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Philips business perspective on technology licensing and open innovation

Philips business perspective on technology licensing and open innovation. Alexander Damvelt. Director IP licensing, Philips Intellectual Property & Standards. October 13, 2009. Content. Philips business model, open innovation and licensing Open innovation approach

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Philips business perspective on technology licensing and open innovation

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  1. Philips business perspective on technology licensing and open innovation Alexander Damvelt Director IP licensing, Philips Intellectual Property & Standards October 13, 2009

  2. Content Philips business model, open innovation and licensing Open innovation approach From the old to the new IP world

  3. Philips Globally recognized brand (world top 50)our brand value has doubled to $8.3bn since 2004 121,000 employees in over 150 countries Sales over EUR 26 billion (USD 33 billion)with 3.5 EBITA as a % of sales €1.62 billion investment in R&D Healthcare Consumer Lifestyle Lighting

  4. Philips business model Manufacturing R&D Customer Sales & Marketing Open innovation Technology License Products Technology Transfer R&D 3rd Manufacturing 3rd Sales& Marketing Customer Open innovation partner licensee

  5. Create and control strategic know-how and IP: Securing competitive advantage Make available non-strategic know-how and IP: Generating extra value Get access to know-how and IP of others: Creating critical mass and market opportunities Be present in innovation hotspots: Access to talent and partners Philips’ open innovation strategy

  6. Today’s view on Open Innovation Closed Innovation • Benefits of the sandpit • You don’t have to pay for all the toys • You can use the toys others don’t want • You can negotiate to play with other toys • You can play alone or together Open Innovation Rules of the sandpit • The toys must be shared • You can’t have it all your way • You must behave yourself

  7. Tomorrow’s view on Open Innovation Closed Innovation Collaborative Innovation Open Innovation Typical characteristics of the playground • You need others to play, playing alone is the exception • You can build, others can build, together it forms a nice constellation • There are many different people and toys to play with (which one to choose?) • Others can play everywhere and with anyone (why with you?)

  8. From Old World to New World In-house R&D Open Innovation M&A transaction IP Scouting / Acquisition Fully own IP Shared IP IP portfolio creation Paid IP Fully owned IP Acquired IP IP commercialization Lic-out for $ Cross-Lic. IP-sales IP deals Cust./Suppl. Trade for shares in spin-out/ start-up Trade for shares in JV Securitization Financing Standards compliance Collaboration with 3rd parties … More IP transaction opportunities

  9. Find the win-win in IP aspects • Balance of business interest: • In arranging technology contributions vs. commercialization opportunities • In granting IP rights and IP ownership • In protecting product and licensing business in view of differentiating technologies Manufacturing R&D Sales & Marketing Customer Open innovation Technology License Technology Transfer R&D 3rd Manufacturing 3rd Sales& Marketing Customer Open innovation partner licensee

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