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Head Start Dental Hygienist (DH) Liaison Webinar #1

Join us for a webinar on Head Start, its mission, history, services, performance standards, and more. Presented by Kathy Geurink RDH, MA, NCH-OHP Consultant and Michelle Landrum, R.D.H., M.Ed. Candidate, NCH-OHP Consultant.

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Head Start Dental Hygienist (DH) Liaison Webinar #1

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  1. Head Start Dental Hygienist (DH) Liaison Webinar #1 Presented by: Kathy GeurinkRDH, MA, NCH-OHP Consultant Email: kgeurink@zeecon.com Phone: 210-885-0474 and Michelle Landrum, R.D.H., M.Ed. Candidate, NCH-OHP Consultant Email: michellelandrum@yahoo.com Phone: 210-254-0574

  2. General Reminders • This webinar will be recorded and archived on the ASTDD website; • Questions will be addressed after the speakers are finished. Please type your question into the “chatbox” that will appear at the end of the webinar and then click on the bubble to the right of where you type your question to send it to the moderator; • Please respond to the polling questions at the conclusion of the webinar.

  3. Welcome from: Dr. Harry Goodman, DMD, MPH, ASTDD President and Susan Savage, RDH, BSDH, ADHA President

  4. Head Start A Review of its Mission, History, Services, Performance Standards, and PIR

  5. What is Head Start? • Head Start (HS) is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families (living at 100% or below the federal poverty level) . • HS programs provide a learning environment that supports children's growth in the following domains: • language and literacy • cognition and general knowledge • physical development and health • social and emotional development • approaches to learning • Source: Copied from ECLKC website: http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/hs/about

  6. History of Head Start • HS began as a summer demonstration project in 1965 as part of Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. • Since 1965, HS has served nearly 30 million children. Currently, HS is administered by the Admin. for Children and Families (ACF) within the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) and serves over 1 million children annually in all 50 states, US territories, and AI/AN and Migrant communities. • HS was reauthorized in 2007 with several provisions to strengthen HS quality. The HS training and technical assistance system was redesigned to support programs through six National Centers and a state-based system to ensure success. • Source: Copied from ECLKC website: http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/hs/about/history

  7. Head Start Services • HS programs provide comprehensive services to enrolled children and their families, which include: • education and cognitive development services • health, nutrition, social, and other services • HS emphasizes the role of parents as teachers, and programs build relationships with families that support: • family well-being and positive parent-child relationships • families as learners and lifelong educators • family engagement in transitions • family connections to peers and community • families as advocates and leaders • Source: Copied from ECLKC website: http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/hs/about

  8. Head Start Service Models • HS serves preschool-age children (3 – 5 years) and their families. Early Head Start (EHS) serves infants, toddlers (up to 36 months), pregnant women, and their families. • HS programs offer a variety of service models. Programs may be based in: • centers or schools that children attend for part-day or full-day services • family child care homes • children's own homes (home-based model), where a HS staff person visits once a week and provides services • Source: Copied from ECLKC website: http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/hs/about

  9. HS Program Performance Standards • The HS Program Performance Standards provide a standard definition of quality services that all EHS and HS grantees are required to follow. • HS performance standards related to oral health include: • Within the first 90 days of enrollment, HS must determine whether each child has an ongoing source of continuous, accessible care (“dental home”) • HS staff should ask the parents the following in order to determine if children have a “dental home” • Name of dental provider? • Date of last dental visit? • How often does the child visit the dentist?

  10. HS Performance Standards (cont’d) • Within the first 90 days of enrollment, a health care professional must determine if a child is up to date on preventive and primary oral health care according to state Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT or Medicaid) schedule • Health care professionals and HS staff access their state's EPSDT schedule to ensure children's health and dental needs are met • http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/states/epsdt

  11. HS Performance Standards (cont’d) • If a child is not up to date on age-appropriate preventive and primary care (EPSDT), HS must help parents bring the child up to date within the first 90 days of enrollment • e.g., assists with Medicaid/CHIP application, transportation, finding a dental provider, etc. • Head Start must obtain or arrange further diagnostic testing, examination, and treatment for each child with health/dental problem • Dental follow-up remains one of the biggest challenges for Head Start parents and staff

  12. HS Performance Standards (cont’d) • Dental follow-up and treatment must include topical fluoride treatments as recommended by a dental professional • Head Start must establish ongoing communication with parents of children with identified dental needs to facilitate the implementation of the plan • Education of HS staff, case management systems, and documentation are vital to this process

  13. HS Program Information Reports (PIR) • The PIR provides comprehensive data on the services, staff, children, and families served by HS programs. All grantees are required to submit PIR reports to the HHS OHS annually (self-reported data) • The PIR data is compiled for use at the federal, regional, state, and local levels.

  14. HS PIR (cont’d) Oral Health PIR data requirements: • Number of children age 3 and older who received preventive oral health care • Number of children age 3 and older who need dental treatment • Of those, how many children received or are receiving dental treatment • Reason children did not receive dental treatment

  15. HS PIR (cont’d) Oral Health PIR data requirements: • Number of children age 3 and older up-to-date on preventive and primary oral health care based on state EPSDT schedule (age varies by state) • Number of pregnant women who received an oral exam or treatment (EHS)

  16. Overview of the Head Start National Center on Health

  17. Head Start National Center on Health • Awarded to the American Academy of Pediatrics • Partners include: • Georgetown University • Education Development Center • National Training Institute for Child Care Consultants at UNC • Health Care Institute at UCLA • Mission • Improve the health outcomes of HS/EHS children

  18. Head Start National Centers

  19. Head Start National Center on Health • Goals • Provide evidence- and practice-based information and materials to the Head Start community • Work collaboratively with leaders in the health, early childhood and child care fields to improve the health of HS/EHS children and their families • Work with national, state, and local organizations and agencies to enhance the health care infrastructure that impacts and serves HS/EHS children and families

  20. NCH Priority Health Issues • Healthy weight, nutrition, and physical activity • Developmental and behavioral health • Safety and Injury prevention • Health literacy • Oral health and dental homes • Asthma prevention with special emphasis on tobacco exposure prevention

  21. NCH Resource Materials Examples • Referenced fact sheets • Resource guides • Best practice approach reports and promising practice descriptions • Tools to assist in the provision of T/TA • Curricula • Newsletter articles • Practice guides • Webinars • Podcasts

  22. NCH Oral Health Project (NCH-OHP) • Project leads: • Georgetown University’s National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center (OHRC) • The Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) • Framework: • Disease Prevention and Management • Access to Care • Systems Integration

  23. The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) is recognized as an important National Center on Health –Oral Health Project (NCH –OHP) partner.

  24. What is the Role of the HS-DH Liaison? • Dental hygienists in every state are serving in a volunteer role to: • Provide a communication link between NCH and statewide oral health activities and programs • Collaborate with the state partners including State Dental Directors, HS State Collaboration Directors and former DHI State Leads to address access to care issues • Assist in increasing preventive and educational services to Head Start statewide • Share resources with HS and other partners to deliver consistent messages on oral health

  25. Responsibilities of the HS-DH Liaison 1. Self-Introduction to partner groups as a point of contact2. Make connections to support a HS and oral health statewide network3. Submit a quarterly report of activity and collaboration to NCH –ADHA4. Stay informed through emails, webinars and www.astdd.org website

  26. Oral Health and Head Start Head Startdirectors, staff, and parents report oral health issues as one of their biggest challenges • Finding dentists • Following up on needed treatment

  27. Thank you • States A-M contact Kathy Geurink RDH, MA, NCH-OHP Consultant Email: kgeurink@zeecon.com • States N-Z contact Michelle Landrum, R.D.H., M.Ed. Candidate, NCH-OHP Consultant Email: michellelandrum@yahoo.com • ADHA Project Contact Daniel Zurawski, BA,MPA, ADHA Governmental Affairs Assistant danielz@adha.net

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