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School Workforce census: Steps in your Management Info. System ….
School Workforce census: Steps in your Management Info. System… START HERE: Load/Review/ Update all School Workforce (SWF) data in school’s Management Information System (MIS) (e.g. contract changes, ended contracts, leavers, new starters, new contracts, promotions, absences, changes to roles, hours & pay changes, additional payments and allowances, changes to Qualified Teacher Status / HLTA status, any qualifications obtained above A Level, etc.) during the school year on an on-going basis as changes occur. School upgrade MIS (if necessary). Then on census day: capture appropriately andLoad the census day specific SWF School Level (headcounts per group) dataand any teacher vacancies (including temporarily covered vacancies) e.g. use our form on WebFronter to capture suitable staff list for headcount part of return. Generate Return from MIS using steps of this flow chart below Note that HR/admin staff working on this return may choose to check data and ‘authorise’ return in MIS themselves, rather than involve (at this early checking stage) the leadership team/Head for authorisation & checking below, then involve head/etc. to check summary just once when all COLLECT issues are resolved. e.g. refer to our “On-going Preparations…” guidance and our “Autumn term actions needed by school” document (both can be downloaded from our WebFronter SWF page) for more details. Check latest ‘Privacy Notice’ is in school’s new starter pack so new staff always get one). Partial validation of SWF return data is done by the MIS: resolve appropriately the errors & queries found by your MIS (and any missing contracts if your MIS can find these too) (Although a few of your queries might not be resolvable – and will need notes on Collect later – almost all queries can and must be resolved appropriately. Call Data & Statistics for support if unsure (020 7 364 49 42). Resolve missing data, Errorsand resolvable Queries appropriately in your MIS. Your MISshould be able to make aSWF school summary as well as the actual SWF return data file.The newer School Summary is more logicallylaid out and so should be much easier to check).DfE guidance on checking a SWF return using your latest School Workforce (SWF) School Summary has not yet been published by the DfE this year…if DfE do publish advice (as in 2010 but notin 2011 or 2012) then we will sent it toschools and put it onWebFronter. DoesMIS think data is OK? NO (so no errors /queries shown by MIS).Even if no issues found here by the MIS, later(over page) the COLLECT checksmight find some Only start here if coming back from Collect Flowchart(on next page) YES (MIS found no issues) Create SWF School Summary (in E1 use “W” word icon) NO Check SWF school summary figures yourself for any obvious issues (no absence, etc) (note total staff will include the required leavers too) without involving the leadership team at this early stage of checks (advise that heads checking done after the Collect checks over page) Doschool summaryfigures seem right to you? YES “Authorise” in MIS system – Although Head teacher’s approval step ought to occur here (i.e. each and every time a return is “Authorised” in MIS), if Head Teacher wishes then their approval of return and their check of the summary to instead occur only once (at end of all the Collect checks), then only involve them later (just before pushing Collect ‘submit ‘button, on next page). School to upload return to COLLECT, as shown in the next Collect flowchart,and check it using LA SWF Collect Process guidance, to check each module for suitable number of records and to run the two COLLECT “Missing …” reportsand to resolve any COLLECT Errors (in MIS) and resolve (or add acceptable notes to) any Queries (all these resolutions to be done in MIS so resolving alsoinvolves repeating this MIS flowchart again) then, once all is ok, school must sign off return using COLLECT ‘submit’ button, so LA can ‘Approve’ & DfE ‘Authorise’. Start the Collect Flowchart (over page) . , Flowchart Page 1 of 2
…then, the steps in DfE’s COLLECT Live/Familiarisation web system: Start hereif coming from MIS process flowchart(on previous page/slide) Go to Collect LIVE and Log in and chose correct collection: School Workforce… 2013 Users of Internet Explorer version 8 or later (IE8+) should use ‘compatibility mode’ (e.g. turn compatibility mode/view ‘on’ if a Collect button seems to not work). Log off Collect, wait some time*, Log into Collect LIVE, chose School Workforce 2013 collection again (if needed get IE8+ into ‘compatibility mode’). (*immediately for first of these check-backs, then after 15min for any second check back,then approximately hourly if status of return is still “awaiting validation” on checking-back) Upload (or re-upload & overwrite) latest return (‘…SW3…’ file), wait until Collect says return is “…queued awaiting validation…” Press OK, Log off from Collect and immediately log back in (choosing ‘workforce 13’ again). Open Return in COLLECT (if necessaryin ‘compatibility mode’ for IE8+ users) check each module on grey menu for suitable number of records in each of the relevant Collect modules – e.g. refer to our “Collect Modules” guide on WebFronter. Flowchart file version 2013-09-18 17:45 as PPT-PPS Doesreturn status say ‘…Validated’ yet? NO YES Sorry, go back to green ‘start’ box of MIS flowchart (previous page) Use Collect “All Errors” button to view errors/queries (you may have several pages of them in Collect even if your return had no errors & no queries in your MIS. Check backperiodically logging off & on again) Resolve all errors, missing dataand queries back in MIS (and repeat wholeMIS flowchart process, to get revised new return on to COLLECT & check it) NO Data OK ?Solved list in “All Errors” (button) Any Schoolworkforce members seen oneither report, must be investigatedon the MIS and resolved so that schoolworkforce members all have pay AND allSWF members including anyone wholeft (during either current or previousacademic year) has a contract recordin the return. A contract details typereport in MIS may quickly findthose with no contract YES If you can see whoor what is missing… YES Ensure in Collect number of School Workforce members is not larger than the number of Contracts in COLLECT Anymissing recordsor pay issues or anyMissing Contracts (in school summary / ‘Missing…’ reports / if number of records in a relevant moduleis wrong) If any issues found by the Head If it is ok, (or if you can’t tell who’s missing) wait until this latest return has been on Collect overnight… Run Collect reports: ‘Missing contracts’ & ‘Missing payments’… NO Only if the Head is happy with the figures in the final school summary and there are no missing contracts and no errors/resolvable queries nor any other collect issues to be corrected then:Add suitable notes (remember to ‘create’ after typing) on only irresolvable queries , strictly in the errors list (and referring to any LA ‘Acceptable notes’ advice if published this year). Head teacher to check & approve school’s latest SWF13 school summary (ensuring it is for most recent version of return) now (if Head chose to not be involved in SWF process until after all COLLECT checks done). School must to use the “submit return” button in COLLECT to sign-off that return once it has complete and accurate data in each module, has no Collect errors, has no resolvable Collect queries (checked using the LA SWF Collect Process guidance document), has no missing contracts/ payments, has suitable notes on irresolvable queries and once head has approved all figures on school summary – this will “submit” the return for LA to run credibility checks on & ‘Approve’, then DFE ‘Authorise’. . Flowchart Page 2 of 2