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In Class this Week World History. Monday- No School- Labor Day Tuesday- Review Formative, Enlightenment Philosopher Mini-Lesson Wednesday- Test Review Game Thursday- Foundations of Democracy Unit Test Friday- Return Tests, Debrief and Evaluate Foundations of Democracy Unit.
In Class this WeekWorld History • Monday- No School- Labor Day • Tuesday- Review Formative, Enlightenment Philosopher Mini-Lesson • Wednesday- Test Review Game • Thursday- Foundations of Democracy Unit Test • Friday- Return Tests, Debrief and Evaluate Foundations of Democracy Unit
HomeworkWorld History • Notes on Historical Figures- Handout 1.2F (due Thursday at time of Test) • Study for Test (Thursday 9-6) • All Late, missing, incomplete work due on Thursday at the time of the test. • Check Aeries- Assignments are posted
In Class this Week US History • Monday- No class- Labor Day • Tuesday- Go over quiz; Bill of Rights Ranking Activity and Project Introduction • Wed. and Thursday- Work on your Bill of Rights Project (Due Thursday) • Friday- Unit One Test- Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights
Quickwrite • Which philosopher do you agree with the most? Explain. Be sure to explain what this philosopher believed and contrast his/her beliefs with at least one other philosopher.
Plato Background • Born in Greece in 428 B.C. • Close friend and student of Socrates (philosopher) • Studied philosophy, math, and government
Plato Beliefs Ideal Government Democracy is “mob rule” by ignorant people. Monarchy (autocracy) is also dangerous because erodes to tyranny. Ideally, power and wisdom must be united in same person (recommend philosopher-kings) • Individuals have strengths that can benefit society. • Role determined by talent- meritocracy • Education essential to good citizenship because educated seek wisdom and justice rather than wealth and power.
General Facts • 384-322 B.C.E. • Born in Stagira, a small town on the northeast coast of Thrace • Father was physician to king of Macedonia • Traveled widely after Plato’s death & ended up in Macedonia where he served as Alexander the Great’s tutor • Returned to Athens in 335 to found his own academy, Lyceum
Aristotle Beliefs Ideal Form of Government Monarchy would be great if the monarch could be trusted (but they can’t) Democracy is least dangerous, but most people spend their time working. The best form of government would be an aristocracy, made up of educated members of the middle class. • People are not born good but learn to be good through education and membership in society. • Philosophers should be independent spirits- beyond trivia of politics. • Everyone educated and participate for the good of society.
Jean Jacque Rousseau Background Beliefs People are born in a state of nature (good, independent). In nature people live happily. Society leads to competition and corruption. • Born in Geneva Switz. In 1712 • Unstable Childhood
Jean Jacque Rousseau Politics • Believes in direct democracy, people directly involved in government (Like Geneva, Switz.) • Anything but Direct Democracy leads to corruption. • Officers/administrators of gov. could administer will of people.
Baron de Montesquieu Background • Born Charles Louis de Secondat in Bordeaux France in 1689. • Although wealthy, he was placed in the care of a poor family. • Later lived with uncle and assumed his title- Baron de Montesquieu
Baron de Montesquieu Beliefs Politics/Government He believed a monarchy with shared powers was the best form of government. There should be a balance of power between different branches of gov. Too much power in one person or branch leads to corruption and abuse. • Religious conflict threatened stability. • NOT Atheism but religious tolerance.
Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797 • Believed women and men deserved the same rights and the same opportunities. • The ideal from of government would be a form of democracy in which branches shared power.
Elizabeth I 1533-1603 • Believed that her subjects were her “children.” • People had place in society. • The ideal form of government was a monarchy; she shared power with parliament (sometimes reluctantly).
Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679 • Enlightened philosopher. • Social Contract Theory- Because people are selfish, they must give up some freedom in order to live safely and thrive. • Ideal from of government is a monarchy that serves the public interest.
John Locke 1632-1704 • Human beings are able to reason. • Social Contract Theory- Government is relationship between people and government. • Best form of government is a representative democracy with shared powers (branches). • People have right to “life, liberty and property” and may revolt in certain situations.
Louis XIV 1638-1715 • The Sun King • Believed in the Divine Right of Kings. • The best form of government is a powerful monarchy.