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PHonics. A sound foundation for language learning at Ks2 and ks3. Why?. Develops pronunciation Builds pattern-finding and link-making Increases autonomy Improves confidence in production and performance Facilitates comprehension. O português. qua ndo. que i j o. i déia. coraç ão.

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  1. PHonics A sound foundation for language learning at Ks2 and ks3

  2. Why? • Develops pronunciation • Builds pattern-finding and link-making • Increases autonomy • Improves confidence in production and performance • Facilitates comprehension

  3. O português quando queijo idéia coração cidade chiclete feliz praia trabalho

  4. Para praticar Se podesolhar, vê. Se podesver, repara. If you can look, see. If you can see, notice.José Saramago, nobel prize in literature 1998 Nenhumaideiabrilhanteconsegueentraremcirculação se nãoagregando a siqualquerelemento de estupidez. No intelligent idea can gain general acceptance unless some element of stupidity is mixed in with it.Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese poet and writer, 1888-1935

  5. KS2 • explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words • transcribe words and short sentences that they hear with increasing accuracy KS3 Programme of Study for languages 2014

  6. KS2 • develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases* • speak coherently and confidently, with increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation KS3 Programme of Study for languages 2014

  7. How does it work in practice? • Teach the key sounds as key language • Use words that can have a picture and a gesture associated with them • Use the original phonics words to make a ‘bridge’ to other similar words when reading, listening, speaking and writing • Build in planned tasks that develop the sound-writing relationship • Respond to spontaneous opportunities to build the links

  8. idea elefante araña olvidar casa universo cerdo ciclista coche cucaracha gimnasia hamburguesa España zumo guitarra llave

  9. eu ui au oi les ciseaux le poisson Oui! le jeu-vidéo é u ou i le bébé les lunettes la poule le midi qu ez er gn danser le nez la question la montagne en on tion in le serpent le pont le vin la pollution

  10. äu j v w ch z au eu ei ai ie ä ö ü

  11. Progress: Skills { I can read text accurately that has new language in it I can use the language I’ve learnt to make an activity for my class I can use strategies to memorise & give a short talk I take part confidently in role plays in front of the class I set myself targets & try to meet them I can use all the sentence-building support on the CL sheet to write a short text { I take part 3 times per lesson in whole class interaction (co-teacher) I can remember how to pronounce words correctly over time I can use strategies to memorise single words & sentences I can adapt the language I know to create a rap/song I can use the linking words on the CL sheet to write a short paragraph I ask questions about language & respond to my targets { I talk confidently in paired dialogues in class. In class & at home I can sort out which words I know and don’t know I can use the language I know to describe a photo I know how to use different parts of ‘tener’, ‘ser’, & ‘hay’ to build my own sentences I can repeat new words accurately & make links to phonics I can look up new words confidently in a dictionary { In class I actively use music, song, gesture & colour to help me memorise I can use individual words to create a poem following a model I get started straight away on a new task I can adapt model sentences by changing 1 or 2 words to make new meanings I have learnt the phonics & remember the sounds I can memorise & perform a song in Spanish. Sentence-building Autonomy Creativity Performance Pronunciation Memory

  12. Task ideas Read aloud tasks Transcription tasks • Word card games • Rhyming poems • Tongue twisters • Categorising • Reading comic strips • Song / story (with or without gap-fills) • Cognate recognition • Syllable squares • Transcription • Integrated transcription

  13. niño niña araña piña señor señora España cumpleaños

  14. coche colegio cocodrilo conejo cobra cohete coliflor cocina

  15. Welches Tier ist das? 1. Ichschlafe auf einerMatratze, Ich bin einekleine …………………….. 2. HieristmeinneuesHaus, Hierwohntmeineliebe …………………. 3. Wieheißt du? Und wieheißtdeineschöne …………..? 4. Was istunterdemTisch? Ach, nein, das istmein …………….

  16. Una cacatrepa que trepa tiene tres cacatrepitos (A caterpillar that climbs has three baby caterpillars) Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal (Three sad tigers were swallowing wheat in a wheat field )

  17. A Clasificaestaspalabrassegún el número de sílabas.

  18. B Clasificaestaspalabrassegún el sonido - /ka/thé/ché

  19. La pequeña arañasubió, subió, subióvino la lluviay se la llevó.Salió el sol y todo lo secóy la pequeña arañasubió, subió, subió.

  20. Escucha bien y elige el artículo apropiado. A B C 1 A B C 2 3 A B C 4 A B C

  21. ¿Qué es un cognado? un hospital un adulto celebrar eléctrico un animal una familia un círculo un continente enorme

  22. ¿Qué son estas palabras?

  23. garganta 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. cabeza espalda mano pierna rodilla nariz orejas estómago brazo dedo pie

  24. Werist das? • ErspieltgernFußball. • Ermachtviel Sport. • Er hat an der Uni in Cambridge studiert. • Erwohntnicht in Comberton. • Erarbeitet an CVC. • Eristälterals Frau Hawkes. • EristunserSchuldirektor.

  25. Me llamo Carlos Vicente. Soy de Españaperomis padres son de Argentina asíque soy medioargentinomedioespañol. Habloespañol, porsupuesto, inglés y un poco de francés. Vivo ahora con mis padres; vivimos en Valencia, en el este del país. Mihermana no vive allí. Ella y suamigaviven en Barcelona.

  26. Me llamoCarlos Vicente. Soy de Españaperomis padres son de Argentina asíque soy medioargentinomedioespañol. Habloespañol, porsupuesto, inglés y un poco de francés. Vivo ahora con mis padres; vivimos en Valencia, en el estedel país. Mihermana no vive allí. Ella y suamigaviven en Barcelona.

  27. Minombrees ___________ Carlos Vicente. Soy de Españaperomis padres son __________ asíque soy medioargentinomedioespañol. . Habloespañol, __________, inglés y un poco de francés. Vivo ahora con ___________; vivimos en Valencia, en el este__________. Mihermana no vive allí. Ella y suamiga________________ en Barcelona. argentinos claro mi familia de España tienen un apartamento

  28. The sounds of French Almost all the French phonemes are contained in the French words for animals, colours and the numbers 1-20. Par exemple: OU douzeles couleurs rouge unesouris

  29. Songs are very useful Il est né le divinenfant Jouezhautbois, résonnez musettes Il est né le divinenfant Chantonstous sonavènement

  30. EnFrance on aime les bonbons! On a des grands bonbons. Nous aimons les bonbons! Allons et trouvons des bonbons! En France on porte des pantalons! On porte des grands pantalons. Nous aimons les pantalons . Allons et trouvons les pantalons! EnFrance

  31. Next Steps • Think about a specific class you teach which is not as good at pronouncing from text or as confident when they speak as you would like • Decide what sort of intervention is needed (e.g phonics key words teaching? Just more practice with anticipating the spelling?) • Look at the key language you are teaching that class next week. Which key sounds can you usefully focus on? • Which activities can you build in to support and develop the sound-writing relationship for that class?

  32. PHonics http://www.rachelhawkes.com/PandT/2014_Curriculum/2014Curr.php A sound foundation for language learning at Ks2 and ks3 http://www.rachelhawkes.com/Resources/Phonics/Phonics.php

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