Ignore the flows that are not directly from internal host to external hosts • Filter Rule 2 (F2): • Ignore the flows that only contain one-way traffic Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-White Listing • Filter Rule 3 (F3): • Ignore the flows whose destinations are well known as the legitimate servers • Google • Yahoo! Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Aggregation (C-Flow) • Aggregate related flows into communication flows • Given an period , all m TCP/UDP flows • share the same protocol , source IP , destination IP and port • aggregate them into the same C-flow Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Vector representation • Extract a number of statistical features from each C-flow Ci • Translate them into d-dimensional pattern vectors : Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Vector representation • Discrete sample distribution of four random variable : 1. the number of flows per hour (fph). • fph is computed by counting the number of TCP/IP flows in ci that are present for each hour of the epoch E. 2. the number of packets per flow (ppf). • ppf is computed by summing the total number of packets sent within each TCP/UDP flow in ci. Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Vector representation 3. the average number of bytes per packets (bpp). • For each TCP/UDP flow fj ci we divide the overall number of bytes transferred within fj by the number of packets sent within fj . 4. the average number of bytes per second (bps). • bps is computed as the total number of bytes transferred within each fj ci divided by the duration of fj . Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Vector representation 13 intervals as [0, k1], (k1, k2], ..., (k12,1). Quantiles : q5%, q10%, q15%, q20%, q25%, q30%, q40%, q50%, q60%, q70%, q80%, q90%, The quantile ql% of a random variable X is the value q for which P(X < q) = l%. Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Two-step clustering Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Two-step clustering • First Step : • Data set : • Using coarse-grained clustering on a reduced feature space : • d=52 features into d’=8 features • X-means clustering algorithm • The result is a set Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
C-plane Clustering-Two-step clustering • Second Step : • We use all the d=52 available features to represent the C-flows • X-means clustering algorithm • The result is a set Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
A-plane Clustering Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Cross-plane Correlation • The idea is to cross-check clusters in the two plans to find out intersections that a host being part of a botnet • In order to do this , we compute botnet score s(h) for each host h Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Cross-plane Correlation – botnet score Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Cross-plane Correlation - similarity Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Cross-plane Correlation - similarity • We define the following similarity between bots hi and hj as where : Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Cross-plane Correlation - similarity Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Setup and Collection • We set up traffic monitors to work on router at the campus network of the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. • We ran the C-plane and A-plane monitors for a continuous 10-day period in late 2007. Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Setup and Collection Generated by executing modified bot code Generated based on Web-based C&C communication a real-world trace containing two P2P botnets Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Evaluation Results Filtration Aggregation Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Evaluation Results Two-step clustering Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Evaluation Results Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Conclusion • We proposed a novel network anomaly-base botnet detection system that is independent of the protocol and structure used by botnet Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
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